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Too much, not enough, or just right?

Hello everyone. New to the forum but not to vaping and have a quick question. I have a new mutation x v4s and although I have had it working decently I still feel it could be better. I had a tugboat v2 before and (regrettably) gave it away to my dad. Now I realize that this rda probably will never produce as much flavor as the tugboat which was awesome but I am certain it can be better than it is now. It seems to be very picky when it comes to my builds. I have tried many different things but still don't get a clean flavor. It has always either tasted borderline burnt or spits back so bad that I can't even stand to vape it. I think it may be my wicking but have gone through tons of cotton trying different amounts and being in a deployed location it takes at least three weeks to get anything shipped here and that's if I'm lucky. So, I don't want to waste any more of my supplies until my new stuff gets here. What do you guys think? Is this a good amount of cotton? Is there something else you see wrong with my build? Thanks for the help. 20160617_142056.jpg 20160617_142107.jpg


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well that is a bummer ... am no master builder but i'd say the build looks good from what I can see and the cotton looks about right as well - you could try to layer some cotton over the coils to minimize the spit, that trick works well sometimes .. either fluff some over or actually layer some on top .. What wire and power are you running on this? also what is the avg temp where you are and the make up of your juice -ie %of pg/vg ? Temperature control or straight wattage mode? kanthal / SS / Nichrome / Titanium? maybe just some adjusting could be in order?

good luck with it .. I'm sure someone here can lend a hand !


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You could try using the plugs for the bottom air flow and just use the side air flow. Better flavor that way imo.


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Using a drip tip with a smaller inner diameter will improve flavor. Wide bore tips kill flavor.


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I have the mini version of this RDA mutation XS. I find I get best flavor using a dual parallel build like you have in the pic but I ONLY use the bottom air flow, also I use a standard 510 drip tip. I wick the same way as you and I use cotton bacon v2. Just be careful when you drip those bottom airflow holes do leak if you get juice in them.
well that is a bummer ... am no master builder but i'd say the build looks good from what I can see and the cotton looks about right as well - you could try to layer some cotton over the coils to minimize the spit, that trick works well sometimes .. either fluff some over or actually layer some on top .. What wire and power are you running on this? also what is the avg temp where you are and the make up of your juice -ie %of pg/vg ? Temperature control or straight wattage mode? kanthal / SS / Nichrome / Titanium? maybe just some adjusting could be in order?

good luck with it .. I'm sure someone here can lend a hand !

I'm using 24g kanthal on a koopor plus at 80-90 watts. My juice is 70/30 vg/pg. I'm waiting on some max vg juice. In the day here it is usually 105 to 110 degrees. Thanks for the suggestions.
You could try using the plugs for the bottom air flow and just use the side air flow. Better flavor that way imo.

I have been doing that for the last week. Just took them out last night when I redid the wicking. With it being so hot outside it vapes way too hot without all of the airflow. And if I turn the power down its not producing much vapor with these parallel coils.


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I have this rda. I like the flavor I'm getting. My set up is full open airflow, 24g wrapped 7 times on a 2.5mm. I think your lack of flavor is from the parallel build. I do parallel for clouds, not for flavor.
I have this rda. I like the flavor I'm getting. My set up is full open airflow, 24g wrapped 7 times on a 2.5mm. I think your lack of flavor is from the parallel build. I do parallel for clouds, not for flavor.
That is exactly how I set it up the first time except on a 3mm screwdriver (that's all I have right now) and flavor wise I can't really tell a difference.


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zach - just for curiosity's sake .. the flavor you were getting on the tugboat, was that also while you were deployed in that temperature or was that while you were stateside?? Just wondering re humidity where you are and how that temp is changing the thickness of your juice and or maybe water condensing in. just for shits & giggles try cooling that juice to like 60 degrees if you can and see if it makes a difference ??

kinda reaching here but just saying ...
zach - just for curiosity's sake .. the flavor you were getting on the tugboat, was that also while you were deployed in that temperature or was that while you were stateside?? Just wondering re humidity where you are and how that temp is changing the thickness of your juice and or maybe water condensing in. just for shits & giggles try cooling that juice to like 60 degrees if you can and see if it makes a difference ??

kinda reaching here but just saying ...

Actually I was in an even hotter place. When I got the tugboat I was in Qatar which reached 130 degrees a couple times but usually stayed around 110 to 115 in the day during the summer. The humidity wasn't as high there though. You might be on to something. Maybe the humidity here is muting the flavor somehow.

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