Hello everyone. New to the forum but not to vaping and have a quick question. I have a new mutation x v4s and although I have had it working decently I still feel it could be better. I had a tugboat v2 before and (regrettably) gave it away to my dad. Now I realize that this rda probably will never produce as much flavor as the tugboat which was awesome but I am certain it can be better than it is now. It seems to be very picky when it comes to my builds. I have tried many different things but still don't get a clean flavor. It has always either tasted borderline burnt or spits back so bad that I can't even stand to vape it. I think it may be my wicking but have gone through tons of cotton trying different amounts and being in a deployed location it takes at least three weeks to get anything shipped here and that's if I'm lucky. So, I don't want to waste any more of my supplies until my new stuff gets here. What do you guys think? Is this a good amount of cotton? Is there something else you see wrong with my build? Thanks for the help.