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Tooth Extraction

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Has anyone ever had this procedure done? Were they able to do it in your sleep?


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I got shots to numb it and happy gas. That was many years ago and times have changed.


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I had a wisdom tooth removed. I was told, I needed someone to dive me home. They gave me some injection, some laughing gas. I woke up when the dentist put the last piece of gauze in my mouth. A nurse and my wife brought me to the car. According to my wife, it must have been really entertaining. I didn't remember anything of what she told me about it. :D In those days, I was still smoking. Of course, I did get a dry socket. However, it was an easy fix.

Rinse with camomile tea. Camomile is an anti inflammatory, and disinfectant.


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Has anyone ever had this procedure done? Were they able to do it in your sleep?

General for a tooth? That's an awful lot of extra effort. Not even sure an insurance company would go for that.

I've had multiple teeth yanked out with local/no gas. Everything turned out ok, but those sounds. You can't unhear those. Wonder if gas makes you unable to remember the noises...


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Had one extraction that took 6 hours, 5 of those was not numb.
Last one for a broken tooth took about 5 minutes in and out and felt 100% better instantly.


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Since I have a massive gagging complex, lots of neat drugs to put me under and more to kill the pain afterwards.

Last time I did find that I could vape without bothering the socket!


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the nightmare extraction put me in the chair twice. the 6 hour round of hell was 1 step. the second one they hit a nerve and fucked up my face, I was cruising around like a stroke victim for a couple months.
BUT that second bout put me down and out and in the hospital with near stroke like blood pressure and my heart freaking out due to the amount of epi.


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My very first time was long before my present dentist of over 30 years.

All of my wisdom teeth had to go and they were all impacted.

It was a freaking nightmare as he had to split each tooth into pieces to remove them.

Then I got home and the Novocaine started to wear off.

I opened the bag of "Painkillers" and found freaking Aspirin!

Off to the Liquor Store I went to purchase a Fifth of Kentucky's finest.

Rotten Bastard Dentist!


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Has anyone ever had this procedure done? Were they able to do it in your sleep?

Most extractions are painless now. The damn shots hurt me worse than the extractions ever did (I got all 4 wisdom teeth done in a 10 day period). Most will offer you gas.


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I had my wisdom teeth done. All of them both sides in one shot. They knocked my ass out for that. I recomend getting the big bottle of what ever liquar you prefer.


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Well my sister is a dentist and I've had alot of work done by her....simple tooth extraction..if the tooth isn't too far rotten...pretty simple and fast...bad rotten tooth...I've had to go to an oral surgeon and have it cut out.....


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Well my sister is a dentist and I've had alot of work done by her....simple tooth extraction..if the tooth isn't too far rotten...pretty simple and fast...bad rotten tooth...I've had to go to an oral surgeon and have it cut out.....
My fast one cracked into the root and remained.. at 6pm and did not get it extracted until the next day at 2pm...
FUCK a duck, nothing was touching the pain... I was almost insane by the time I got it pulled.

Not sure what sucked more..
The cracked wait or when I had them finish the grinding for the crown when the numbing shit wore off. That had been exposed for 48 hours before it was finished.
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My fast one cracked into the root and remained.. at 6pm and did not get it extracted until the next day at 2pm...
FUCK a duck, nothing was touching the pain... I was almost insane by the time I got it pulled.
been there done that got the T-shirt.... actually have a drawer full of them.


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I would have just drank untill i was sane. Then probably go insane. Thst sucks.

Im dealing with prolonged tooth pain now, just waiting for my dental insurence from my new job to kick in to start getting it fixed. Tooth pain sucks bull dick. Id rather endure pain anywhere else.


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I would have just drank untill i was sane. Then probably go insane. Thst sucks.

Im dealing with prolonged tooth pain now, just waiting for my dental insurence from my new job to kick in to start getting it fixed. Tooth pain sucks bull dick. Id rather endure pain anywhere else.
have you tried clove oil


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No. Havent even hears of that.
Its gotten to the point were i have my good days and my bad days. My bad days useualy end just short of me hitting my face with a hammer. Ive yet to actualy hit my face with a hammer.


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My good days are just a slight pain....... i can normally get by with a fist full of ibprofen. (About 2000mg give or take ahundred or two)


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had a tooth pulled Monday. Fine now, but for a month I was taking 6-10 Ibuprofen a day. I still have 6 pain pills left of my prescription. Woo Hoo!:D.


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Has anyone ever had this procedure done? Were they able to do it in your sleep?
I had to have one pulled. It wasn't bad. You just feel the pressure of the pull. Slightly tender for a couple day after.


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Had all four wisdom teeth done in the same procedure when I was 18 - three partial bony extractions (tooth partially fused to bone), one full bone. They knocked me out but I woke up halfway through, saw the dentist and assistant covered in blood, and according to the ex-wife attempted to scream something like "Noooo! I am HUMAN, and I shall LIVE!" with giant blocks stuffed in my jaw to keep the mouth open.

I went home and despite better advice tried smoking a cigarette like 3-4 hours later - pulled all of the barely-formed scabs out of the holes and bled profusely from the mouth for a couple hours. Once I stopped bleeding I tried to smoke again. Then the neighbor from the lower apartment, some sort of urban pharmacist, gave me this little blue pill and I slept for two days. Woke up, went to Yak in the Sack for a giant strawberry shake, then had another smoke while I was waiting for the shake to thaw enough for me to drink it...


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the wisdom teeth were a whole nother story...
Two impacted with bone removal, damned near sideways.

I just wish people would leave me well enough the fuck alone when coming out of full sedation, I get violent as fuck...


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the wisdom teeth were a whole nother story...
Two impacted with bone removal, damned near sideways.

I just wish people would leave me well enough the fuck alone when coming out of full sedation, I get violent as fuck...
I've only done it a couple times, but the sideline reporters say I always come out swinging...


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Between having all 4 sets of wisdom teeth come in and having a few milk teeth let's just say I don't got a sexy smile.Don't fuck around and do silly things after an extraction because having a dry socket is very very painful.


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Between having all 4 sets of wisdom teeth come in and having a few milk teeth let's just say I don't got a sexy smile.Don't fuck around and do silly things after an extraction because having a dry socket is very very painful.
what,,you must be english

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I want to see if they can put me to sleep. I have heard that IV sedation is the best best.


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I had teeth removed I got a bone infection in my mouth spent 4 years fightning it screwed up the naral flora in my intestines and got sicker I suggest its easier to just
I want to see if they can put me to sleep. I have heard that IV sedation is the best best.
If its a Oral surgeon they can but it is not always covered by your insurance.. I have had it done with Gas needle and IV and surely the later is best but it did cost me a few hundred dollars as its not considered required..


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Has anyone ever had this procedure done? Were they able to do it in your sleep?

Took my son to a oral surgeon (?) and he had all four wisdom teeth removed while asleep.

I have had my bottom wisdom teeth removed on seperate ocasions and not much fun with just laughing gas and shots of novocain.
Last check up was good, nothing needing repairs but he did recommend I have the top two wisdoms removed..oh joy, maybe later.


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Nez Perce.
You're making me feel suspicious.
nah, like alot of Americans I'm mixed blood as well.ever been up on the grand rounde river up in oregon it's on Nez Perce land...I've only seen pictures of it , but it is beautiful and I've always dreamed of fishing it.

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I am paying out of pocket anyway, so I might as well go to sleep so that I don't have the urge to yell or run and mess up the procedure.


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nah, like alot of Americans I'm mixed blood as well.ever been up on the grand rounde river up in oregon it's on Nez Perce land...I've only seen pictures of it , but it is beautiful and I've always dreamed of fishing it.
Places I've been in Oregon.
Corvallis,Portland,Clamath Falls.
Traveled along the Willamette River to the Three Sisters.
Been to Crater Lake once as well.


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My good days are just a slight pain....... i can normally get by with a fist full of ibprofen. (About 2000mg give or take ahundred or two)

While I understand your desire to wait until your insurance kicks in. A serious toothache is not something you want to put off. I speak from experience when I tell you that you could possibly be putting your life in danger. If it becomes abscessed, you're going to endure some incredible pain and swelling. And the longer you put it off, the higher the chance the infection will spread. And you have a lot of vital areas within inches of that tooth. Your brain, eyes, ears, and sinus areas.

We're all tough guys here. But a toothache is something I will not tolerate for more than an afternoon.

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Yeah, I regret it too. This is why I have to get it pulled when I probably could have gotten a filling had I gone earlier.
I had a wisdom tooth removed. I was told, I needed someone to dive me home. They gave me some injection, some laughing gas. I woke up when the dentist put the last piece of gauze in my mouth. A nurse and my wife brought me to the car. According to my wife, it must have been really entertaining. I didn't remember anything of what she told me about it. :D In those days, I was still smoking. Of course, I did get a dry socket. However, it was an easy fix.

Rinse with camomile tea. Camomile is an anti inflammatory, and disinfectant.

I had to have two pulled a couple of months before.I just felt that damn pressure of the pull. Apart from that, I felt nothing awful except the tenderness felt for 3 days.
After that, I consulted with my orthodontist at Oshawa ( ) and vaped after a couple of weeks.I could vape without bothering my sockets.Hurray! I am more comfortable with vaping since it is safe for our heart and arteries.Happy heart :)


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Had several pulled. Only ones that hurt was the ones that had abscessed. Then got tired of prolonging the inevitable. (Gum problems) Had all of them pulled at once. Didn't feel a thing but the pressure. Lot of crunching sounds though.


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I had to have two pulled a couple of months before.I just felt that damn pressure of the pull. Apart from that, I felt nothing awful except the tenderness felt for 3 days.
After that, I consulted with my orthodontist at Oshawa ( ) and vaped after a couple of weeks.I could vape without bothering my sockets.Hurray! I am more comfortable with vaping since it is safe for our heart and arteries.Happy heart :)
Who said vaping is safe for our heart and arteries? That is an unknown


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Fuck what a week.
Last friday cracked the filling in a premolar, nothing until monday morning.
Cracked that shit down under the gum line. Bunch of back and forth shit, Tramadol for first visit.
Got the bastard pulled yesterday with a deep seated bone infection, some suck for the injections instant relief when pulled.
Bled all day and night, on monster antibiotics and oxy for the pain.


Diamond Contributor
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Fuck what a week.
Last friday cracked the filling in a premolar, nothing until monday morning.
Cracked that shit down under the gum line. Bunch of back and forth shit, Tramadol for first visit.
Got the bastard pulled yesterday with a deep seated bone infection, some suck for the injections instant relief when pulled.
Bled all day and night, on monster antibiotics and oxy for the pain.


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