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Top Dem: Ban e-cigs on airplanes


Under Ground Hustler
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and now we finally get to the agenda part of the fake news "exploding ecigarette" witch hunt.

Ban them on airplanes that way when you land in one of the higest tobacco tax states you will need to buy $13.00 packs of cigarettes the whole time you are there.

It's not enough to wallet fuck you with lodging, food, and transportation they need to fuck you from every direction possible - 5150


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Ban Dem's on planes.

And in Trains, buses and car's!

Make them peddle their fat asses around on old broken down bicycles with the flower basket up front to hold their BS and their government credit card's in the spokes to make cute little noises!
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I'm with you caihlen. Went to Tucson for a couple weeks vacation this year. Could have flown, but I wasted a week driving. Gave up NO rights/privileges, and got to cruise through Colorado a couple times :bliss:


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Ban them on airplanes that way when you land in one of the higest tobacco tax states you will need to buy $13.00 packs of cigarettes the whole time you are there.
Hell will have to freeze solid before any goobermint on the face of this planet gets another dime out of me in tobacco taxes. There are always alternatives of one kind or another available. That might mean driving instead of flying, special purpose vape-gear that appears to be something else brought along for the flight, or a package shipped ahead and waiting at the destination. Where there's a will, there's a way.

Oh, and as for Senator Blumenthal, he's very much a textbook ANTZ politician. However, I'm puzzled why anyone would think he's a "Top Democrat". He's just finishing his first term in the Senate. Sadly, he was re-elected in November, but in any case, 6 years in the Senate isn't much as far as seniority goes.

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