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Traded, please close:)

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Hey guys, I have realized I will never use these as it just isn't working for my tastes....

1 bottle I used for a couple recipes and I cant tell you how much I used but you can't even tell any is missing, the other 2 are brand new still have the plastic tabs on the bottle unopened, they do have some discoloration due to another flavor leaking on them due to the awesome new blue caps FA is using.

I have a new flavor I am making that requires quite a bit of Caps sweet strawberry, so I would like to trade for 3 13 ml bottles ... should be about even on the price and although it sounds like a pain in the ass, selling them right now just seems as much of a pain in the ass.

I would even go with 2 13 ml's of caps sweet strawberry and a 10 ml FA fuji, as I have been waiting for them to get some in at BCV but its been over a month!!!

I will probably end up selling these if I get no bites on the trade but for now just looking to trade them.



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OOooh. me me!! I think I have a 4 ounce bottle of the Caps which is way too much for me. I'll certainly use some of , but never the full 4 ounces. Let's talk!

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