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Triton 0.4 ohm coils questions


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Hey everybody. Quick back story, I'm a vaping newb of about a month. Haven't touched a cigarette in 2 weeks. I love it so far and love learning about e-cigs. I started out with an Aspire Triton with .4 ohm coils and an Aspire CF Sub ohm battery and now I also have a MVP 3.0 Pro because I wanted the ability to fine tune my vape. So here are the questions that have me scratching my head. The Triton .4 ohm coil range states 25-30 watts but the CF Sub ohm battery fires at 4.2 volts. If we do the math, 4.2 x 4.2 / .4 = 44.1 watts, that exceeds Aspire's listed recommendation. Since all 3 pieces are made by the same company and were sold as a set I kind of figured they were supposed to go together. Is this going to burn the coil up faster? Could that be dangerous? I put the Triton on my MVP and set it to 30 watts per Aspire and the juice had very little flavor. At 44 watts or switching over to 4.2 volts it was back to tasting right, but still I'm exceeding the listed wattage by 14. I would really appreciate some advice and/or opinions. Thanks


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I run my triton @ 40 watts all day everyday . My first coil lasted 3 1/2 weeks

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I think it's a decent tank . Really like the top fill . I use it for work and when I get home I switch to the tfv4 . Now that tank is awesome for flavor and cloud production .

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Being that I'm new I don't have much to compare it against. I'm actually on my second Triton. The first one I got leaked like crazy from the bottom air vents so I returned it and the only option I was given was a swap out. So far the second one has not leaked. Overall I think it gives good flavor and cloud production. Pros: cooling fins under the drip tip, holds a good amount of juice, able to use Atlantis coils, wide range of ohm coil compatibility, drip tip air flow vents (I keep my top ones closed and the bottom wide open though). Cons: lots of people complaining about leaks, does not come fully apart so juice changing will take a couple of tanks to cycle out the old, Triton coils are tad pricey. The rest is a toss up depending on who you talk to. In my opinion the top fill holes make it quick to refill, and you will need that because this thing drinks juice, but when you are sub ohming that is the price we pay. There are a couple of downsides to the top fill such as having a squeeze tip small enough to get close to the fill hole. I'm pretty sure there is no seal there just closely spaced metal and there seems to always be a little liquid in there. Like I said before it doesn't come apart so if you were to drop it and break the glass you have to buy another one. Overall I'm satisfied with the Triton. I have the iSub G that came with my mvp that uses .5 ohm coils and I think the Triton out performs it. I have heard that the Kanger Sub tank and mini produce better flavor than the Triton but I have also heard they seep bad. Anyone have any experience with the Sub tank or mini?
Being that I'm new I don't have much to compare it against. I'm actually on my second Triton. The first one I got leaked like crazy from the bottom air vents so I returned it and the only option I was given was a swap out. So far the second one has not leaked. Overall I think it gives good flavor and cloud production. Pros: cooling fins under the drip tip, holds a good amount of juice, able to use Atlantis coils, wide range of ohm coil compatibility, drip tip air flow vents (I keep my top ones closed and the bottom wide open though). Cons: lots of people complaining about leaks, does not come fully apart so juice changing will take a couple of tanks to cycle out the old, Triton coils are tad pricey. The rest is a toss up depending on who you talk to. In my opinion the top fill holes make it quick to refill, and you will need that because this thing drinks juice, but when you are sub ohming that is the price we pay. There are a couple of downsides to the top fill such as having a squeeze tip small enough to get close to the fill hole. I'm pretty sure there is no seal there just closely spaced metal and there seems to always be a little liquid in there. Like I said before it doesn't come apart so if you were to drop it and break the glass you have to buy another one. Overall I'm satisfied with the Triton. I have the iSub G that came with my mvp that uses .5 ohm coils and I think the Triton out performs it. I have heard that the Kanger Sub tank and mini produce better flavor than the Triton but I have also heard they seep bad. Anyone have any experience with the Sub tank or mini?
Thanxs very helpful

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I think it's a decent tank . Really like the top fill . I use it for work and when I get home I switch to the tfv4 . Now that tank is awesome for flavor and cloud production .

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How do you like the tfv4?????

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I really enjoy mine . My RDA and other tanks can't compare . I have started DIY ejuice just to keep it full .

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Just an update. My second Triton started leaking and I have shelved it. Using the iSub G that came with the MVP 3.0 Pro with absolutely no issues. The Triton is just a pos and would advise anyone to stay away from it. Currently waiting on my Kangertech Sub Tank Mini V2 to be delivered.


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I had some leaking issues with my Triton when I first got it, but taking a couple measures made the problem go away. The atomizer definitely needs to be screwed in very tightly, that's where the bottom leaking was coming from for me, I thought it was secure but it was apparently just ever so slightly loose, make sure it's really snug in there. I had a little bit of top leaking also but I think that was just a case of sloppy filling in that top, and it's probably that I simply overfilled a little. Just making sure the atomizer is in there tightly, and using a little less juice when filling and I've had no leaking problems, even if the tank is left on it's side (which I do tend to avoid anyway). Tank has been working great since, no spitting or leaking, vaping around 35 watts usually. Let me know how that Kanger works for you in comparison though, curious if there's a solid difference in flavor/clouds between them!


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I had some leaking issues with my Triton when I first got it, but taking a couple measures made the problem go away. The atomizer definitely needs to be screwed in very tightly, that's where the bottom leaking was coming from for me, I thought it was secure but it was apparently just ever so slightly loose, make sure it's really snug in there. I had a little bit of top leaking also but I think that was just a case of sloppy filling in that top, and it's probably that I simply overfilled a little. Just making sure the atomizer is in there tightly, and using a little less juice when filling and I've had no leaking problems, even if the tank is left on it's side (which I do tend to avoid anyway). Tank has been working great since, no spitting or leaking, vaping around 35 watts usually. Let me know how that Kanger works for you in comparison though, curious if there's a solid difference in flavor/clouds between them!

I made sure everything was really tight and seems to help a little. Got my Kanger mini v2 last Monday and it blows away the Triton and the iSub G I have.Great cloud production, amazing flavor, and a solid design with no leaking. The range on the .5 coil is crazy 15-60 watts. I'm running mine at 40 with 70/30 blend. One thing of note is depending on which one you get there are slight differences in what's in the box. I got the stainless steel one and I got the usual rba deck and kit, extra 1.2 coil, extra pyrex tank glass, but I also got an extra set of black o-rings that I promptly replaced the red ones with. After loving mine I got my wife a white one, her's did not come with extra o-rings but 2 drip tips in black and white. There is a con, you won't like your other tanks after using the mini; they just won't stack up. I already want 2 more so I can switch between juices easier. Might try the Sub tank v2 and plys v2 next. Not really a con but I notice it does roll through juice fast. I'm thinking about giving the 1.2 or 1.5 coil a try and seeing if that helps with juice consumption. I did try it out just to see what the flavor was like and it was pretty good, the 1.2 was actually on par with .4 in my Triton as far as taste goes. Just hard to turn away from that amazing flavor in the mini .5.


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I have the Triton but don't use it. I wouldn't waste your money on the RBA, either. You'll have to experiment with different tanks or RDAs before you find what you really like. My preferences changed over time and I'm still experimenting but I'm closer to what suites me and the Triton, while it has tons of air flow and top fill, just doesn't make the cut... there are so many better options, in my opinion, for dense, flavorful vapor. My next tank will either be the Billow or the TFv4, otherwise I'm sticking to RDAs, now.


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I made sure everything was really tight and seems to help a little. Got my Kanger mini v2 last Monday and it blows away the Triton and the iSub G I have.Great cloud production, amazing flavor, and a solid design with no leaking. The range on the .5 coil is crazy 15-60 watts. I'm running mine at 40 with 70/30 blend. One thing of note is depending on which one you get there are slight differences in what's in the box. I got the stainless steel one and I got the usual rba deck and kit, extra 1.2 coil, extra pyrex tank glass, but I also got an extra set of black o-rings that I promptly replaced the red ones with. After loving mine I got my wife a white one, her's did not come with extra o-rings but 2 drip tips in black and white. There is a con, you won't like your other tanks after using the mini; they just won't stack up. I already want 2 more so I can switch between juices easier. Might try the Sub tank v2 and plys v2 next. Not really a con but I notice it does roll through juice fast. I'm thinking about giving the 1.2 or 1.5 coil a try and seeing if that helps with juice consumption. I did try it out just to see what the flavor was like and it was pretty good, the 1.2 was actually on par with .4 in my Triton as far as taste goes. Just hard to turn away from that amazing flavor in the mini .5.

Thanks for the info! While I still love the triton this far I definitely am in the market for another tank to switch flavors easily. I'll give the Kanger a shot based on your solid review. My triton does roll through juice damn quickly but that is the general nature of sub-ohms. I also have 1.8 coils for the triton but I already have 2 nautilus mini tanks to satisfy my mouth to lung daily vaping needs so I don't use those coils in the triton anyway. The triton is just for sub-ohm cloud and big flavor fun when I'm home and off work :)


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IMO tanks are not "easy" to switch flavors. Wash the tank, change coils, refill and vape.

I've never had luck trying to clean coils and not get off flavors from the last juice. I always end up using a new coil for a new flavor. And it's a cost I don't like paying. Especially if you are buying coils for the TFV4 local, and they run 7+ bucks a coil....

If I want to play around switching flavors, I'll use an RDA. Quick rinse and slap in some new cotton wick, good to go!


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IMO tanks are not "easy" to switch flavors. Wash the tank, change coils, refill and vape.

I've never had luck trying to clean coils and not get off flavors from the last juice. I always end up using a new coil for a new flavor. And it's a cost I don't like paying. Especially if you are buying coils for the TFV4 local, and they run 7+ bucks a coil....

If I want to play around switching flavors, I'll use an RDA. Quick rinse and slap in some new cotton wick, good to go!

Yeah with the Triton I've had the same issue, I dont use multiple flavors across the life of one coil because the last flavor doesn't seem to budge. In my nautilus minis though, the flavor seems to switch over after just a few hits. RDAs are the next step for me though I've heard bad things about them for the triton including smaller holes so decreased wicking performance? I'm still looking into it but it I definitely want to continue using this tank, it's treated me well.


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With my subtank mini v2 I clean all the parts then run some unflavored through the coil. The worst that's come of that is a watered down start to the next flavor. That's only with the ready made coils. With the RBA I just change the cotton after some of my sweeter juices.


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Yeah with the Triton I've had the same issue, I dont use multiple flavors across the life of one coil because the last flavor doesn't seem to budge. In my nautilus minis though, the flavor seems to switch over after just a few hits. RDAs are the next step for me though I've heard bad things about them for the triton including smaller holes so decreased wicking performance? I'm still looking into it but it I definitely want to continue using this tank, it's treated me well.
The Triton works with max VG for me. I don't see any wicking issues, but airflow could be better.

I think mine has been a great tank (especially for flavor and medium clouds) for being a tank.


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IMO tanks are not "easy" to switch flavors. Wash the tank, change coils, refill and vape.
I've never had luck trying to clean coils and not get off flavors from the last juice. I always end up using a new coil for a new flavor. And it's a cost I don't like paying. Especially if you are buying coils for the TFV4 local, and they run 7+ bucks a coil....
If I want to play around switching flavors, I'll use an RDA. Quick rinse and slap in some new cotton wick, good to go!

Try boiling your coils in distilled water. They seem to last a lot longer, and most of the priour taste boils out. I have a TVF tri coil I sue intermittantly, that is almost 2 months old, and still vapes like new.
Hey everybody. Quick back story, I'm a vaping newb of about a month. Haven't touched a cigarette in 2 weeks. I love it so far and love learning about e-cigs. I started out with an Aspire Triton with .4 ohm coils and an Aspire CF Sub ohm battery and now I also have a MVP 3.0 Pro because I wanted the ability to fine tune my vape. So here are the questions that have me scratching my head. The Triton .4 ohm coil range states 25-30 watts but the CF Sub ohm battery fires at 4.2 volts. If we do the math, 4.2 x 4.2 / .4 = 44.1 watts, that exceeds Aspire's listed recommendation. Since all 3 pieces are made by the same company and were sold as a set I kind of figured they were supposed to go together. Is this going to burn the coil up faster? Could that be dangerous? I put the Triton on my MVP and set it to 30 watts per Aspire and the juice had very little flavor. At 44 watts or switching over to 4.2 volts it was back to tasting right, but still I'm exceeding the listed wattage by 14. I would really appreciate some advice and/or opinions. Thanks
I have found that 40w is the best level to use, not too harsh,and any lower seems to allow for airflow seeping. Additionally, I've found the Triton to be no better or worse than my Sub Tank Plus in the cloud/flavour department. However the Triton's top fill and the fact that the Sub Tank Plus has major seeping issues means that for me the Triton comes out slightly ahead.

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