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Two all-FA fruity recipes

Hi everyone,

Long time lurker, short time DIYer and first time poster here. I've been working on a few recipes for the month or so I've been DIYing, and I now have two that I'm pretty pleased with. I'm posting them up for criticism/suggestions/compliments!

Before the recipes, I'd just like to say thanks to all who contribute to this board. I feel like I picked up so much knowledge from reading your posts that I was already a half-formed mixologist before I ever even picked up a bottle of VG. And an extra thank you to HIC - I can recite your flavour notes off by heart, and they've helped me enormously.

On to the recipes - I mix at 60VG, 2mg. Give them a try, tweak percentages, make subs - have at it.


'Club Tropicana'

1.0% - FA Papaya
1.0% - FA Passionfruit
1.0% - FA Pineapple
1.0% - FA Mango
1.0% - FA Banana
1.0% - FA Lime Cold Pressed
1.0% - FA Coconut
1.0% - FA Custard

This was actually my first draft of this recipe. I'd planned to boost/cut flavours in subsequent revisions, but there's nothing I want to change! It's quite zippy as a shake-and-vape, over a week or two the lime and lemon (from the custard) die down and it gets slightly creamier. It's still a long way off being a custard-based juice, though - the custard just fills in a few gaps and gives it a 'roundness.' With the exception of banana, I can taste notes of different fruits in each vape - I don't know if this is due to my coil hitting slightly different temperatures, or certain taste buds taking a nap and others waking up.



OK, first the name. My name IRL is Matt, and this is a berry recipe, so it's Matt's berries. There's a British actor called Matt Berry, and one of the characters he plays is called Douglas. So that's the name.

1.5% - FA Raspberry
1.5% - FA Blackcurrant
1.0% - FA Strawberry
1.0% - FA Bilberry
1.0% - FA Anise
1.0% - FA Custard
0.5% - FA Fuji Apple
0.5% - FA Pear

A slight boost here for the excellent pairing of raspberry and blackcurrant, with strawberry and bilberry taking up supporting roles. Don't expect to taste much strawberry, but it is supplying sweetness. Sweetness also comes from the anise/pear, and there's a high-mid background note from the fuji that is a perfect match for the berries. Custard again just rounds everything out.

Bon appetit.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Thanks for the post.
Those are too complex and/or subtle for my burned out palette (if I had one to begin with) but there are combos there that give me simpler ideas. Especially getting some use out of the Lime CP I have sitting around.

And of course... VAPE ALL THE MANGO THINGS !11!11! :p
Thanks guys!

Jim - for a simpler take on the tropical profile, try 2% each of lime, pineapple and passionfruit. That's about 90% of the way towards a clone of 'Tropical Space Pirate' by a UK juice co called 8bitvape. You could try sneaking 1% of mango in, too.

Amour juice

Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
I been looking for a good fruity recipe . Like a nice skittles too..
Sounds very interesting and I have all flavors ..
Thanks for input on ideas

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Why thank you!! As for you not tasting the banana in the first recipe, it is not your taste buds. FA banana is one of their weak flavors. It is a very ripe banana that needs around 3-4% as a standalone. Many have found ways to try and boost this banana flavor.such as a little FA walnut.

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