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U.K. E-Cigarette Perceptions More Accurate than U.S.


Silver Contributor
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Member For 2 Years
I think you are bring harsh. I have vaped for 7 years and l can tell you that most smokers would tell me that what l was doing was worse then smoking. This was due to at first no information and then what we now know to be misinformation. It has only been in the last two years when at first TV Drs' came out in favour of vaping, followed by government bodies; that the correct information regarding vaping is now known in the UK. As a result eliquid and devices have been made much more eaily available and the uptake in vaping has increased amongst smokers.

So it is not that people are sheep, they rightly believe that their government would have best interest at heart regarding this matter. Without US government and FDA backing of vaping what are US smokers suppose to think and do?


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Without US government and FDA backing of vaping what are US smokers suppose to think and do?
Think for themselves? Talk to some people who've switched? I have a wife, two kids (18 and 24) and roughly a dozen employees, none of whom are smokers, all of whom have seen with their own two eyes how much of an improvement switching from smoking to vaping has made in one person's health.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Think for themselves? Can they do that? I only see large groups using group think marching around.

It's not just vaping, it's everything. They are sheep.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Most Americans believe 911 was a terrorist attack.. Yeah so!!

It may be true they believe but they don't remember. Each generation gets a reminder. That was that generations'. There are people alive today that were not born when that occurred and don't know about it or don't care. Had a conversation, not getting political, and gave some data to rebuke what was being said. The bad thing is they knew nothing about what I was saying but I did know about what they were saying. It is good to know both sides of an argument. Most people only want to know the sky is blue and not know why.

Rant done, time to vape.


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I was ironing my uniform when I watched the second plane fly in to the building. It was a John F. Kennedy moment. You remember what and where.

I was laying in bed at my ex girlfriends parents house when my Mom called me and said
"You need to come home right now, The world as we know it has been changed forever"

I couldn't argue with that.
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Silver Contributor
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Member For 2 Years
911 - l was in Canada.

Anyway, whether people are sheep could turn into one of those long threads with different opinions, which is fine. All l am saying is that it was the UK Government and medical backing of vaping. Media reporting and advertising vape devices on TV. Also easier availabilty of vaping products that were the true game changers in the UK. Until that time, most people believed what the the US population believed about vaping.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I think you are bring harsh. I have vaped for 7 years and l can tell you that most smokers would tell me that what l was doing was worse then smoking. This was due to at first no information and then what we now know to be misinformation. It has only been in the last two years when at first TV Drs' came out in favour of vaping, followed by government bodies; that the correct information regarding vaping is now known in the UK. As a result eliquid and devices have been made much more eaily available and the uptake in vaping has increased amongst smokers.

So it is not that people are sheep, they rightly believe that their government would have best interest at heart regarding this matter. Without US government and FDA backing of vaping what are US smokers suppose to think and do?
At this point in time anyone who "believes" the goverment has their best intrest at heart is worse than a sheep...

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