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Uncertainties persist as e-cigs come under FDA rule


Under Ground Hustler
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This article is a total trainwreck from beginning to end.

Let's play a game shall we?

Let's pick all of the garbage out of this one as a team.

I'll Start:

"Before the FDA, it was the Wild, Wild West out there," said Every ANTZ, ever! since 2009

This is a phrase that comes straight out of the ANTZ playbook and has been repeated well over 10,000 times in pretty much every antz story from 2009 until now.

It's also wrong because in reality it still is the wild west because the FDA really haven't done shit yet.

So who's up next? - 5150


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The new regulations allow the FDA to regulate sales, marketing and manufacturing of all tobacco products — including e-cigarettes, which contain the addictive chemical nicotine but no tobacco. The federal agency has set a minimum age of 18 for purchasing e-cigarettes, requires manufacturers to list ingredients and is working to limit children from being exposed to marketing and advertising campaigns.
Neglects to mention that in less than two years, any vaping products for which PMTA have not been filed will be forcibly removed from the market, and in 3 years, any vaping products for which the FDA hasn't approved a PMTA will be gone as well. Also fails to mention that Zeller said he's not sure that ANY vaping product will ever be approved.


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The next time you happen to speak to a "respiratory therapist", make sure you're informed on pulmonary diseases and conditions. Try speaking to them about those ailments. You will be shocked at how little almost all of them know about lung health. They know their jobs, providing respiratory therapy, nothing more. So, the "wild west" comment isn't only ludicrous, it's an unqualified opinion both on the vaping front (unaware of the tremendous amount of self-policing in the industry) and on the medical front (no diagnostic or prognostic training).

The industry has already self-regulated "no sales to minors" policies. It has also, in almost all cases, imposed labeling upon itself. "Aritifical flavor" is understood and exact ratios of PG/VG and nicotine are on almost every bottle of juice I've ever purchased, with the exception of pretentious boutique juices.

As far as commercial advertisements go, I have not seen a single one that advertises vaping as "healthy", nor as a "healthier alternative" to cigarettes. But they may be out there. I am not affected by the Madison Avenue Machine, so I can easily have no recollection of seeing one as they leave no impact. I agree somewhat with the banning of health claims until we know more. But, as a means of smoking cessation? We don't need studies, we have MILLIONS of people who have quit, either full or partially, through vaping. No other method, in fact I'd venture a guess that all methods combined, has/have led to as much success in such a short period of time.

The remainder of the article focuses on nicotine addiction without actually saying anything about whether this is a good, bad, or indifferent thing. Why do you think that is? Because the proof is in the scientific pudding. Note that even the CDC attaches the "MAY" to "be addictive". Such a non-committal answer from the same agency that is adamant that smoking causes every single smoker to die "at least 10 years" earlier than they otherwise would have lived (can't ever be proven, scientifically). From my own experience, I can say that I am no longer addicted to nicotine. But telling me I can't vape is, to me, the same thing as telling me that all bacon will be removed from the market because Americans are fat and bacon is unhealthy. It's really that simple to me. There are a whole host of other Food and Drug products that are as "addictive" as nicotine. Alcohol and caffeine readily spring to mind. And there is absolutely no uproar over Blackberry Brandy, Peach Schnapps, Kahlua, Mike's Hard Lemonade, or any other number of "candy flavored" alcoholic beverages. Caffeine, which according to many sources is about as addictive as nicotine, is prevalent anywhere beverages are sold. And, there is absolutely no attempt to control caffeine consumption by minors. Further, nicotine offers very similar benefits to caffeine including, but not limited to, benefits as widely distributed has helping with ulcerative colitis, relieving muscle pain, alleviating negative symptoms in Schizophrenics and Tourette's. Hell, here's one I'll through out there that the FDA and CDC will NEVER tell you outright. It is a well accepted and proven medical fact that non-smokers are 3x MORE likely to die of Parkinson's disease than smokers. Wait! What? Yes. And you want to know the kicker? The medical profession has known this for half a century. Yes, you heard that right. Had my wife's uncle been prescribed nicotine, he might still be alive today.


Under Ground Hustler
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You missed smartphones. which are to some kids (and grown ass adults) the most addictive thing on the planet.
I'd be willing to bet that more kids have been killed or maimed badly playing fucking pokemon in the last 2 months than people have been killed via accidental nicotine overdose since as far back as history is tracked.

Does anyone disagree that the phone companies do whatever they can to attract kids to the newest iphone or andriod phone?

They know that by attracting kids they are sure to sucker the parents into paying thousands of dollars every year so they can have that asshole kid that always has the newest best shit at school each year.

Every industry can be blamed for attracting kids to addictive and/or bad shit.

Anything "The Children" is also straight out of the antz playbook.

The whole point is that by attacking stuff that the majority doesn't approve of the wannabe do gooders of the country are slowly but surely chipping away at our freedoms each and every day with every new bill and law that shows up on the books.

Our Grandkids are going to wake up one day in a communist country wondering where the fuck we went wrong.
They are going to notice the turning point is when laws started changing from protecting us from others to protecting us from ourselves.

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