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Up In Smoke: Legislation vaporizes Indiana e-cig shops


Under Ground Hustler
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From the second link:

For the record, tobacco is a human carcinogen, which means that it is proven to cause cancer in humans.
Really? I understand that tobacco SMOKE is a carcinogen. I understand that when cured using certain methods, tobacco-specific nitrosamines may be formed, which may even make SOME smokeless tobacco PRODUCTS carcinogenic. But I'm having a hard time with the notion that tobacco -- as in the plant -- is a carcinogen. I hate it when authors have a somewhat valid point but ruin the credibility of their reporting with misinformation, and that editors (do they even still exist?) let them get away with it.

As for Pence, he's doing what every politician does: Advancing his sponsors' agenda. One of my favorite authors from way back when defined an "Honest Politician" as "One who STAYS bought". o_O


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Not a whole lot of people realize that the Tobacco plant is used to create plant specific genomes for both food plants and also all kinds of medicines that use plant genomes to grow specific microorganisms, and single cell life, one example is Penicillin which is created from cultured molds. The tobacco plant is the second most studied plant on the planet next to Wheat, Corn, and Barley.


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I "think" the unlit tabacco plant still carries a carcinogenic risk. This is why chewing tobacco plant products where banned in the UK.


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I "think" the unlit tabacco plant still carries a carcinogenic risk. This is why chewing tobacco plant products where banned in the UK.
My understanding is that it's highly dependent on how the tobacco is cured.


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My understanding is that it's highly dependent on how the tobacco is cured.
I am not sure. All l know (at this stage) is that chewing tabacco is banned in all EU countries except Switzerland who joined the EU later and got an exemption.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
I am not sure. All l know (at this stage) is that chewing tabacco is banned in all EU countries except Switzerland who joined the EU later and got an exemption.
Are you confusing Switzerland and Sweden?

Switzerland isn't a member of the the EU at all.


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From the research l have done smokeless tobacco, in all its many forms contains 30 carcinogenics. However this is reduced if the tobacco is pasteurised. Snus for e.g. is pasteurised; Skoal Bandits (was briefly available in the UK) is not.


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The Marlboro Snus I had were imprinted with a scarier warning than my cigarettes and was one reason I gave them up after trying to use them to quit. That is US Snus that I am talking about.

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