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US health watchdog to take legal action against e-cigarette makers


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I would like to see the full report. Stating that half the products had a harmful chemical is like stating the half of all automobiles will be involved in an accident. If you want to make the world a better place, you have to be a lot more specific then that.
At least let me know what the half that did not contain any harmful chemicals were. I won't hold my breath for that one.


Under Ground Hustler
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I would like to see the full report. Stating that half the products had a harmful chemical is like stating the half of all automobiles will be involved in an accident. If you want to make the world a better place, you have to be a lot more specific then that.
At least let me know what the half that did not contain any harmful chemicals were. I won't hold my breath for that one.

Everything causes cancer in the state of California with Prop 65.


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This is so crazy! You can suck on a tailpipe for 30 years + and there worried about this crap.

Cmon Man!!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Everything causes cancer in the state of California with Prop 65.
If the politician's ain't making money hand over fist in taxes, you can bet your ass they will find a way to regulate it or make it illegal. The way things are going, California will be like the Gobi Desert in a couple decades or so. Businesses will leave, driven out by avaricious politicians.


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If the politician's ain't making money hand over fist in taxes, you can bet your ass they will find a way to regulate it or make it illegal. The way things are going, California will be like the Gobi Desert in a couple decades or so. Businesses will leave, driven out by avaricious politicians.
But they will bring their views to your city not realizing what they have moved from. You get the government you deserve.


Under Ground Hustler
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Then read the PDF, it's about 30 pages replete with graphs and stock photos and several pages of references... ergo: not terribly lengthy.

I have several concerns with the report, not least of which is the agenda driven source... makes me ever so proud to be a native Californian. :rolleyes:

Part of my issues stem from the repeated use of bias and statistical cherry-picking in the studies of adolescent use patterns and "marketing to children". That last tends to piss me off more. Flavored Nicorette anyone? o_O

There are other possible concerns with their product selections, primarily the seemingly concerted effort to choose vendors I've never heard of. A couple, Njoy, Joytech etc, I recognize. All the others strike me as fly-by-night C-Store products with at best dodgy QC practices. And no breakdown of the three product levels and the findings for each product.

My main concern however is their "automated real-life usage" testing. I could find no description of this methodology nor the equipment used. They reference the widely discredited previous study which all but intentionally burnt the product to produce the nasties, and claim they have not followed in those footsteps. Yet... no description whatsoever of how their contracted lab actually conducted the testing.

This is however a very damning report, and Cali is going to run with it... hard. They may even be correct in some of their findings. Certainly we will need better controls on the consumables going forward.
Any serious rebuttal is going to need a better analysis than I can give and require a thorough look at their testing procedures.

I was wondering this myself so I asked Greg Conley.
They used a "smoking machine".
So they didn't use the correct equipment because a smoke machine doesn't taste burning and automatically adjust the settings like an actual vaper would.


Under Ground Hustler
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I read Dr Farsalinos all the time.

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