Just curious if anyone else out there has had this issue. I quit smoking by using the Ni200 coils in the Uwell Crown tank. I went back to my atlantis v2 tank and 50W eLeaf mod and I realized I could vape at a much higher wattage than before, also that the juice was more delicious. I decided to try the atlantis tank on the Sigelei 150W and decided to up the wattage between 70-80 (Atlantis 0.3ohm coil). Taking a few short hits it tasted good. Went to take a longer hit like I do on my TC coil and got this nasty burning taste. Loaded a Uwell Crown tank with a .25 coil and primed it by increasing wattage from 30W to 100W at increments of 5 so the coil will soak properly. Once I was confident the coil was soaked enough I took a nice big hit and I got the same burning taste.
At this point I'm wondering if I'm vaping "too hard" when subohming? I know for a fact I take a much longer drag when on TC vs Subohming so is it possible that I'm vaping faster than the cotton can soak? If this is the case, is there a tank/coils that would help alleviate this issue?
tl:dr Burning taste when vaping above 50W with coils that should take 70W-90W and should be fine.
*Juice that was used is 100% VG and all the same flavor
*Sigelei was set to subohming and not TempControl at the time
At this point I'm wondering if I'm vaping "too hard" when subohming? I know for a fact I take a much longer drag when on TC vs Subohming so is it possible that I'm vaping faster than the cotton can soak? If this is the case, is there a tank/coils that would help alleviate this issue?
tl:dr Burning taste when vaping above 50W with coils that should take 70W-90W and should be fine.
*Juice that was used is 100% VG and all the same flavor
*Sigelei was set to subohming and not TempControl at the time