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Vamo V5


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I hope I placed this in the right Forum. I am seriously considering upgrading my eGo Starter to the Vamo V5 but went to FT and read some mixed reviews. Appairently there are or were issues with the center pin and it leaking. I read about the threads not holding up unless you use an air adjuster like that on the Aerotank or using an adapter. I have read about the LED Display not working on some of them. Got me kind of doubting if I should make the jump or not.

Would like some feedback on this product and if it is worth getting it.


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Personally, I love the v2.. I got one from ft and I came with a spring loaded center pin that didn't last a day.. The spring gave out.
I was lucky enough to have an old vamo top cap laying around so I used the center pin from it.
Other than that, I think they're awesome, I have 3 of them now...
Also my old v2 is the only one that will let any of my attys to sit flush, but the new ones have a beauty ring that you can adjust so it looks flush. Ecigaretteimpressions have replacement parts if needed.
Fast tech has a replacement circuit board for $12 called "vomo"


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I heard alot of some good things about the V2 as well and was wondering if I should get it instead of the V5.


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The biggest difference I see, is the display
The v2 screen is blue with big white numbers, v5 screen is black with tiny blue numbers.
I like the v5's display but I'm still in love with my v2 because everything sits flush and it has survived over a year of mild abuse, drops, tip overs, etc... But that last drop cracked my screen cover :(


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I see the small gap on the V5 that I read about in the FT Discussions about it. Wondering if the Aerotank would cover this gap up.


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Actually that's the new v2 according to fasttech, the only difference between these two v2's is the center pin, the adjustable/removeable top ring and the tinted screen cover.


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Love my Vamo V3! I bought two a long time back, one for me and the wife...wife didn't quit of my vamo's ran for 9~ months...I think a tank leaked and I had creased the center pin seal and it's currently down (gonna be fixing it) but I had my wifes as a spare


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Love my Vamo V3! I bought two a long time back, one for me and the wife...wife didn't quit of my vamo's ran for 9~ months...I think a tank leaked and I had creased the center pin seal and it's currently down (gonna be fixing it) but I had my wifes as a spare
Vamo's are awesome. Random thought, Fast Tech even has a clone of a Vamo computer if you need it, dirt cheap. I am no alarmist but I am going to make Damn sure by 2016 if our way of life is killed by the asshole feds I have every Mod, Atomizer, ect know to man. All my stuff is paid for. A Stinkin' cig will never touch my mouth ever again. Didn't mean to freak on Ya, just read the shit the feds are tryin' to pull now. Love My Country, Hate our Government.


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I got the v2 when it first came out. Recently switched to a cloupor box. The vamo lasted a long time and worked fine. My fiances leaked from a kanger tank and bit the dust pretty fast. She always screwed the top on too tight as well. Be gentle and it will last. And yes I have dropped mine to the point of bending the body.

Jonothon Forsgren

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I worked in a B&M selling the v5s after we sold out of v2s. I hate them with an absolute passion. While the display and feature upgrades were nice, the fact that 90% were being returned with collapsed buttons, buttons falling in, display plastic falling out, completely ceasing to function, or the two we got back that fried visciously. I liked them initially, but in the three month period of everyday returns because of that mod. I had so many returns sitting in the office, my GM wanted to know why we were storing product in the office. I had to inform her that they weren't stock. Those are the vamo returns just from this month (over 40 returns). I (IMO) absolutely DO NOT recommend a vamo v5. Forgot to mention that some were firing with no button press. You could literally shake the mod and it would fire sometimes. There are equivalent mods out there that are much more reliable.


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I worked in a B&M selling the v5s after we sold out of v2s. I hate them with an absolute passion. While the display and feature upgrades were nice, the fact that 90% were being returned with collapsed buttons, buttons falling in, display plastic falling out, completely ceasing to function, or the two we got back that fried visciously. I liked them initially, but in the three month period of everyday returns because of that mod. I had so many returns sitting in the office, my GM wanted to know why we were storing product in the office. I had to inform her that they weren't stock. Those are the vamo returns just from this month (over 40 returns). I (IMO) absolutely DO NOT recommend a vamo v5. Forgot to mention that some were firing with no button press. You could literally shake the mod and it would fire sometimes. There are equivalent mods out there that are much more reliable.

What about the V2's? Are these still reliable?

Simply Newt


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i love my V2. But it seems that there is more than one company making the "Vamo". The true manufacturer is KSD or KDS.


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The Vamo V5 was a game changer for me in my vaping journey. Prior to purchasing one I was using eGo batteries and a Vision Spinner (which is a fantastic starter VV device). I strongly recommend this device.

I totally agree.

I love mine and have never had any real issues with it other than every couple of weeks, it will fail to fire just once and then go back to being the perfect little mod that it is.

But I do wish they would address the issues being reported with the V5 and make the connector out of sturdier stuff. They do that and the Vamo will be the favorite of new vapers for years to come.

Jonothon Forsgren

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What about the V2's? Are these still reliable?

Simply Newt
The V2s we were carrying seemed much more reliable than the V5s. Granted they have no removable ego cover, no mobile power option, and the black ones coating rubs off. But over all the returns seemed significantly less. The returns I had for the V2 was usually a button either stuck or collapsed, but those were pretty scarce. The one thing I did see more from the V2s was the the 510 threading seemed just a hair (A very very tiny hair) bigger, which lead to the occasional stripping of threads. IMHO, while they may have improved the design of the V5, my experience after selling the it for about six months before cancelling was bad. Hate is a strong word, but I hate the V5. Had plenty of V2s run until the absolute end of the devices life. Not so much with the V5.


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We love our vamo v5's in our house, had them for just over a month. My husband and I upgraded from the ego twist. We still use the twists while out and about and the vamo at home. I found them on ebay for a great deal.
This one is $29.64.


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What is the best battery to use with the Vamo's?

The Have these on Ebay for $2.99

2pcs Rechargeable 18650 Li-ion Battery 3.7v 4000mAH


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We love our vamo v5's in our house, had them for just over a month. My husband and I upgraded from the ego twist. We still use the twists while out and about and the vamo at home. I found them on ebay for a great deal.
This one is $29.64.

Just pulled the trigger on this. Purchased batteries and a Aerotank to go with it. Hope it is everything I anticipate it will be when I get it.


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I hope you enjoy it. What batteries did you get?


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Get Efest 2000mAh flat tops from either the site vendors below or from RTDvapor...they work great, and the Vamo max 15watts the batteries are well within their safe max current draw.

Batteries are not the thing you want to scrimp on...Ultrafire batteries have been know to be cloned, to be faked, and are sub par quality...go with known good batteries from known good vendors


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I have a V2, and now a V5 thanks to Mommay here on the forums. The threads on my V2 had all but been stripped totally out. Used some thread-seal tape for awhile on all my cartos and stuff before grabbing a 510 adapter and using it on the threads on that as a more "permanent" fix.

In both, I've been using the Panasonic NCR18650B 3400mAh batteries.


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I have my Kayfun 3.1 on mine with twisted .34 Kanthal on 1.5 Lightning Vapes Silica. Cherry Juice. 4.5 watts. It's almost sexual. :cool:


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I have had my 3 of them for months & I still marvel at them. There are prettier, fancier, but I don't know about better. I have a 175.00 E Vic & it does the same thing. I can get out in the alley with the big dogs and hold my own. A V5 can be a cloud machine if you know how to do it. I can cover my 32" monitor if I want. :cool:


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Mine are nipple top. He's just starting out. I am trying to help as best I can.

Thank you for helping and I have received alot of help in this. The "flat top" "nipple" thing is a little confusing. And the fact that some Vemos work with flat tops while others dont is a bit hard to comprehend but I do appreciate everyone and the advice I have been given thus far. I would hate to blow up my new Vamo when I get it. So Ultra Fire Batteries are good or bad to use in my new Vamo?


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A flat top battery is just that, flat. I am not sure how to describe "nipple" if you have seen one you will know. V5's have built in protection. It's a Ford & Chevy thing. Sony & Panasonic make about the best there is. Their expensive. I use them in my mechanical mods because they produce more punch than a lesser cost battery. Even if you put the battery in upside down you can't hurt it. It just wont work. I use Ultra Fire because I'm cheap & they come with a charger. I have never had one fail yet. I know what I know, found out by myself. V5 is a regulated Mod. Means the voltage/amperage is constant no matter how much power it fed to it. The tiny computer controls it.


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A flat top battery is just that, flat. I am not sure how to describe "nipple" if you have seen one you will know. V5's have built in protection. It's a Ford & Chevy thing. Sony & Panasonic make about the best there is. Their expensive. I use them in my mechanical mods because they produce more punch than a lesser cost battery. Even if you put the battery in upside down you can't hurt it. It just wont work. I use Ultra Fire because I'm cheap & they come with a charger. I have never had one fail yet. I know what I know, found out by myself. V5 is a regulated Mod. Means the voltage/amperage is constant no matter how much power it fed to it. The tiny computer controls it.

So Ultra Fires will work but if I want more bang for my buck so to speak, I should invest in a better battery like the Sony's or Pan's ?


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I am really @ the edge of my support skills. In theory the higher priced batteries will last longer between charges because the amp value is higher. How much? I don't know. I know I can vape all day on one battery. If you saw the pic above I have quite a few Mods. I use most of them every day. That's about all I can do for you regarding Vamo Products.


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I am really @ the edge of my support skills. In theory the higher priced batteries will last longer between charges because the amp value is higher. How much? I don't know. I know I can vape all day on one battery. If you saw the pic above I have quite a few Mods. I use most of them every day. That's about all I can do for you regarding Vamo Products.

Thank you so much for your input. It was very helpful.

Simply Newt


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We are using the flat top 18650 either efest or sony vtc 5.


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I had my V2 for close to 1 1/2 years. I've used the heck out of it. The only issue I've ever had is pushing the center pin down a bit with stuff having a longer 510 connection and then the next atty might not fire. Easily moved back up with a small screwdriver or paperclip.
I've used flat-top and button-top batteries, all work fine.
Best vape money I have ever spent.

Goes to show what happens when you listen to UncleRJ, his recommendation was what made me buy it. Thanks Unc!!!

Buy it. You'll not regret it.


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I've been using the vamo v5 for a few days, and quite like it so far. Longevity is yet to be seen


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The V5 was the first APV I bought and it still works great almost 2 years later.


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Personally I like 2 18350 batteries. not an electronics guy but this allows the circuit to go into a "Buck Mode/state". The vamo was designed for this and pulls a direct dc to dc current rather than the pulse mode from my understanding.

I notice a differeence at 7 watts with 2 batteries vs 1 18650. Give it a try some times. I don't sub ohm so I am tring to build a bottom feed box mod around this chip I like it so much. The DNA30's and such do not allow this.

The only other way I have found to get the same vape from 1 battery is with the Crown 2.0 from RTD. But I have never tried a provari.

I still use mine sometimes when I am testing juices rather than the bottom feed mod.

I would recommend AW IMR type batteries. There is no need to buy the high amp batteries for these because you can't sub ohm in them anyways and you will not notice any difference.

you will get way more chargers per batteriy from the AW then efest or others. Panasonic and sony are nice but I have not compared the price with AW.

vapor joes was advertising a while back a pre buy at focilage for Vamo v5 for $19 shipped. I only bought one and wish i would have bought more for I let some one use it and don't think I will ever see anything from that again.
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I would definatley buy a Vamo for $20! That's a great deal.

My ol' Vamo V2 died. Just fell apart at the seams and it wasn't in daily use. I miss it but I also have 2 Zmax's and I'm on the fence about whether to replace it or not. I miss that surprised looking face, the simplicity of dual buttons. I do think the Zmax is a better build. I'm not sure if Vamo V5 has all that much more than the V2?


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I prefer the v2 screen but the V5 you just don't have to worry about the RMS mode. It really has nothing over hte v2 other than that and the screw off cover around the 510 conector/ego threads.

I don't use mine daily any more but will always have one! Best bang for the buck. I never tried a provari but I have an idea that the vape is just as good in a vamo!

I don't think you need to replace it if you have a couple of zmax's, from my understanding they work the same. I think the screen is sideways compared to the vamo? I was looking for a zmax chip for a mod build because of the screen position and they are hard to find.

Keep an eye out on fastech and Focilage for deals on just the body only, with out the charger and tanks. You van run into these prebuys everyonce in a while. I almost bought more than one at the time for $19, so i could offer it to new vapers for a decent price. However that will not happen again.


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Thx for the opinion. I do like the Zmax very much and they are similar to Vamo but sturdier build. It's hard to compare the Provari with them since they use a different power regulation, not pwm. The provari is my daily workhorse. That's the one I should backup and prices have dropped. It's the only one I'd buy used since repair is available and reasonable. I'm not into fancy vaping. I don't think I've ever taken anything over 10 watts. I keep saying I'm getting off the buying merry-go-round ... ha!

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