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Vandy Vape Mesh RTA - No flavor

Hello everyone! :wave:

I'm new(ish) to vaping, been doing it almost a year and I am a total newb to RTAs.

I purchased the VV Mesh RTA because it had awesome reviews and seemed (cough) a little less complex in building than the coils.

Boy was I wrong.

I have had the RTA for about 3 days now and have re-wicked it three times, trying to get it right. The problem is I get no flavor. It isn't vapors tongue, I have had that and this isn't the same. I can taste the juice on my lips, sometimes, but not when I vape, if that makes sense. 99% of the time I just taste nothing or I get a funny taste at the end, it almost tastes like I am vaping a pine tree, but not a burnt taste at the end. It's an odd taste and not real pleasant.

In the interest of full disclosure it has to be something I am doing or using. My husband has the same RTA and his flavor is weak as well. He says he can taste some but that the Baby Beast with the pre-made coils tastes much better.

Here is what I have done...

I put the mesh in and flashed it orange a few times to make sure there was an even burn. I wicked it (After watching several YT vids), even pocked a hole with a toothpick in the middle so it can really soak up juice and fired it again to make sure there are no "dry" spots. I put the glass on an go. Bam... clouds galore, no flavor. I tried upping the percentage of flavor I add to my juice (I make my own juice) and it didn't help.

I did try Google but it seems that it isn't a big issue because I couldn't find much, or my Google-Fu failed me. Could be that, wouldn't surprise me lol

Here is my build:

.47ohm mesh from the box the atty came in.
350-450 temp range (I use the Alien mod and it goes in increments of 10)
35w to 50w
Walmart cotton balls (when I ordered the attys I completely forgot the cotton it is all I have until I figure out what kind of wicking material to get)

Literally all that is wrong with this thing is the flavor, I am just at a complete loss on what I can do, other than try coils in this atty (Saw that on YT too).

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Something I just thought of, could the cotton balls be "neutralizing" the flavor? When I took my atty off just now (As I was typing this) all the juice smelled funny, I couldn't smell the actual flavor I put in.:gaah:

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