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Vapers & Health Officials looking forward to when more research available about long term effects of


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Vapers & Health Officials looking forward to when more research available about long term effects of vaping

"Bruce Adkins with the Office of Community Healthy Systems and Promotion within the DHHR."

"But Adkins is still concerned about what else is in the vaping cartridges. For example, the flavoring which he says studies have shown to cause respiratory issues and ethylene glycol which can be compared to antifreeze"

Is Bruce Adkins with the Office of Community Healthy Systems and Promotion within the DHHR mentally challenged, maybe he needs a new job sweeping floors / cleaning toilets, or does he think YOU are this stupid?

For those of you that have facebook you will be delighted to see that WOWK 13 NEWS was ripped a new asshole when announcing this story in 450+ comments 99% being pro vape:

You may notice part of one of my comments which I believe to be 100% true:

Mainstream media is on it's way out like the pay phone and typewriter. - 5150

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