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Vaping At Last!!!


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It has been an incredibly LONG journey to get here and I cannot thank you all enough for the wealth of wonderful information that is shared here. If I had discovered VU years ago my vaping, smoke-free, journey would likely have been a LOT shorter. I have no idea how I could have missed stumbling across this site sooner but I am here now and that's what counts.

First, a little about me in general. I started driving a tractor trailer at the ripe age of 18 and started smoking about two weeks later. I spent almost 20 years hauling just about everything to and from just about everywhere until three years ago. I sold my truck and "retired" from trucking because I could no longer pass the physical examination. I've been married almost 19 years to the same gorgeous woman and we have two wonderful daughters. Now I am mostly a stay at home dad who tries to make a little money on the side while my wife pursues her career full-time. I love to tinker and take stuff apart to see how it works and I'm pretty good at fixing most things. Vaping just seems like such a natural fit for me, right? Then why was it SO hard to get started???

I was first introduced to vaping about 5 years ago when a fellow driver asked me to help him work on his truck. While I was at his place I met his fiance who had recently quit smoking and was using e-cigarettes to help. She had just gotten an ego stick and clearomizer the day before and let me check it out. I was definitely intrigued, so the next day I took my brother down to a "local" vape shop about 20 miles away. We were helped by some great folks and each bought a Vision Spinner, some cartomizer tanks and some juice. My brother has been vaping ever since - I lasted 2 days. I was vaping while driving through Chicago rush hour traffic when a full cartomizer sprung a leak and pissed 6ml of juice all over my lap and my hands which immediately got all over the steering wheel and the gear shift while Spinner and cartomizer went right out the open window. My first foray into vaping did not end well but I was determined to make it work.

My brother has progressed pretty normally through the vaping journey and I have tagged along trying at each step to start vaping and quit smoking. I have managed a few periods of vaping and smoking but I could never seem to quite get to the point of making the switch. I loved the idea of vaping but I just couldn't put it all together for myself. After a day or two of vaping full-time the throat hit just got too intense for me. I've always had to be pretty selective with my brand of analogs because my throat couldn't handle two or three packs a day of most of them. I tried lots of different juices both premade and homemade and I have just never been able to find one that didn't start to burn throat and lungs after a couple days of heavy use. They start out great but I just couldn't keep going.

The one constant that I didn't even think about until I started pouring over the threads here - High Nic! I was after all a heavy smoker so I needed a high nicotine level, right?

W R O N G ! ! !

As I type this I am vaping 0 nic plain 25/75 PG/VG in my new SMOK TF-RTA G2 with a fused clapton I built myself sitting on top of my new SMOK Alien 220W and LOVING it!!!! My other TF-RTA has a 2mg nic lightly flavored with the same PG/VG mix in it. My last analog was over two weeks ago I don't miss it at all. I vape through 30ml to 35ml of "juice" a day but my throat hasn't felt this good in YEARS and don't even get me started on how great my lungs feel.

It took me a long time and a lot of wasted money but I finally squeezed myself down the rabbit hole and I aint ever looking back!!!

Thank you all again for this treasure trove of vaping information - I might never have figured it out without y'all!



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Good onya mate and welcome to the Vape Side.

Damn that juice all over the steering wheel sounds like a nightmare!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

SnapDragon NY

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Hi And Welcome- Congrats on sticking with vaping ! Any money I have spent on vaping is well worth it since that and will power helped me stop my 30+ year love affair with cigarettes! What did I have after 30+ years of cigarettes ? - Garbage -What a giant waste of time, money and my health.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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The one constant that I didn't even think about until I started pouring over the threads here - High Nic! I was after all a heavy smoker so I needed a high nicotine level, right?

W R O N G ! ! !

My experience was similar -- though i wasn't a heavy smoker at the time I started vaping, I had been, in the past, and had smoked without cease for 39 years -- so they said I needed 18mg -- WRONG! Didn't mind the TH at all, but it upset my stomach dreadfully and painfully. 12mg took longer, but still made me so nauseous it nearly cured me of vaping for good. Fortunately I persevered and got some 6mg, and I couild vape my face off and never get sick -- that was when I was able to start vaping regularly and within a very short time, lay the smokes down and leave them there. Went back up to about 10mg after I quit the smokes, but gradually got it down to 3mg currently, and that's just fine... but I still want that TH! So I use the Flash additive, to get it, because even 85% PG doesn't give me enough. :giggle:

Welcome (back?) and welcome to VU!



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Thanks AndriaD! I still can't believe I was so blind to the whole nic thing but I am so so happy I finally figured it out. I was a HEAVY smoker (2-3 packs a day while I was driving) and would have been even heavier if my throat and lungs could have handled it.The first vape store I went to recommended a high nic juice (30mg/ml IIRC) based on my smoking habits and it made a lot of sense to me. All the way through my experiments with PG/VG ratios and different flavor brands and quantities, I even tried the distilled water and PGA in my juice. I never questioned the nic level. Looking back now it sounds so stupid but it just never occured to me that my issue was the amount of nic. Now I vape a LOT (39ml yesterday) of juice but with very low or 0 nic and it is AWESOME! I don't miss the throat hit at all and I don't really experience nic cravings. Nice and smooth and just a little moist. I'm not really a cloud chaser for the sake of big clouds but that seems to be what I enjoy vaping the most. Anyhow, I am really glad to be here and I look forward to learning truckloads more about this great pastime!


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I kicked a 35 year habit with a ego batt, clearo and 24 juice. Within a month I was rebuilding those clearos, that was over 4 years ago and today I sit vaping awesome homemade claptons with great DIY juice and riding the wave into vape nirvana. The bucks I spent on vape gear is a drop in the bucket compared to money spent on cigs. If it wasn't for forums like this and others sharing their knowledge I would not be enjoying a top shelf vape experience like I do now.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Welcome :wave:

Thirty-seven years of smoking and now smoke free since January of 2016 - it do feel good

Lisa vapes

Member For 2 Years
Yay for you! I don't know how anyone can vape the high nic stuff, I am on 3 and happy there. Welcome to vu, hope to learn things right along with you.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Yay for you! I don't know how anyone can vape the high nic stuff, I am on 3 and happy there. Welcome to vu, hope to learn things right along with you.

It was more popular with older mods that were far less efficient, but some of us still found 12mg/18mg/+ too much, even with cigalikes. I think some people are just more sensitive to nicotine than others.



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you sound like your well on your way down the rabbit hole.
OH YEAH! It took me way too long long to squeeze my fat but down this rabbit hole I ain't ever comin out! Not that that I anticipate ever wanting too!

that was over 4 years ago
smoke free since January of 2016
will be 2 years smoke-free
oday marks 3 months for me since my last cigarette...
:stars: I do enjoy reading the anniversaries - mostly 'cuz I'm looking forward to sharing my own! :confetti:

Yay for you! I don't know how anyone can vape the high nic stuff, I am on 3 and happy there. Welcome to vu, hope to learn things right along with you.

Yep I started out at 30mg/ml and even went a bit higher thinking more nic might get me more hooked on vaping... :crazy: As my brother got into DIY juice and eventually sub ohm rebuildables he slowly slid down to 10mg/ml and is still there (for now... I introduced him to fused claptons last night and he thinks joining me at lower nic might be a good idea). Right now I'm playing around with 2-3mg/ml and that seems pretty good. I can still taste the nic @ 3mg and it makes me nervous that I will start to react - I am also finding some flavors that seem to irritate so I am experimenting with that right now too. Guess I'm just a sensitive kind of guy. :giggle:

Thanks for all the warm welcomes!


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(for now... I introduced him to fused claptons last night and he thinks joining me at lower nic might be a good idea).

I thought that claptons were a gimmick coil when they first came out so I never bothered with them. I got a TFV4 kit that had a clapton installed in the RBA so gave it a shot and holy shit what a great vape. That clapton opened my eyes to how great they are and what I have been missing. Within the last month or so I tried some stainless wire I won in a contest and for fuk sakes I've been missing another great vape experience with TC so now I got miles of all kinds of stainless wire on order to be makin SS claptons and upping my vape nirvana to a new level.


In my defence, I was left unsupervised ^^
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Welcome to the underground :cheers: Great story ;)

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