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Vaping Could Save the World, but Toxic Masculinity Is Holding It Back


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I started vaping to quit smoking, and it worked. Unfortunately, there's a few of us who are giving it a bad name. I think otherwise vaping would be better accepted by those outside of our community.
Thanks for the share 5150.

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Joshua Iles

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One of the biggest problems I've noticed with vaping that I see on Facebook and such is that one there's always some cloud chucking asshole bragging about his $300 sick as tits mod and his super subohm and his $40 of juice and just being a vape snob about it. I also see the very uneducated talking about batteries venting and formaldehyde as I got that speech from a family member the other day, cuz of those stupid studies running ce4s at like 80w or something that do produce formaldehyde. Well no shit, burn something silica/rayon to a crisp you're gonna get chemicals u don't want. The biggest issue I see hurting us is juice prices. When people finally do start vaping and realize how much juice they can go through in a day and ALOT of stores charge like $10 for a 10ml they weigh the cost and just can't justify it. Me personally I won't pay more than $10 for a 30ml, even that's pricey in my book. Unless I'm at a shop and pretty much out I won't even do that. Went online just today and keep seeing bottles for $20-$30 for 30ml, I'm sure its good, but I ain't paying that. $20 for 120ml to me that a few places sell for is a very fair price, why I really only have 2 vendors I use right now, grind and mechsauce, even tho mechsauce slightly raised their prices they're still way cheaper than everybody else. That's my biggest beef with the community and I know @VaporJoes talked about it, some of these juice prices are re fucking diculous.
Sorry for my rant 5150, this whole juice price thing has been bothering me for a long time and I just had to get it off my chest. Thank u for sharing that, hope some more of this type of information gets out there and people start getting the hint. I'll quote a reviewer here who a lot of folks probably don't like, but he says it best every video. It doesn't matter what the fuck you're vaping on as long as you're not on the damn stinkies.


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Advertisers realized a long time ago that if you want to sell a lot of something you have to sell it to the wives because they are the ones doing the shopping. My wife smokes because the only vapers she knows are all guys. I've tried to convert her but so far no luck. I shared the article with her. Vaping has a steep learning curve ie spitting, dry hits, battery safety etc. A smoker has to want to quit. To put in the time to learn. When she tried vaping as soon as it spit she gave up. Troubleshooting is a guessing game when it is a lot easier to just smoke a cigarette.

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Joshua Iles

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My mom is kinda the same way. I've tried many times to keep her going with it but she buys cheap ce4 tanks and shit from Walmart and wonders why it tastes bad. I've sent her many MUCH better tank options and she tried my subohm setup and immediately coughed and gave up, even at a lower wattage. I'd go and buy her a Nautilus or something similar but I'm afraid even that she wouldn't prime the heads right and get burnt and just be done. I've showed her things and tried to help her along the way, the few times I see her. I gave up just because she keeps going back to that same old nasty generic shit and wonders why it tastes bad and gurgles. Smh


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In the article it talked about the pax vapor thing. I had to google it because I assumed the dry herb vaporizers were for pot because that's the impression I get from the vape shop. Does anyone have any experience with them? Do they work or is it gimmicky like cig-a-likes?

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Under Ground Hustler
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In the article it talked about the pax vapor thing. I had to google it because I assumed the dry herb vaporizers were for pot because that's the impression I get from the vape shop. Does anyone have any experience with them? Do they work or is it gimmicky like cig-a-likes?

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The "Juul" by PAX is a very expensive cartridge only taking flat cigilike.
I was told it leaks and the carts are 3X as expensive as vuse or blu.
The carts are 50 mg/ml NICOTINE!!!!


Under Ground Hustler
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I think the main problem with the vaping industry is they have to sell a product but by LAW they are not allowed to say that they are safer than smoking or that vaping helps you quit smoking.
So what other choices do they have when attempting to sell a product when they are not allowed to sell it for it's intended purpose?

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