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Vaping Inside

Hi all, so I'd like to know this answer once and for all and for some of you hopefully to back me up. :wave:

So I still live with my parents and winters coming around and they're hell-bent on me vaping outside only. :blech:
I've told them that it doesn't ruin any walls or flooring inside but they won't listen.
I'm not even allowed to vape with my window open ffs! :gaah:
They're observations are that it will leave a film of liquidy oil on the drywall and I think it's complete BS if you ask me because it won't happen if you leave the window cracked or open half way.
I've even been to the local vape shop in town and all they do is chuck fat clouds all day and they're nothing wrong with the interior.:blah:
Please help me in this argument. Thanks! :inlove:


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I used to smoke and I could never ever smoke inside the house. Now that I vape...I don't have to go outside when it's raining, cold or just don't want to. It leaves no film on the walls, windows or in clothes for that matter. My wife loves it and show loves the flavors I get because of the smells that actually smell good
.cigarette-smoke.jpg ecig-vapor.jpg


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Well, I can tell you this, and you're probably not going to like it. Even though it may or may not leave a residue (it does if you vape a lot without good ventilation) it's basically their house and their rules. You can do one of two things, respect their wishes and stay there, or find your own place and do as you wish. I'm almost 60, and if I visit my mom out of respect for her I vape outside because she doesn't want it in the house.


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Are you chasing clouds??? It could be that it LOOKS ALOT MORE that it actually IS... This may be what's pushing them over... Just an observation and experience *One night, at a family function, everybody (5 people) went out for a cigarette. One of my cousins, a vape "enthusiast" (the word an understatement by far, began 7+ years ago and now has a fairly popular juice line) went with. At the end of the short driveway, we could see the smoke rising. It was very easily notable that the biggest amount of rising clouds were made from his vaping... Now, remembering, I can see how heavy or dense this appeared. This may put some off, making the, in my opinion, harmless activity seem intimidating or ..... I can't find the word, maybe offensive.... Maybe, to appease your parents, in their presence, use a small mod that produces less vapor, maybe bump the PG level for their purpose allowing for less vapor production? Maybe take one of them to a car, cracking the window, showing that this doesn't gunk up or stick to the windows or interior (not for an extended period of time, as some residue will be apparent OVER TIME on the windows). This may show them that, when inside, you can "tone it down" in that it is barely notable, not offensive, and not harmful to their property or surroundings? Maybe this will make a difference.... (obviously, you can vape, as you normally enjoy, in whatever fashion, outside of their immediate presence Maybe, through all this, let them see a different style of vaping??? I can, with my istick and Triton or Nautilis Mini, hold in an inhale for a while, exhaling very slowly in that no one can even note it.... I was doing this awaiting an appointment, noone noticed.

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Coming from an old guy, I'm with Mark above. Their house their rules . And it does leave a flim. You should see the windshield in my Jeep.


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Defently does leave a film, must admit it probably would take ages to notice it on walls and stuff but lets get to the point of the argument its your parents house they pay for it they say no vaping, oh well and if they are on you like a hawk i would just do as they say its for the best in the long run i say.

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Ms. Trixy

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Notorious, although I agree strongly with the above "their house, their rules", find several, at least 3-5 videos they can watch about vaping and their concerns. Also about how good it is for your health. If they are not open to that, you're stuck, dude.

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