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Vaping not exempt from smoke-free law


Under Ground Hustler
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"A few weeks ago, I was waiting outside of a restaurant to be seated. As two men, who were also waiting, were having a conversation and vaping, the smothering odor of strawberry-banana and blueberries began to permeate the air. Not only did it make my nose itch, causing me to sneeze uncontrollably, but I began to feel nauseous from the intoxicating scent."

You've got to be fucking kidding me!!!

There is a simple solution:

Take 3 steps in any of the 3 other directions away from the vaper and deal with it just like you would a smoker.

People need to be reminded that this is a very large planet and the only person you can control is yourself.

Would she have rather had fucking smoke blown on her instead?

Just fucking quit whining and deal with life. - 5150


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Cunts that whine and complain like this to complain need a bolt gun to the dome.
Bet you 5 bucks she has the I need to speak to your manager hair cut, wears yoga pants and has no cluewhat the downward dog is..
I bet she also has a cloud of some synthetic toxic whore brew of fake and stupid leading and trailing her.

Fuck her feels and stupid drug reference. and fuck those douche bags chucking clouds at her.


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Nitwits with 150watt mods blowing stupidly obnoxious clouds that scare voters
make them vote against us. Vaping in restaurant seating... fucking unbelievable.
Forgot you are the shameful vaper, stick to your way of vaping everyone else is wrong... gotcha.


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Fuck the pissy bullshit.
Here's my message to public, high voltage vapers who wanna show off and blow clouds around people in restaurants:
Buncha selfish little cunts.

And when some dude knocks these fucktards on their asses for vape-bombing his family on the sidewalk,
I'll be the one laughing... and applauding.
I agree about the in restaurant part of it.

Outdoors, unless they are directly blowing it in the families face, it is a lay douche bag assaulting a vaper.
My advice is the cloud is visible move out of the way.


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unfortunately in American culture people lay awake at night dreaming about ways to be "offended". our victimhood is how society defines us.
Those that do need to remove themselves from the gene pool and collective conscience.
Live and let live, but impose your bullshit on others against their will and that view changes.


Under Ground Hustler
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Nitwits with 150watt mods blowing stupidly obnoxious clouds that scare voters
make them vote against us. Vaping in restaurant seating... fucking unbelievable.

"A few weeks ago, I was waiting outside of a restaurant to be seated." is what the dumb bitch stated


Under Ground Hustler
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No, trust me.
This is one of those "walk through the smoking area between a group of smokers to fake cough and give dirty looks" type of bitches.
I guaran-muthafuckin-tee it.


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I have to agree with 5150 here. The way it reads they were there first. I had it the other day outside red lobster I got out of the car and vaped a few hits so i offend no one at the door or on my way to the door. Low and behold someone moves to the other side of the building where my vape is going approximately 4 car lengths away waits til a whisp of vapor goes by and immediately goes jerry springer fat girl on me screaming, yelling, and Fake coughing. She went into the manager and i was pulled to the side as i went in. She claims i "irritated her bronchitis". I pictured aint nobody got time for that at this point. I explained what happend and one of the cooks who was having a cigarette 10 feet from the door said i was telling the truth. The cogarette had no ill affect on her just my vapor. I try not to blow clouds when i am near others. This was a whisp of vape in the air high enough that it wouldn't have been in the jolly green giants face not a cloud. I will repeat myself though i was no where near the door i was at my car in the lot 2 rows of cars and an aisle away from the corner and the door was further yet. Some peope honestly look for reasons to complain. The manager handled it well and I am glad they offered me a chance to defend myself. This woman was a few tables away and she bitched about everything. The food, the waitresses pony swinging and even that her bill was too high. My wife and i got a laugh out of it and our waitress, the same one she complained about, was very very pleasant.

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I have to agree with 5150 here. The way it reads they were there first. I had it the other day outside red lobster I got out of the car and vaped a few hits so i offend no one at the door or on my way to the door. Low and behold someone moves to the other side of the building where my vape is going approximately 4 car lengths away waits til a whisp of vapor goes by and immediately goes jerry springer fat girl on me screaming, yelling, and Fake coughing. She went into the manager and i was pulled to the side as i went in. She claims i "irritated her bronchitis". I pictured aint nobody got time for that at this point. I explained what happend and one of the cooks who was having a cigarette 10 feet from the door said i was telling the truth. The cogarette had no ill affect on her just my vapor. I try not to blow clouds when i am near others. This was a whisp of vape in the air high enough that it wouldn't have been in the jolly green giants face not a cloud. I will repeat myself though i was no where near the door i was at my car in the lot 2 rows of cars and an aisle away from the corner and the door was further yet. Some peope honestly look for reasons to complain. The manager handled it well and I am glad they offered me a chance to defend myself. This woman was a few tables away and she bitched about everything. The food, the waitresses pony swinging and even that her bill was too high. My wife and i got a laugh out of it and our waitress, the same one she complained about, was very very pleasant.

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In a a more civilized age you could of told her to shut her fat mouth and piss off......I still do sometimes....shame never worked very well on me.


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It is totally ridiculous for someone to complain outside unless the vaper was blowing smoke directly at them. Some people will do anything to get a little attention and gripe about something. You can't fix stupid !!


Under Ground Hustler
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In a a more civilized age you could of told her to shut her fat mouth and piss off......I still do sometimes....shame never worked very well on me.

I've been known to check a person with a "holier than thou" attitude from time to time myself.
99% of the time they get scared and shut the fuck up like they should have done to begin with.

The other 1%?

I don't give a fuck what happens either way.

Everybody gets their ass beat sometime and just like vaping, smoking, or anything else that someone else may not like but has no control over, it's just part of life.


Bronze Contributor
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In a a more civilized age you could of told her to shut her fat mouth and piss off......I still do sometimes....shame never worked very well on me.
In my head the woman was definitely killed a few times but i believe the manager was ok with me because i kept my composure. We as vapors need to take the high road i think it works out better for us. Like I said she went jerry springer fat girl. All of these health organizations are doing the same thing. We as vapors band together donate to projects whether in our favor or not and tell the truth. We will come out on top in due time.

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In my head the woman was definitely killed a few times but i believe the manager was ok with me because i kept my composure. We as vapors need to take the high road i think it works out better for us. Like I said she went jerry springer fat girl. All of these health organizations are doing the same thing. We as vapors band together donate to projects whether in our favor or not and tell the truth. We will come out on top in due time.

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Yes this is a debate my sister and I have....My sister maintains that....if you don't make assholes aware of thier transgressions they get the idea in their heads that they are entitled to treat the rest of humanity like shit....that it is your moral duty to loudly and in great pornpgraphic detail point out to them their faulty logic.....whereas I just simpley spit on them.


Under Ground Hustler
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I find that in my own situation from moving from a large city up north to a small town down south it's way easier to get away with checking these assholes simply because where I came from that is a normal response when someone acts like an asshole whereas in the small town people are just used to acting like an asshole with nobody saying shit about it.

So they get caught off guard and I probably have an accent to them so they just get scared.

I haven't done this over vaping before but I have just from a regular "i'm better than everybody else" snobby situation.


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My vapor is not responsible for.
your obesity
your fallen arches
your period
your lack of sexual activity
your isolation from humanity
your wife cheating on you
your husband cheating on you
your gay lover cheating on you
your sexual confusion
your rejection by the cute blond waitress who isn't into hairy fat chicks.
your childeren's alienation from you
your dipshit boss
your bank account
your envy
your fustration
your war on infidels
who lost the election
so, don't lay your problems on me.
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This is one of the nitwits I spoke of earlier.

To me it just boils down to common courtesy. And I don't GAF whether it's indoors or outdoors.

So as a hypothetical, if we're all in a public park and your cloud gets near other people, (they can smell it, or it's proximity makes 'em uncomfortable)
then daddy might come over & snatch your rude little bitch ass offa' the bench for some counseling.

I promise you that's what will happen with me. Blow your fucking cloud over my family in public,
and ya' might come away missing some teeth... especially if you wanna tell me about your "rights".
Fuck your "rights", keep your clouds away from people in public.

You've got NO right to force your shit (vapor) onto others ANYWHERE in public.
Well using the same logic have no right to sit in your basement in soiled underwear making idle threats., and if by some accident you fail to take your meds and do attack someone... your looking at a sexual vacation on ryker's island where the real bad asses can pass you around to relieve their boredom seeing how loud you can squeal....So go ahead tough guy attack somebody...I'd love to her your diary of a prison sex toy.....before you do go on your Rambo fantasy you may wanna check you're not in a state with conceal carry. I know you're a real bad ass, however though God made man, colnel Colt made them equal.
You really need to seek professional help if you have fantasies about phyically attacking people for a cloud of vapor drifing over your faimly's head.(they can smell it, or it's proximity makes 'em uncomfortable) do you walk down a city street without having a meltdown....
I mean what kind of society would we have if everybody who wore patchouli got a baseball bat up longside their head when they went outside.If every old gay guy drenched in cheap revolting perfume got blindsided when they went out to walk their doggy. Though I know you're just talking bullshit it's still not cool to come on the forum threatening people even if is just a fantasy.......why don't you try sexual fantasies.....but not the mean kind.
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Platinum Contributor
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This is one of the nitwits I spoke of earlier.

To me it just boils down to common courtesy. And I don't GAF whether it's indoors or outdoors.

So as a hypothetical, if we're all in a public park and your cloud gets near other people, (they can smell it, or it's proximity makes 'em uncomfortable)
then daddy might come over & snatch your rude little bitch ass offa' the bench for some counseling.

I promise you that's what will happen with me. Blow your fucking cloud over my family in public,
and ya' might come away missing some teeth... especially if you wanna tell me about your "rights".
Fuck your "rights", keep your clouds away from people in public.

You've got NO right to force your shit (vapor) onto others ANYWHERE in public.



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Its pretty crazy when I see a person walk by while Im outside the Gas Station and vaping, I blow out a small plume of vapor and the person walking by (not even near the plume) starts hacking uncontrollably like they were sprayed with mace...Then as soon as they are inside the Gas Station they are completely fine, then when they walk out they light a cigarette and act like Im polluting the air with poison and glare at me....The Fuck is that???
This happens quite often and its always a smoker or a health nut, it doesnt seem to affect anyone else...most people comment on how the smell of the fruit or dessert smells amazing...


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Its pretty crazy when I see a person walk by while Im outside the Gas Station and vaping, I blow out a small plume of vapor and the person walking by (not even near the plume) starts hacking uncontrollably like they were sprayed with mace...Then as soon as they are inside the Gas Station they are completely fine, then when they walk out they light a cigarette and act like Im polluting the air with poison and glare at me....The Fuck is that???
This happens quite often and its always a smoker or a health nut, it doesnt seem to affect anyone else...most people comment on how the smell of the fruit or dessert smells amazing...
Yeah...fuck crazy people...being crazy is their problem I'm not here to solve their messed up heads.


Under Ground Hustler
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Let's get this straight.

I don't think anyone is trying to say that some douchebag wannanbe neckbeard hipster who is in the toy isle at wal-mart blowing clouds on little kids while his buddy is running video with his phone, giggling, while saying "bruh, them's some dope ass cloudz can't wait to upload this one to youtube" is doing the right thing.

That guy should & needs to get his ass beat.

But that bitch who would walk into the mall and go out of her way to walk to the other side of the entrance to walk between 4 vapers standing next to an old astray so she can fake cough and whine "Oh my God I smell strawberries the fucking world as I know it is ending" IS IN THE WRONG.

This same bitch will walk past the Vapers bitching and whining will then go directly to Bath & Body works and go up to the counter and say "Hi, I'm looking for something to coat myself in from head to toe daily that smells like strawberries"

Legal or not, allowed or not, it's just a total dick move to roll up on somebody that was already standing there and bitch because you smell blueberry graham crackers.

That's just fucking stupid because if it were not blueberry graham crackers it would have been smoke.

These same assholes treated us like lepers when we did smoke so we finally gave in and quit and just because the government is on a propaganda and scaremongering campaign to trick people into thinking that walking past a vaper (or smoker) and smelling strawberry (or Smoke) will instantly give them lung cancer, COPD, AIDS, and MRSA doesn't make it fucking true.

We have just as much a right to be using outdoor public space as we see fit as johnny homemaker and his 3 kids (the 3 kids that are running uncontrollably in 3 different directions) see fit.

If johnny homemaker was there first you don't roll up on him covered in a 6 foot cloud.

If you were there first it's johnny homemaker's job to stay 6 feet away from your cloud

It's called common fucking sense and people need to start getting that shit back quick before the government controls every aspect of your existence.


Under Ground Hustler
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cute name can I call you guppy vape.

Right, it's VapeTuna, PussVape, and 5150DICK

Now that we got past the middle school "I can make fun of your name with something funny that rhymes or sounds like it" let's get the actual debate back on track

These debates are one of the main two reasons (the other is so you know what is going on with vaping and the media) I post these stories


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Right, it's VapeTuna, PussVape, and 5150DICK

Now that we got past the middle school "I can make fun of your name with something funny that rhymes or sounds like it" let's get the actual debate back on track

These debates are one of the main two reasons (the other is so you know what is going on with vaping and the media) I post these stories

I want one.


Diamond Contributor
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Right, it's VapeTuna, PussVape, and 5150DICK

Now that we got past the middle school "I can make fun of your name with something funny that rhymes or sounds like it" let's get the actual debate back on track

These debates are one of the main two reasons (the other is so you know what is going on with vaping and the media) I post these stories
I want one.
Sea biscut?


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well it started out that the people who used to smoke the other white meat were
"dirty hippies" they were unwashed long haired didn't work had lots of casual sex were noisy and they got older and could vote and pay taxes they became.
"alternative lifestyle" they were expanding their minds, spiritual, enlightened still had lots of casual sex. as they got even more money they became
"medical patients" now they NEEDED the other white meat just to aleviate their suffering, they sere no longer just looking for a cheap thrill.....

So what happens when more and more of the young vapers come of voting age? what happens when vapers get organized and start flexing their political muscle........eventually we will become legitamate.


Under Ground Hustler
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well it started out that the people who used to smoke the other white meat were
"dirty hippies" they were unwashed long haired didn't work had lots of casual sex were noisy and they got older and could vote and pay taxes they became.
"alternative lifestyle" they were expanding their minds, spiritual, enlightened still had lots of casual sex. as they got even more money they became
"medical patients" now they NEEDED the other white meat just to aleviate their suffering, they sere no longer just looking for a cheap thrill.....

So what happens when more and more of the young vapers come of voting age? what happens when vapers get organized and start flexing their political muscle........eventually we will become legitamate.

But a looooot of Dirty Hippies got, harassed, beaten down, and thrown in jail in the beginning.


Under Ground Hustler
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If this were equivalent to the other white meat then where are we in the history of that?
The reefer madness era? - 1930's & 40's
Woodstock? - 1969
DEA's failed war on drugs? - 1990's
The "Medical" beginning? - 2005ish
The rise of the medical era? - now


Under Ground Hustler
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Usually, when butthurt is present, they go straight to "Horse Fucker". LOL.

Those are good. I was having a hard time thinking of anything. I'll take "slime".

Slime it is.

VapeTuna, PussVape, 5150DICK, and Slime:)


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But, the other white meat smells wonderful. Even non participants think it smells good.


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If this were equivalent to the other white meat then where are we in the history of that?
The reefer madness era? - 1930's & 40's
Woodstock? - 1969
DEA's failed war on drugs? - 1990's
The "Medical" beginning? - 2005ish
The rise of the medical era? - now

In the red zone at the moment.


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I really don't think they can put this genie back in the bottle....I don't think they want to...they want the billions of dollars to give to the corporate buddies, and they want the taxe back from the ex-smokers.....however they love the fact we smokers die much longer takes us off the social security rolls.


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Probably a poser trying to look cool blowing clouds inappropriately...


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