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Vaping pole chick from SC

Seriously, vaping is my new love. Been vaping for 7 months, it's insanely awesome. Currently I bounce between my 26650 tree of life with GWAR spew, stingray/stillare with vanillaberry custard from S&P. I'm super excited to hear of everyone's vape stories, learn new builds and carry on random chats without fear of the ban hammer.


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Member For 5 Years
Hey Louise! Been bouncing back and forth on the 26650 too. BFM, here.
Thank you! I'm dying to order my next 26650 so I can have a even number of 18650s vs 26650s (my ocd finally has a legit reason lol) So far people are pretty cool and super glad I made it in!

Vaper Dyana

Bronze Contributor
Welcome to the VU!! :) I have been wanting to order the whole Gwar line.. Think I might do that soon.. :) Catch you on the boards! :)
I did order the while qwar line lol spew was the only one I can use as a all day delicious vape. The rest are pretty awesome but definitely not my favorite.

Yes SC is South Carolina you either love it, hate it or figure you've lived here this long might as well stick it out.

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