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Vaping trend grows in popularity


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"Vaping involves inhaling tobacco-free water vapor through a vaporizer, or vape pen"

Stop calling it water vapor! It's NOT Water Vapor, It's an Aerosol

"Liz Harrington, a sophomore dietetics major, said while she doesn’t vape, she does do hookah, Hookah involves flavored tobacco and charcoal in a bowl.

Harrington said either way it still isn’t that healthy.

“[People] think since it’s not a cigarette it’s not going to be dangerous for me, but you’re still putting smoke into your lungs,” she said. “Whether it's nicotine or not, you’re inhaling smoke, so there’s going to be problems in the long run if you do it too much.”

So Hookah Girl thinks Vaping is bad for you???
"You’re inhaling smoke"???
What the fuck does she think comes from the hookah???
I always thought college made you smarter! - 5150

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