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Vaporesso Target Mini - Help

Hi all. Been vaping for a while but just decided to switch to sub-ohm. Went for a Target Mini kit as like the stealth size.

Was previously using 18mg juice in a standard box mod (not sub-ohm) and have kept the same.

Can't seem to find a setting that works. Got a 0.5ohm Stainless Steel coil. Have been trying using the temp control setting, floating around 230 deg c mark, but not really getting the flavour. Plus wanting good clouds, seem to be getting pretty good ones but would like more.

Any advice on how to set this up to get the best out of it? Still quite a noob with this. Thx.


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Hard to say. I never use temp control. I prefer the total control I can get with VW. If you aren't getting the vapor, that is telling me that your wattage (heat) is to low, your air flow needs to be more open, and I think the extra power will improve your flavor as well. More vapor, more flavor. If you aren't making enough vapor, you wont be getting enough flavor either. Shorter tanks give better flavor, taller ones give better vapor. Adjust your power, airflow and mouth piece. Larger for cloud, smaller for flavor.


Member For 3 Years
First thing you should do before "going subohm" and chasing bigger clouds is adjusting your nicotine level. 18 seems pretty high... Even for long-time smoker. In my case it was cutting down from 12 to 6 mg/ml. At 18 and higher wattages you're risking mild overdose - not leathal one but highly unpleasant (headache, puking and dizzyness in not necesserily in that order).

About your issue: I don't have any experience with this coil, I'm afraid. But I can tell you this: start on VW at lower level. About 15W maybe? If vapor at this power is not satisfying - increase it a little. Let's say 25W. Too much? So lower it. Not enough? So go up again :) Repeat till you get best flavor/cloud ballance :)

With TC you can try doing same pattern as describe above :)

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