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Vapour coming out of air holes, tasting burnt/wrong

Hey, using an Eleaf iStick 20 with an Aspire BVC Clearomiser and 1.8ohm Aspire BVC Coils, as well as an adaptor since the tank doesn't go directly with the unit.

It's been a pretty good set-up for a while now, and suddenly it just seems completely bust.

I refilled the tank (carefully, tilted so as it didn't leak into the central rod thingy) and didn't overfill. It kept threading a little wrong and giving me a "no atomiser" message on the screen. Couldn't get it to thread right no matter how many times I unscrewed and rescrewed, so I gave the threads a little clean with q-tips and it went on fine. I can't see any missing/damaged O rings either. Once it screwed on, I pressed the button and vapour came out of the air holes on the first two presses. After that it stopped, but now it tastes burnt and has given me a seriously sore throat. I always use the same liquid, and all I can think is that maybe the coils are damaged? It'd mean the entire pack of coils was damaged though because I went through three from the pack I have trying to figure out if it was the coils. Now I can't use it at all because of the taste and I'm kinda stuck for a solution. Help?!
Same resistance coil, primed. I was just out and got told by the only reputable local shop that my battery unit was a little damaged and probably working at a different wattage than the display was reading as, so bought a new one, got new coils, waited a while and gave it a go, didn't taste brilliant but didn't taste burnt either so I just came home. Get home and I'm now getting "no atomiser" off the new battery unit and apparently there's something wrong with the tank (so says the shop over the phone)?

Just editing to add that I get "no atomiser", wait a couple seconds, then it works again (but tastes as burnt/off as it did in my old set up), then I get the message again, and so on and so forth.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Think you might appreciate some of the information below.

Atomizer: What to do if you experience a burnt taste or dry hit?

A burnt taste or dry hit is mainly due to the eLiquid not wicking properly onto the coils. This is often due to a too thick eLiquid (over 30% VG) and/or a lack of air pressure inside the tank (too much vacuum). Bottom coil tanks are very influenced by the vacuum created in the tank when the eLiquid wicks onto the coils.
To help solve the "burnt taste" issue of a bottom coil atomizer, you can either:
  • Blow gently into the mouth piece - you should see a couple of air bubbles coming from the hole of the coil head.
  • Simply open up the atomizer to let the inside air pressure rebalance itself. This is particularly efficient with the new anti-leaking design atomizer.
This will rebalance (increase) the air pressure inside the tank and help the eLiquid wick properly onto the coils. This simple tip has proven to be very effective in helping get a fantastic vape with bottom coil atomizers.

Atomizer: What to do if it is gurgly?

Atomizer sometime can get a little too much eLiquid inside - they can become gurgly: this is normal and can be fixed easily.
If you have a traditional - bottom coil atomizer - with the coil screwed to the base (e.g.: Nautilus):
  • Remove and clean the mouth piece as well as the battery connection (if necessary) and place your atomizer over a paper towel.
  • For atomizer with the coil screwed to the base: Tip your Atomizer upside down (bottom up) and make sure the liquid is below the coils - this is to make sure we do not create too much pressure inside the atomizer when blowing into it (next step).
  • Blow hard into the air hole (usually where the connection threads are) to remove any excess liquid from the air chamber.
  • Clean the atomizer mouth piece section (some eLiquid should come out).
If you have a more recent - anti-leaking design atomizer - with the coil screwed to the head (e.g.: Cubis):
  • Unscrew the top of the atomizer with the coil attached.
  • Blow into the mouth piece and you will see excess eLiquid exit from the wicking holes.
Now your atomizer should work perfectly again without any more gurgle.
General eLiquid Information

The eJuice base is made off a mix of propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG) - the base composition will affect the overall viscosity as well as the amount of vapor produced.
  • At VapeShop we found that Max VG (close to 100%) e-Liquid does not perform as well when used in a clearomizer.
  • We prefer to use a mix of either 70/30 or 50/50 VG/PG ratio to achieve the best overall result.
eLiquid Standard notation

To specify the amount of nicotine in eLiquid - the industry uses "mg/ml" - it is sometimes shortened to a simple "mg" - a Nicotine % can also be used.
e.g.: A 12 mg/ml e-Liquid is equivalent to a 1.2% nicotine strength eJuice.
12mg is 0.012g and since 1 ml is roughly 1 g depending on the liquid density (true for water - metric system).
As a result the mass ratio is 0.012 which is equivalent to 1.2%.

Citing: < >

I always found a 50% PG to 50% VG ratio worked extremely well in most Evod style clearomizer tanks. Probably would not suggest over 70% VG being used in a clearomizer. Clearomizers are simply not quite designed for thicker viscosity ejuice & VG (vegetable glycerin) makes the juice thicker and adds more potency for vapor clouds.

As for the no atomizer error you keep getting, it can be caused by over tightening the atty down unto the mod/battery unit. Sure, I understand wanting your atomizer to stay on your battery. I used to wrench those damn things on something fierce. What you need to let yourself understand is what you think might be snug is really overly tight. I know that's difficult to wrap your mind around, took me a bit as well. Tighten them until they stop turning easily, then only give maybe not even a quarter turn more.

(Please Note: I am not 'calling you out' over this at all. Many of us are prone to over tighten, and not only vaping gear. So please don't read that into that. It's a common enough error. )

Also be sure to twist your atomizer off and on as you're putting it on. You need to avoid cross threading and turning a turning then "backing it off" a quarter turn then another on and so on until it's snug helps with avoiding that. Cross threading can also be a cause of zany error messages as it will foul up your perceptions as to what is tight versus snug. You only need these things to be snug, not tight that requires putting it into a bench vice. ;) :)

You may also want to wait a couple of minutes for the wick to absorb the liquid before vaping again, after refilling the tank. You might want to do a few "priming" hits. Don't fire the battery but take a few hits through it. That lets the wick saturate well. Wait a few after that and then go on to regular vaping.

Hopefully I've offered some sense of help.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I just can't use anything less than 70/30 VG/PG or it is what I consider and anemic vape. People told me to use higher VG in my Nautilus Minis but in them I have always used High or Max VG. But that is just me and my personal preference. Hope you figure out the problem @ch3shirecat

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
umm what about the adapter you said you were using with the tank?
It could be the cause of the problem.


Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
Hey, using an Eleaf iStick 20 with an Aspire BVC Clearomiser and 1.8ohm Aspire BVC Coils, as well as an adaptor since the tank doesn't go directly with the unit.

It's been a pretty good set-up for a while now, and suddenly it just seems completely bust.

I refilled the tank (carefully, tilted so as it didn't leak into the central rod thingy) and didn't overfill. It kept threading a little wrong and giving me a "no atomiser" message on the screen. Couldn't get it to thread right no matter how many times I unscrewed and rescrewed, so I gave the threads a little clean with q-tips and it went on fine. I can't see any missing/damaged O rings either. Once it screwed on, I pressed the button and vapour came out of the air holes on the first two presses. After that it stopped, but now it tastes burnt and has given me a seriously sore throat. I always use the same liquid, and all I can think is that maybe the coils are damaged? It'd mean the entire pack of coils was damaged though because I went through three from the pack I have trying to figure out if it was the coils. Now I can't use it at all because of the taste and I'm kinda stuck for a solution. Help?!
*Atomizers 1.5ohms or lower will have issues firing on this mod. There is also an issue where atomizers will not fire if screwed on too tightly. Please be advised.*
About the burnt taste.too many cotton holds only small amount of juice.

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