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Velocity clone no flavor?


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So I purchased a velocity clone made by tobeco. It was my first rda and my first purchase of a atomizer after my herakles plus. I've ran both Clapton and fused claptons in my velocity with both just traditional wicking technique and the Irish roll technique. Vapen the same juice in the velocity and herakles and the herakles always has better flavor than my velocity. It's very upsetting. The 2 builds I've ran in the velocity came out to .25 ish with a dual coil setup. Using koh gen do cotton as well. What should I do? I love the flavor I get from my herakles but don't want to buy another rebuildable if I can't get better flavor or even close to it.

Adam Paseman

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I love my velocity....but it seems everyone's mileage varies.

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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Close it down a bit and don't use the extra air holes in the cap, that dilutes the flavor. I run mine at .17 on a mech and use simple twisted SS 26 Gauge in a dual coil setup. Puts out tons of flavor.


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I've only used the direct air flow I haven't used the smaller indirect airflow at all and it's barely open.

Jimi D

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Make sure to tighten the fuck outta the coils. Both coils need to glow evenly for best flavor.

Jimi D

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Try tension coils. The wraps that touch each other. I get tons of flavor with them.

Etown smoke

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The best flavor I get out of that exact RDA is a dual parallel ni/k1 with one extra wrap onto the ni so the outer wire is the same on both sides and direct air almost fully open and indirect closed

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I've tried a 510 didn't make a difference. And I'm surprised that a fused clapton doesn't get good flavor for me

Adam Paseman

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Really don't know what to say...its a simple device, can't see what would be different than ours. If you have decent coils, decent juice, you should be getting a good vape. Out of all the rda's i have, it's my go to.

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So I purchased a velocity clone made by tobeco. It was my first rda and my first purchase of a atomizer after my herakles plus. I've ran both Clapton and fused claptons in my velocity with both just traditional wicking technique and the Irish roll technique. Vapen the same juice in the velocity and herakles and the herakles always has better flavor than my velocity. It's very upsetting. The 2 builds I've ran in the velocity came out to .25 ish with a dual coil setup. Using koh gen do cotton as well. What should I do? I love the flavor I get from my herakles but don't want to buy another rebuildable if I can't get better flavor or even close to it.
Def don't use the indirect air. And raise your coils up above the cyclops airflow. This helps boost the flavor considerably for me.

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Def don't use the indirect air. And raise your coils up above the cyclops airflow. This helps boost the flavor considerably for me.

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Or at least have the coils at the same level of the air flow holes. In addition, have them close to them as well.


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Currently my coils sit a little higher than what it would be if I made them PERFECTLY even with the cyclops holes.

Etown smoke

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If your still having troubles with the flavor try turning you wattage up and down to find the sweet spot for the right flavor

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So, tell me about the build and power you have to run it. The ohm rate is meaning less without details as I can build a .15 clap setup using 30 awg wrapped with 40 or 20 awg wrapped with 28. The resulting coils although the same ohm will vape differently at defferent power levels.
Could be the issue is too much or too little metal in the coil.

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Etown smoke

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I just put a dual FC in mine 26ss wrapped with 34k1 5/6 wraps comes out at .12 vaping it at 80w and the flavor is great.

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Currently my coils sit a little higher than what it would be if I made them PERFECTLY even with the cyclops holes.
Find what works best for you. I get best results for flavor with coil mounted closer to and aligned with the air exit rather than the traditional intake alignments. intake alignment do produce more clouds though.

My build goal for flavor is a fast coil that converts a lot of juice to vapor fast and only enough outside air to move that
vapor to my mouth.

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It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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Even though the Velocity style deck is wonderful and is being used nowadays in many other devices, the Velocity RDA itself is not one of my favorites, at least not for flavor.


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The build is 2 .5 ohm fused clapton coils. I got them from crazy chef on here. They come out to .25 ohms. Ive ran them from 50 watts to 100 watts with the only increase being temperature and vapor.... not flavor


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Even though the Velocity style deck is wonderful and is being used nowadays in many other devices, the Velocity RDA itself is not one of my favorites, at least not for flavor.
I felt that way too for a while. But if you find the sweet spot for coil placement, it's a flavor rda for sure

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Etown smoke

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Even though the Velocity style deck is wonderful and is being used nowadays in many other devices, the Velocity RDA itself is not one of my favorites, at least not for flavor.

I do have to agree with that, my dotmod petri haste better flavor no doubt but my velocity still has really good flavor compared to my tanks.

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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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The trick I use is to mount my coils high, so the airflow comes from beneath as much as possible. Doing it this way requires a clear channel under the coils with no cotton blocking the channel so the air can come under the coils and then upwards as you take a toot. On my other one I'm running Stainless Caterpillar coils at .12 Ohms, mounted high, and the flavor is top notch.


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Even though the Velocity style deck is wonderful and is being used nowadays in many other devices, the Velocity RDA itself is not one of my favorites, at least not for flavor.

Yeah, The velocity is neither a flavor or a pure cloud atty. What it is, is an Easy to Build atty. 2 post with 2 BIG holes in each, on a relatively big deck. With air hole setup to give a good but not great hit to both the Flavor chaser and cloud chaser along with the MTL and DL inhalers.


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Sorry for delay. Here is my build.


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I wanna say it's 2 or 2.5mm. Not sure 100% they are crazychef coils

Adam Paseman

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Can't see any changes from what you currently are running making that big a difference on flavor-not enough to go from "flavorless" to "wow". Maybe this rda just isn't producing the flavor for you. I see this everywhere-some will love a tank/device while others dont seem to get the results. I personally love my velocity rda, love the smooth airflow, ease of building, and a good combo of flavor and clouds.

I had a conversation with the owner of a local vape shop about my (original) aromamizer-he felt it sucked while i get amazing flavor out of it. Can't explain how the same tank can have such a difference in each users experience.

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I love the clouds from it but my herakles plus sub ohm has better flavor on every juice I've tried. It's upsetting.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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I wanna say it's 2 or 2.5mm. Not sure 100% they are crazychef coils
Well since they are bought coils there's no point of suggesting to change them, but I would make a pair of 6 wrap 3 ID, close the indirect airflow, open the direct airflow to the minimum needed for DL and use it at around 60W


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I have a clone velocity and mine came from fasttech. I found that my lack of flavor is due to the low quality delrim piece for the positive post. How I found out? I already had doubts so my friend that has an authentic one, ordered a replacement piece and I used it in mine. I believe the low quality one when heated puts out an over powering taste over the juice.


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If I found an atty that gave me 'no flavor' I would consider it a bonus, I could use it to vape all the shitty juices I have bought.


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It's not no flavor. But not the flavor everyone raves about with an rda. For me it's pretty similar to my rafale sub ohm tank... that's pretty bad

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