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Veteran E-Cigarette Users Fret ‘Cloud Chasers’ Give Them a Bad Name


Under Ground Hustler
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This woman is a fool.

As a vaper there is no good reason to go on Newsweek and complain about how other people vape.

She reminds me of the cold turkey quitters who smoked for 30 years that bitch about you being a weak nicotine addict who should just quit because vaping makes you look stupid.

She doesn't have a fucking problem selling cloud chasing setups to line her pockets but she doesn't like cloud chasers?

That's the type of shit you keep to yourself if your business is supplying those cloud chasers with gear and eliquid.

She has no problem selling the (copyright infringing) transformers mod on her site:

We all know by now that week after week, day in, day out, year after year all that the mafia style gang of democrat senators have been complaining about is one thing:
Child Friendly Flavors / What About The Children

I have never, ever, ever ever ever seen a politician mention cloud density when talking about a vaping tax, ban, or restriction.
Have you???

She was on NEWSWEEK as a vaper, shop owner, and advocate.
Instead of mentioning the FDA's proposed defacto BAN on 99% of all vaping products on the market this "Advocate" took Newsweek's precious time to bitch about CLOUDS!!!

Am I the only one who thinks as an advocate this woman could have bitched about a bunch of more important topics??? - 5150

Edit: It appears GrimmGreen feels the same way I do about this one:


Under Ground Hustler
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Green green? Do you really think it's fair to ask a cloud chaser's opinion of whether cloud chasers are a problem? :)

I agree with this woman 100%. People who never smoked shouldn't ever vape. This is the divide in our community, ex-smokers vs show offs.
One group is trying to save their lives. The other groups saw what the first group was doing and thought it looked cooool.
I don't really care whether people vape or for what reasons, but don't fucking hide behind the skirts of health improvement unless you're an ex-smoker.
Nothing pisses me off more than these hobbyists trying to claim health benefits from vaping like an ex smoker. Its pure bullshit and it hurts our community.

The cloud chasers have pulled the covers off the ex smokers.

The woman from VAPE NY is 100% right, plus they're a great shop to do business with.

edit: except for that 60 dollar clone thing. Holy crap!

So should we revert back to protanks and 70/30 PG/VG eliquid?
Because MAX VG and subohm tanks tend to cloud a little.


Under Ground Hustler
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It's a funny little dichotomy, this divide.
The smokers did get there first and probably have a better moral claim to vaping but the cloud chasers are the people who developed this stuff. They on the ship now! :) Without them we wouldn't have sub tanks, or decent atomizers, or wicking materials that wick, and on and on...

Neither group would exist as we do today if it weren't for the other.
I remember being in the ego/CE4 water thin 32mg/ml nic eliquid but still get a burnt hit group in 2012 and I really don't want to go back there:(


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Non smokers who huff hooka, vape.. fucking posers.
Tard ohm jerk offs who go as close to a dead short just to chuck phat clouds and blow rings are giving us a bad name as a whole.

Not much I agree with shark about but this is pretty spot on.

But fucking shame on newsweek.. oh forgot piss yellow journalism at it's finest.


Under Ground Hustler
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I don't understand, why would you be 'going back' to those days?
32mg??? :eek: Holee crap Batman! :) You're an ex-smoker anyway! My opinion regards those who never smoked only.

32??? o_O
Shit, I used 36mg/ml to quit smoking in 2012.
This was my all day vape... 2015-11-05 15.31.28.jpg


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I was a hookah smoker, without lung hits and giant clouds I probably wouldn't be able to stick my quit. In public I tend to take little mouth puffs, if I vape in public at all.

I have never actually heard anyone complain about clouds irl, or even seen giant clouds outside of vape shops. Tbh this is the first time I've seen cloud complaints outside of a vape forum, I'm not sure it's the problem every ecig forum makes it out to be. (I am completely open to evidence to the contrary, I just haven't seen it)

Thanks for reading my rambling!


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Cloud Chasers , that blow them selfs up . Give Vapers a " Bad Name " .
That is if " Dumb Ass " is considered a bad name .


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Speaking as the semi official VU Old Fart.............................................

And these are my own personal opinions.

I would never recommend vaping to someone that never smoked in the first place.

Nor would I ever hand a bottle of Everclear to a non drinker that was curious.

While 99.999 percent of vapers will attest that vaping is one hell of a lot better than smoking, it is still not better than fresh air.

And if you want to start vaping so you can look cool by blowing clouds, trying to look cool is what started me smoking at age 16!

I got no problems with you blowing clouds.

In your home.

At your friend's home with permission

In your car.

In cloud comps.

But not in public!

Perfect example, One of my many doctors (I told you I am an old fart) used to have no issues with patients vaping on the premises.

Until some ASSHAT came into his office, pulled out a mech and a dripper and blew a cloud of vapor into his face!

I know this because I asked him to describe the device and my next visit I brought in a mech with a dripper attached and showed it to him for a positive ID.

BTW and since I am such a swell guy, he still allows me to vape in the treatment rooms as I have my gear set to satisfy and not to the PISS OFF setting!
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Speaking as the semi official VU Old Fart.............................................

And these are my own personal opinions.

I would never recommend vaping to someone that never smoked in the first place.

While 99.999 percent of vapers will attest that vaping is one hell of a lot better than smoking, it is still not better than fresh air.

And if you want to start vaping so you can look cool by blowing clouds, trying to look cool is what started me smoking at age 16!

I got no problems with you blowing clouds.

In your home.

At your friend's home with permission

In your car.

In cloud comps.

But not in public!

Perfect example, One of my many doctors (I told you I am an old fart) used to have no issues with patients vaping on the premises.

Until some ASSHAT came into his office, pulled out a mech and a dripper and blew a cloud of vapor into his face!

I know this because I asked him to descibe the device and my next visit I brought in a mech with a dripper attached and showed it to him for a posi9tive ID.

BTW and since I am such a swell guy, he still allows me to vape in the treatment rooms as I have my gear set to satisfy and not to the PISS OFF setting!

I understand about the team of doctors, Mr. Tarotcat has an army of doctors. I hope you're in good health :)

You see the blowing giant clouds in public just seems...rude. this may be just me, but the *only* time it's ok to blow smoke or vape in someone's face is with consent, and possibly prior negotiation. ;)

OT - I've taken some shit for going from hookah to vaping *giggles*


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Hoofing down the street I am vaping like a dance club fog machine... outside.

If people are gunna get butthurt over a cloud drifting towards them it means they are to close.... lucky they are not catching a whiff of that chunk of ass I just broke off and left hanger there.


Under Ground Hustler
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And this is exactly how to get the public and their votes to move against you and all vapors.
This is a political hot potato. Your actions affect the rest of us.

And from a simple human courtesy perspective, I disagree vehemently with your post.
This illustrates the divide I posted on earlier. Ex smokers just don't think like this.

It is this very attitude that I, as an ex-smoker, would step away from quickly. It shows we are not on the same team. I do not support this... right to be rude. If you're blowing clouds big enough to visibly come at people outside, then you're doing too much.

Happy 1600th message!!!


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And this is exactly how to get the public and their votes to move against you and all vapors.
This is a political hot potato. Your actions affect the rest of us.

And from a simple human courtesy perspective, I disagree vehemently with your post.
This illustrates the divide I posted on earlier. Ex smokers just don't think like this.

It is this very attitude that I, as an ex-smoker, would step away from quickly. It shows we are not on the same team. I do not support this... right to be rude. If you're blowing clouds big enough to visibly come at people outside, then you're doing too much.

My personal favorite are those who drip and drive.
Vape like a shameful smoker.
I do vape indoors nor blow it in peoples faces.
Maybe the antz need to tone down the body spray and scents while they are at the sniveling. I will vape on, not chasing clouds to chase clouds but to keep me from lighting up a cig.

So you and your high horse can sit judgement off to the side fucking each other.

you vape how you want to vape like a shameful former cig smoker, I will continue vaping how I vape 25+ feet from the doorways and not inside.


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I saw a guy at a stop light fog up his car to the point he didn't see the light had turned green. Accidents waiting to happen like that will be bad for vaping. I think there has already been a deadly accident attributed to distracted driving due to vaping...


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I consider a shop owner bitching about vaping and clouds to be the ultimate height of both Hypocrisy and Idiocy. She makes her living off of vapers, sells cloud chasing gear and then has the temerity to bitch to a national news magazine about cloud chasing hurting vaping? This incredibly stupid woman just handed our opponents a can of ammo with her blessing. It's idiocy like this that just makes my blood boil. What's worse is the arrogance to tell other vapers that they have to vape her way to prevent over-regulation.

I'd say she just started the process to close down her business without her knowing it. It's morons like her that deserve to go out of business.

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