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Voltage jumps on IPV mini 2

Hey guys,
Im not an experienced vaper so I really dunnow tf is wrong. I have been using an IPV mini 2 for about a month with a Derringer RDA. everything is good but then suddenly there are these really random voltage jumps. It would sometimes read the ohms was around 0.3 or 0.4 all the way to 1.7 and then I get this MASSIVE hit which makes me cough and all. Any fix? Ive already tried making new coils multiple times and even changed juices and the cotton.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Have you tried a different topper all together, to eliminate it may be problems with the Derringer RDA??
Dont have one haha. Do u think its got something to do with the screw at the bottom of the RDA? I unscrewed it a little bit and it got better but its popping up again.. :((


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It may have, I am not an expert on RDA's but someone will come along and help you out I am sure:) Good luck & welcome to VU. :)


Drips in Public
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Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm relatively new to vaping myself. Five weeks to be exact. But I am wrapping my own coils and have a couple of RBAs and a couple of Kanger ST mini's with RBA's running on an IPV Minin (30 watt). The jumps in voltage and ohms is something I experienced as well. Turned out I was the coil set screws on my RBA needed tweaking.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Do you have an ohm reader? like @GrayVaper said, you may need to check if a) your screws are tightened down on your coils and b) that they aren't touching the walls or the top of your barrel. Try that and see if you get the same result.


Bronze Contributor
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Ill tell you what I do. Put the rda on the ohms reader and flick the side. If the ohms change tighten your screws and try again

Dan DePippo

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
I would start by making sure the coil ends are either cut right at post or bent up tight to post and screws are all tight including 510 pin. It should be tight. Sounds to me like wire is hitting air ring or not enough space around coils

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