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Warning label may have misled tobacco consumers for over 30 years


Under Ground Hustler
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Tobacco Control colluding with the US government to lie to the public about the difference in harm between tobacco products?

See, I had seen this before like the story above about smokeless tobacco.

They are using the exact same playbook (Demonize, Propaganda, Scaremonger, then Tax) on vaping that they did in the 80's to smokeless.

They can't justify the same tax as cigarettes on a product that is admittedly safer.
That's why they lie. - 5150


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Member For 3 Years
Yep. Now look at the FDA's proposed rule limiting N-nitrosonornicotine (NNN) in smokless tobacco. Their own data shows the Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk from using smokeless tobacco is in the single digits.... Per 10,000! In fact, for anything other than dry snuff (a type of smokless tobacco that's been out of style for the better part of 100 years), it's in the low single digits. I would call than damn close to negligible, especially compared to smoking, where the Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk is above 10%, essentially two orders of magnitude higher.

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