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Warning Labels and Child-Resistant Packaging on Liquid Nicotine Bottles


Under Ground Hustler
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Once again I don't know where to start?
Another turd blog post from Florida Tobacco Free Kids

"the number of calls to poison centers involving e-cigarette liquids containing nicotine rose from one per month in September 2010 to 215 per month in February 2014, according to a study published last year by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). More than half of the calls to poison centers due to e-cigarettes involved young children under age 5. The number of calls per month involving conventional cigarettes did not show a similar increase during the same time period."

"calls to poison centers involving e-cigarette liquids containing nicotine rose from one per month in September 2010 to 215 per month in February 2014"

This is kind of like the equivalent of saying "The purchase and use of 2015 model automobiles rose higher between 2014 to 2015 than and year in history thus far"

That would be a stupid thing to say

Since the fact that the amount of vapers had risen from almost none to tens of thousands in Florida from 2010 to 2014 it caused poison control calls to raise from 1 per month to 215 per month.

Tobacco control and public health thinking it's a huge mystery and/or an epidemic is stupid too.

"The number of calls per month involving conventional cigarettes did not show a similar increase during the same time period."

Gee, that couldn't be because people are switching from "conventional cigarettes" to vaping by the thousands per month?

People are also quitting cold turkey and dying from the inability to quit when they get older.

"In addition, warning labels on e-cigarettes and other nicotine delivery devices, which are currently unregulated, would be an important step in educating the public about the dangers of nicotine addiction, the fundamental reason individuals persist in using tobacco products."

NO!!! The reason people use tobacco products or vaporizers is because they enjoy the benefits of Nicotine!
We just want to enjoy those benefits WITHOUT shaving 10 years off of our life THAT is why we vape.

You will NEVER get a person in "Public Health" or tobacco control to say that nicotine has benefits and/or is pleasant/pleasurable to use even though there is more than a billion people world wide that would beg to differ.

"For these reasons, I urge the FDA to implement measures that restrict the availability and access of liquid nicotine to those under 18, including containers of liquid nicotine and devices used to deliver liquid nicotine such as e-cigarettes."

The state of Florida already has a ban to minors on the fucking books!!!
How about attempting to ENFORCE the laws already on the books before deciding to make new ones!!!

Is that too much to ask? - 5150
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Pauly Walnuts

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the westboro baptist church doesnt understand gays, hence they demonize them. Its the same with everything.
It just happens that we are misunderstood, by complete fucking morons.

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