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Watts and Wire Gauges

I just put four coils on my Tobh 30mm atomizer with the below specs.
Inside Diameter: 1.58mm
Wraps: 17
Coil Length: ~7-8mm
Ohm: 1.2ohms per coil with total at ~0.3ohm on the atomizer

This was on my The Copper 26650 and it took forever for them to heat up. I transferred the atomizer to my Nemesis clone with a fully charged VTC5 and they heated up a bit a faster but still kind of slow. I made these coils because of the big space between each of the posts on the Tobh 30mm.

What kind of watts would need to be pumped through these coils to get them to heat faster like a normal 7 wrap 28g microcoil? I am thinking about getting a regulated box mod and trying to decide which for this specific atomizer and build.
.3ohm with a battery charged to 4.2 comes out at 58.8 watts using an ohms law calculator. At that you best be looking at a 100w box mod and crank it up!


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26650 mods are not really that good for sub ohm vaping. The 26650 battery has a lot of internal resistance causing a lot of voltage drop.
The Atlas or Hexohm are worth a look. The Atlas $234 uses the SX350 board 50 watts with a 80 watt user upgrade coming soon, 1.5 volts to 9.5 volts single 18650. The Hexohm $150 uses the ORK T10 board 50 watts 3.5 to 6.0 volts dual 18650
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Member For 5 Years
also 17 wraps is a lot. most i would say do is 10 maybe 12 on higher gauges

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