A lot of commercials are showing the dangers of smoking. And I agree with that. I've seen a lot of negative examples. But I can't deny myself the pleasure of taking a puff. But for puffs, I use webs now. I have my taste preferences. But I don't mind experimenting with new flavors. I visited the Holy-Smokes in NJ Vape Shop quite recently. I got a lot of different flavors and want to experience something new. Anyone vaping and worried about their health would probably prefer to get vapes in licensed places not to get products from the black market.
<TLDR>TL; DR Version: Sorry chum, you got here too late to hop on a sinking ship. Keep the faith though.
Apply knowledge to create value. Value is a sacred currency none can control but all desire. With value you can attain power. Power will get you more knowledge.
Lather, rinse, repeat & if you want a new revolution, ...
don't. Instead walk it out in a straight line, go to what we all aspire. Get us to the time where no more revolutions are required. Thanks. Signed, Magic, he who creates the mystic Mist.</TLDR>
Unfortunately, it seems that is where the governments of the world seem keen to drive vaping. They will make vaping rely upon being a black market item. Vapers have fought long and hard yet knowing that a "golden rule" applied, "those with the gold rule".
If our numbers could have solidified, unified more so we may have held a chance. Sorry to say but really no time now for "Johnny Come Lately" types to hop on the bandwagon. That ship done sailed and sank.
Keep hope alive and hold fast to faith, know though what is now is. This is yet another "thing beyond our control". Seek knowledge and then use that to generate power, to get more knowledge.
This is the application of knowledge called wisdom. Apply knowledge to attain power by means of adding value. Value is currency which cannot be metered out, held by any government or corporate entity.
How will this apply to vaping? Well, learn to build coils, mix up your own juice. People will value that. You can earn actual currency then. Once enough start earning good they can pool resources. A heap is made from little bits.
An avalanche starts as a single snow flake, the ocean from from a single drop of rain. As Bruce Lee once said, "be like water, gentle yet able to dissolve mountains." Rivers run slow and steady to seas, oceans and carry us all home. There's no force to stop this, no matter if one holds gold or not.
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.
You who suffer because you love, love still more! To die of love, is to live by it.
When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right.
Not being heard is no reason for silence.
All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come.
All those quotes come from Mr. Victor Hugo. He was quite an author, well worth reading. Two more by him to help solidify the expression.
Teach the ignorant as much as you can; society is culpable in not providing a free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness, sins will be committed.
To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark.
Now, if one wants to burn it all down you know where the kindling lies. Please though, make it anew correctly next time. Create a world where there are no more revolutions, some of us tire of going in circles when straight lines are easier to travel.