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What Defines a Great Vape Store? A Discussion on Global Standards and South Africa's Market

Hello everyone,

As a vaping enthusiast who has experienced both the global vaping scene and the unique market in South Africa, I've noticed some gaps that need addressing, particularly in South Africa. It seems that both suppliers and retailers could benefit from a fresh perspective on how to enhance their services and products.

From my observations, there are a few key areas where improvements could make a significant difference:

  • Product Selection: How varied and comprehensive should a store's selection be?
  • Customer Service: What kind of service makes a vape store stand out?
  • Quality and Authenticity: How do stores ensure the authenticity and safety of their products?
  • Knowledge and Expertise: Are staff well-informed and helpful when it comes to guiding both newbies and seasoned vapers?
  • After-Sales Support: How important is follow-up support, including dealing with returns, repairs, and providing useful vaping tips?
I'm contemplating starting a venture that aims to address these issues and set new standards in our local market. However, I believe there’s much to learn from the international community.

What do you think makes a great vape store? Do you think the standards I mentioned are universal, or are there different expectations based on regional preferences?

Looking forward to your insights and discussions!


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Knowledge and Expertise: Are staff well-informed and helpful when it comes to guiding both newbies and seasoned vapers?

Have a very good working understanding of laws, ordinances, sanctions regarding vaping in the locality they serve. Some understanding of these subjects on the International level would be a nice bonus.

Knowledge upon ways to keep vaping supplies, gear out of the hands of children. Yes, I know there is no stopping kids being kids. That doesn't excuse adults their obligation to ensure child safety.

For example, understand industry standard childproof caps on juice bottles, safe use and handling of batteries. Do not sell unregulated devices to those lacking understanding of them.

In simple terms, the vape shop needs to be socially responsible and accountable. Not trying to rain on any parades, only offering my suggestion for a greater vape shop as asked.

We all look after each other lest the bad guys look after us.


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
After-Sales Support: How important is follow-up support, including dealing with returns, repairs, and providing useful vaping tips?

Near vitally important. If you want to be in business to stay in business, customers are kings and queens. That isn't to say a customer will "always be right". Temper the customer service rep staff with a curve toward "guiding" customers, though. No one likes some snotty prick "know it all" "shutting them down".


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Quality and Authenticity: How do stores ensure the authenticity and safety of their products?

Work only with reputable manufactures and mixers, suppliers. They, too, will "be in business to stay in business". You'll face fewer risks of getting "burned".

Apologies for multiple posts, addressing each. Realized they were questions upon a second read through. Yes, I do struggle a bit at times but I "get there" :)


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Customer Service: What kind of service makes a vape store stand out?

See this. Barring that, you want CS to act as ambassadors for your business. Give your CS department plenty of autonomy in helping with sales. That's not to say your CS people can "cut your throat" to get new customers, or retain regulars. Have clear lines drawn ahead of time. Say you still want at least 80% mark up a mod that a CS person is trying to unload to sell over volume instead of retail price, let 'em go for it as long you are still getting the percentage.

This also ties into that. Bottom line, you want top-notch pros working at a shop. That professionalism will show itself, too. No professionalism, and disingenuous folks will also show. You want the authentic ones. Give them gold tickets, boot out the ones that aren't good reflections.

Also pardon my grammar and mechanics. I do write, only not professionally, at least not yet. Often, I write just as standing by you, carrying on conversation. That to me is what this WWW thing is about. It's a conversation. :)


Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
Product Selection: How varied and comprehensive should a store's selection be?

As vast and varied as you can to get started. You can add, detract as you go accordingly to sales, preferences. Don't shy away from regular vaping devices to push only disposables, or vice versa. People need choice in vaping. The only "right way" someone vapes is the "way that is right for them." Getting to that requires choice.

Hope I've offered at least some glimmer of useful insight. Us older dogs, we never can tell. Hope also you do well in your ventures. :)

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