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What Is the CDC Implying with this Vaping PSA?


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
I like the static shot shown before you play the video. She's all frowny, holding a photo of herself languishing in the hospital. They should have just gone all the way and taken that hospital photo with her holding an x-ray of her black lung.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I think they are trying to say vaping is no magic wand to stopping smoking(and they are right it isn't) and that the best alternative is just quitting everything...are they implying the chick's lung collapes because of vaping??? heavens no...well maybe a bit....well yeah....but they don't want to be caught in such a silly charge so they hope the stupid and ill informed will swallow the bait......and so next week when some numbnut tells you that vaping will make your lungs collapse you'll know where they got it.

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