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What is the highest voltage mod?


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Not really worried about anything else (watts, ohms, amps or power supply) at the moment, just wondering where this advancement is heading.

Why? Because I've been messing with higher ohms and I'm finding a little increase from my usual resistance requires a big increase in volts and watts. I can quickly max out my old school 5v-6v limit.
I'm thinking 24v 8Ω-10Ω might be the future. :)


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i have thought about this.. extremely high ohm coils at extremely high voltage

thing is for me i wont wanna be on the front lines of this advancement lol too much power in that equation.. i use about 5-6v @ 1.2-1.5Ω and am totally fine with that (only about 18-20 watts).. my DNA 30 will fire above 8v though on higher ohm builds


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That's why I'll leave the design to the electronics experts :)

I haven't been able to feed 1.2Ω-1.5Ω fast enough (short of burning off a flood). I haven't really tried outside of a large diameter 3Ω simple test for increasing voltage to test vapor and warm up time.

I'm messing with single gennies. Normal 1.8Ω-2Ω, >4v, anything higher would burn. For some reason 2.2Ω-2.3Ω and I can run up to the max and not burn out the flavor. Vapor increases, naturally.
I'll have to try and replicate this coil in a dripper. Maybe I just found the sweet spot for the wire.


Custard Junkie
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The 100 watt Viscous Ant box mod is being made right now .. I don't know any mod that is attempting to go higher than that one lol.. It could already be out already but I believe its just pre-orders..

The price tag of 500$ is a bit ridiculous but god damn that mod is beautiful!


Custard Junkie
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the only reason for that much power is for the super subohmers that want to use a regulated mod.. other than that it is just madness lol


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13.8V for the Beast. I bet that could heat up 3Ω pretty fast.

Some of the ones I've looked at boasting high watts are no better than a Vamo for higher resistances. They rely on sub ohm to need the watts.


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ECF Refugee
It is gonna turn into a big dick contest. Mine has more power than yours. I can see 500w devices before the end of the year if not sooner.

Tap'd from my LG G2


Silver Contributor
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It is gonna turn into a big dick contest. Mine has more power than yours. I can see 500w devices before the end of the year if not sooner.

Tap'd from my LG G2

But since it's mostly about sub-ohm aren't they bragging theirs is smaller but they use it better? :)


Silver Contributor
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It is gonna turn into a big dick contest. Mine has more power than yours. I can see 500w devices before the end of the year if not sooner.

yep.. i wonder if safety becomes a problem at such high wattages, this is blowing past mech mods. fog machines are what, 1000w? so maybe the power is safe but we dont know if we are releasing carcinogens or what we are extracting from the juice at that level. we need science! i could vape on my hana for the rest of my life probably lol

Vapor Zen

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Here's what vaping @ 400 watts looks like.. Enjoy



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I bet fog machines work on the higher resistance higher voltage principle, not low sub-ohm low volts.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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It is gonna turn into a big dick contest. Mine has more power than yours. I can see 500w devices before the end of the year if not sooner.

Tap'd from my LG G2

Like we really need a mod that can jump start your truck!


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The vapor's lungs is the limiting capacitor here... And I thought the purpose of an e-cig/mod was to deliver nicotine to said lungs.

It would be easy enough to attach a big RC(radio control) 14.8v or 18.5v battery, or even one from a cordless screwdriver to a thimble and flash boil a ml of ejuice, the question would be why??? With the current evolvution of e-cig mods, you can get plenty of hit ... If you don't, you can always up your nic level. Most of the cloud chasers are only doing about 3mg ejuice because you get too much nicotine from those already...

I was at a vaping show last year, and someone had one of those fogger machines going (short bursts cause it would fill the room... lol)... But they quickly learned that you needed to put 0mg nic juice in it...


Silver Contributor
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Like we really need a mod that can jump start your truck!

That makes more sense than charging your cell phone with an ecig. At least you could drive to get more ecig supplies.

The vapor's lungs is the limiting capacitor here... And I thought the purpose of an e-cig/mod was to deliver nicotine to said lungs.

It would be easy enough to attach a big RC(radio control) 14.8v or 18.5v battery, or even one from a cordless screwdriver to a thimble and flash boil a ml of ejuice, the question would be why??? With the current evolvution of e-cig mods, you can get plenty of hit ... If you don't, you can always up your nic level. Most of the cloud chasers are only doing about 3mg ejuice because you get too much nicotine from those already...

I was at a vaping show last year, and someone had one of those fogger machines going (short bursts cause it would fill the room... lol)... But they quickly learned that you needed to put 0mg nic juice in it...

I was thinking more for the cloud chasing for the sake of clouds end of it. How many .0's can sub-ohmers add before there's no more benefit?
I need nicotine for medical reasons. I'd use dual low Ω set ups with my normal 18mg for times when I wasn't vaping enough, but I'd have to wait until I was able to sit down and drip. What I'm finding with the one that has 6v available is I can go from normal to kicking with the same mod. I'll have a use for the same set up being able to go from 3.7v-6v with reasonable warm up at the low end and not burning at the high end.

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