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What tank or dripper...


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years you have lurking at the bottom of your vape drawer, only because you have not yet picked it up and threw it as far as you can?


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Mine would be the Geyser rda. Just about impossible to get a quad build (what it was designed for) to fire evenly. When you adjust one coil, another moves out of place. Also the little Teflon peice in the middle gets all melty when test firing your coils. Build space is TINy as well...


Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
Petri clone. wanted to try it out before spending the ridiculous amount of money for an authentic. Can't get the damn thing to stop whistling. Sounds like my sons lionel train no matter what kind of coil or wicking i try. I do like the drip tip it came with though

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