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Will 2016 be the year that the high street vape shop runs out of puff?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
fuck the EU they are skating on thin fucking ice as it is right now.....if Brussels and the facist NWO creeps that run the EU don't watch themselves they may all find themselves in a prison cell, their encoragement of the muslim invasion of europe may be their downfall.....the people of europe are rising up against the EU....screw the EU their whole draconian vaping laws will most likely force the european vaping world to center themselves on those countries in europe that refuse to knucle under to brussels and create a haven for'll be able to go to poland or hungary to stock up on vape gear and smuggle it back into england....more and more the thinking people are realizing that the trend toward the global village is a canard to steal peoples wealth and liberty...2016 could be the year the EU falls apart.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The British gave up their sovereignty along with the rest of EU countries.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The British gave up their sovereignty along with the rest of EU countries.
Britian and especially the UKIP are looking as thoughthey want less and less to do with the EU....the New World Order is out in the open now.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Britian and especially the UKIP are looking as thoughthey want less and less to do with the EU....the New World Order is out in the open now.

I love me some Nigel Farage video. Yeah, at least some of the UK wants out but they are fighting an uphill battle.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I love me some Nigel Farage video. Yeah, at least some of the UK wants out but they are fighting an uphill battle.
That is why the EU and the NWO want to flood Europe with muslims,they want to displace europeans with non europeans people that have no allegance to any particular country in europe,they want to flood europe with people that have no ethnic,cultural,or hisorical ties to any nation state in europe,and will not fight against the EU takeover of the continient.They will support,and owe their alligance whatever master that keeps the welfare checks rolling in....the fight may be uphill now, but with PIEGDA rising in Germany,Le Pen's populairy growing in France,HUngary and Poland telling the EU to fuck off.....the EU is now the ones fighting the uphill battle.

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