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WipEout: Still Awesome (Almost) 20 Years On


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Vape Media
There were two games that really convinced me that the future was now when the original PlayStation launched back in September 1995. Those games were Ridge Racer and WipEout*. Ridge Racer because, holy hell, it was an ‘arcade perfect’ (remember that expression?) racer on a home console! This can’t be happening! And WipEout because it was unlike anything I’d ever seen before. Sure, I’d played F-Zero on SNES, but this game’s anti-gravity racing took players on precipitous, rollercoaster-like courses at speed, and did it all to the sounds of a superb club/rave soundtrack. Wipeout was Cool with a capital C.

And if you took a step back, and looked at gaming at the time more broadly, the arrival of PlayStation represented several huge shifts for console gaming. It was the move to the bold – and as it seemed at the time, more mature and sophisticated - new world of 3D, it was the move away from cartridges to CDs, which meant more cinematic presentation and proper CD quality audio, and it was a console that – from the get-go – was marketed to teens and adults. Sony wanted the PlayStation to be a console for the clubbing generation, and WipEout was the game that most perfectly encapsulated that.

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