Watts (power) should be determined by resistance (ohms) of your coil and preferred sweet spot...most folks (like myself) start fairly low and bump up to that perfect vape...for instance i like the .25 ohm coil in my crown at about 60--65w......I like the .2 ohm triple coil in the Tfv4 at about 75-80w...mAh refers to how long those batts will go before needing recharged basically... I have the AWT batts rated at 3000 mAh in both my Rx200 mods...I get about 2.5 days on them before needing swapped out...with 200w available I seldom vape above 80w, but its nice to have that extra power should I ever need it..wish i could've helped more...maybe someone can chime in..i got 3000mAh batts what watts should i use?
Can't say...I never build that low...but I would start low (watts) and bump up...you're the one vaping it and should know about where you like it...called trial and error, loluhmm. Im using a dual coil with 0.11 ohms what watts can you preffer me to use? thanks
yes indeed but i always error on the side of cautionJust a reminder that coil resistance does not play a factor in calculating amp draw at the battery on regulated mods.