That's all these style of tanks, worth it though I think, especially with easy filling. They're really basically RDA's with extra large juice wells.I just got mine out of the mailbox. Shortened the wicks, as described in Suck My Mod's video, filled her up (w/ a Unicorn bottle nonetheless!), changed to the dual airflow ring (although not all the way open), and took a few more drags. Changed the drip tip too. Nice clouds and flavor now! However, it goes through the eJuice real quick. I took maybe 15 drags, and the tank is almost empty. So, there you have a con, the tank is too small! Looks nice on my Pico though.
Obviously, I had to refill my tank already, again used the Unicorn bottle. However, I noticed, it wasn't going into the tank as easy as it did the first time. Therefore, I took the tooth pick of my Swiss Army pocket knife and repositioned one wick, and I was able to fill her up again.That's all these style of tanks, worth it though I think, especially with easy filling. They're really basically RDA's with extra large juice wells.
And, you're right I do remember him saying that about the hex key now that you mentioned it. I was already anticipating it because of my Avocado, but I wanted to see how it would work simply putting juice in it and going, you know for science or something
Yes, I use the TC for SS coils. I do the same with my Crown's SS replacement coils. IMO, TC works just as good as it does with my home made SS coils in my RDAs.I've read the legs are nickel and "coil" SS, you still use SS TC right? (not at all well versed in TC, still dipping my toes trying to find a reason to continue using it).
I doubt the coil itself is the reason for dry hits, but rather the wicking of it. I verified the wick in the coil before my first test run. I even went up to 70W without any problems.Well I got mine, trimmed the wicks, notch coil was bad for me. Would get dry hits at 35 watts and and in temp control. Threw that out, put it in a clapton trimmed wick just below the juice channel and flavor was good. Ive read about the notch coil being dry hit city before.
Interesting build setup, I tried dual vertical 28 guage ss and it sucked, also the tank gets way to damn hot when chain vaping, It burnt me. So I threw that away and put in 8 wraps of 22 gauge kanthal and it works alot better. Now I would say if I lost this tank, I would not buy again. You can't vape more than 30 minutes on this tank. Have to constant refill and its kind of annoying. Will continue on boreas.
Oh, I just tried mine. This Notch coil is terrible! I need to get it vaped dry so I can rebuild it.
I will say, it gives alot more flavor than my boreas.
I've always felt there were two main components of flavor, richness and purity. Richness being like taking a big spoonful of icecream. Purity being like dropping the extra cash to buy your favorite brand rather than the store brand. If that all makes sense. RDAs get you both, the top coil stuff getting you purity at a drop in richness, and RTAs like the Boreas getting you richness at a drop in purity. At least that's how I see it. The Avocado was the best of the bunch (Dual coils, though wicks less efficiently compared to something like the Boreas) I've found outside of RDAs because nothing compares with a well dripped atomizer, but it had the added convenience.I disagree there, for me the Theorem brings out different aspects of my juices, it's still a very good vape but the Boreas are still my favourite tank.
I will say, it gives alot more flavor than my boreas.
It does? It was starting to come around for me last night with some flavor, but I'm gonna need to experiment more with this one. 6.5v of power for an ordinary 26/32 Clapton seems kind of crazy to get there.
Im not even using claptons. Simple 22 gauge 8 wraps. Blows a huge clouds too.
I have not, that's still on my list, but with so many mods that I enjoy going already I just cut myself off for a while at least.Jerus, I agree on that NC/Petri combo, my most used favorite setup. Have you ever tried a bottom feeder?