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Wotofo Troll v1.5 Problem


Member For 3 Years
I tried searching the forums but I couldn't locate any relevant discussions.

The cap is in 3pieces right, the tip fits snugly into the airflow piece and the airflow piece fits snugly into the body. The body piece, however is loose loose loose on the deck.

Has anyone else had this issue?

robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Woah, that's strange. When I first got mine, the barrel was so tight that I almost had to take pliers to it the first time I put it on with no juice. I've had it for over a year now and the o-rings have worn in, but the barrel is still SNUG.

I can think of two possibilities, here. Either one of us has a clone, or Wotofo has changed their deck o-rings for the troll since I bought mine.


Member For 3 Years
Hm! I just checked the security code online and it said it's authentic. What color are your orings? Mine are red.

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robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The deck o-rings are black, while the topper's are red.

Mine is authentic, as well. Never checked the code before because I trusted VaporDNA... ...but sure 'nuff.

And the rabbit hole grows deeper...


Member For 3 Years
Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm off work. I'm gonna head up to Home Depot and get me some o rings. The red orings don't cut the mustard so I'll get me some that do.


robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm off work. I'm gonna head up to Home Depot and get me some o rings. The red orings don't cut the mustard so I'll get me some that do.

Probably the way to go. Seems like we have different o-rings. They probably just changed their source. Not hard to see a specific type of o-ring either not being available anymore... ...or a similar one being chosen to reduce manufacturing costs. Probably happens more often than people realize.

Good luck on your quest for o-rings! That's always a fun one.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Try different o rings until one feels just right. I've swapped out o rings to find the best fit for what I want. Sidenote: Last time I used my Troll, I found that the cap from my Bambino RDA fit like a glove over the Troll top. So don't be afraid to mix and match parts and o rings to find the best setup.

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