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WTB: Reliable inexpensive mod/s & easy-to-build RDAs (for beginners)


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Hey all -

With all the box mods getting all the attention, I'm hoping to find some good deals on inexpensive mods and RDAs to learn from and play with. This will be my first venture into the land of mechs, so take it easy on me. :)

I think I prefer SS over copper/brass, magnetic over spring, and recessed over locking. Let me know what's out there, and suggestions and recommendations are very much welcome.

Oh, did I say inexpensive? I'm on a clone budget...


Celtic Fog

Tir Na Nog
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There are so many to choose from!!!!! I have my cousin building me my first mechanical as we speak, he is doing copper plumbing fittings and then going to patina it for me.


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There are so many to choose from!!!!! I have my cousin building me my first mechanical as we speak, he is doing copper plumbing fittings and then going to patina it for me.
Help me out here then - did you read the part about suggestions/recommendations? :)


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I haven't gotten into RDAs yet, but i do love a nice tank RBA/RTA/WTF like a Taifun or a Kayfun. The easiest of those to start with is the RSST, by far. Once you know what you're doing, it's not the ideal topper - but it's a fantastic learning platform for sure. And pretty cheap too. Just don't bother with glass, because those will shatter, whereas the type of semi-transparent plastic you normally get with an RSST won't crack with harsh juices.

The greatest cheapo mech mod is the Nemesis, although the original Stingray is a real heavy hitter too - but the lack of an adjustable contact at the 510 is kind of close to a deal-breaker for me.


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I haven't gotten into RDAs yet, but i do love a nice tank RBA/RTA/WTF like a Taifun or a Kayfun. The easiest of those to start with is the RSST, by far. Once you know what you're doing, it's not the ideal topper - but it's a fantastic learning platform for sure. And pretty cheap too. Just don't bother with glass, because those will shatter, whereas the type of semi-transparent plastic you normally get with an RSST won't crack with harsh juices.

The greatest cheapo mech mod is the Nemesis, although the original Stingray is a real heavy hitter too - but the lack of an adjustable contact at the 510 is kind of close to a deal-breaker for me.
I'm a bit surprised you haven't dipped your toes in the RDA waters yet. What hardware are you using right now? Oh, and I know you're a major proponent of ReadyXWick - might hit you up with questions when I'm ready LOL.

The Nemesis and the Stingray are good options - partial towards the Nemesis rather than the Stingray... I like clean lines.
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Celtic Fog

Tir Na Nog
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TOBH is easy atty to build and Tugboat would be good for a beginner too .

Nemesis is good IMO if you upgrade the switch to magnets and stingray is good affordable mod too. EIther of these will look good with either atty I mentioned as well :) Just make sure you get good batteries and dont build super low to start off. Get some coil skills down a few times before you start getting crazy lol


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I got a TOBH clone from Timeless Vapor for $20, LOVE that thing. Super easy to build on and LOTS of airflow.


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@Vash - how are those RDAs compared to IGO-W? I've read that those are some of the easiest ones to build. Oh, and I don't plan on sub-ohming... mainly looking for a good tasting setup, and to learn and play around with.


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If your interested, I recommend a mutant with a tobh on top. It is a 26650 mod. Has no locking ring and is all magnetic on fire switch. It has SS tube with brass top cap and bottom cap. If interested let me know. I have one I'm not using, so hit me up.

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If your interested, I recommend a mutant with a tobh on top. It is a 26650 mod. Has no locking ring and is all magnetic on fire switch. It has SS tube with brass top cap and bottom cap. If interested let me know. I have one I'm not using, so hit me up.
Hmmm... the Mutant does look nice. PM incoming... :)


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Stingray is good mod . Some folks have issue with button sticking sometimes but good cleaning of switch tends to fix that .Plus with clones it can come down to luck of the draw sometimes lol

I have one and it works perfect :)


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Had TOBH too and was super easy to build .Sold it to SIL as her first RDA and she loves it


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I'm a bit surprised you haven't dipped your toes in the RDA waters yet. What hardware are you using right now? Oh, and I know you're a major proponent of ReadyXWick - might hit you up with questions when I'm ready LOL.

The Nemesis and the Stingray are good options - partial towards the Nemesis rather than the Stingray... I like clean lines.
I almost exclusively use the Kayfun and Taifun. Occasionally my old RSST or AGA-T2. When i feel lazy i go back to the Evod. And of course my Nemeses and Stingray. I really do love my Nemmies!


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Celtic Fog

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And where will you be getting it from? Same place?
that one is available at a looooot of spots. Ill probably be getting it from the B&M down the street though.


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I almost exclusively use the Kayfun and Taifun. Occasionally my old RSST or AGA-T2. When i feel lazy i go back to the Evod. And of course my Nemeses and Stingray. I really do love my Nemmies!
Did you get hem from Fasttech? If not, what's an inexpensive local source? And you *are* still using RxW, right? How often do you need to re-wick?


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Yeah @jeremy was the one that turned me on to the RSST, love that thing and still use it regularly. Even with my 4 Kayfun Lites and drippers, I keep goin back to it. :p
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Genesis style rebuildable tank atomizer. Has the two posts, fill hole (with little plastic stopper) and a wick hole that are on the deck that sits on top of the tank.

Here's the deck:
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So build it the same way as RBAs, but the wick goes all the way down to the tank a la iClears?
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Yeah, I think most still use mesh and/or wire for wick... I just use some of my japanese cotton and poke it down in the tank with a needle or syringe tip. Then I just tip a little to the side the wick is on to make sure it's good and saturated before I vape.

Celtic Fog

Tir Na Nog
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Will you be pairing it with your new mod? Is he doing it vapermod style? :)
yes gonna get the copper one so I can match it to my new mod, might see if my cousin can patina that for me as well. Want to get a cool glass drip tip for it too.


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Just to add because I haven't seen this mentioned - cheap out on the hardware if you want (I certainly do, all of my mechs/RBAs/RDAs are from slowtech), but spend the money to get good batteries and a good charger. Get a good ohm checker and multimeter, learn to use both. Don't sub-ohm until you've successfully built a few coils in the 1.2+ range. Check your batteries every couple dozen vapes until you learn by feel what a drained (less than 3.7v) battery feels like.

That's about it for the important buzzkill safety warnings - as long as you do that, go out and have a blast! Answering your original question, I like my Nemesis and Caravela clone mods, and I'm partial to dual coil builds on RDAs with dual center posts, like the Igo-M and Plume Veil...super easy to learn on


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Genesis style rebuildable tank atomizer. Has the two posts, fill hole (with little plastic stopper) and a wick hole that are on the deck that sits on top of the tank.

Here's the deck:
Just LOOK at that thing! It's practically impossible to fuck up with one! And the hole is just about PERFECT for READYxWICK, if you're into stiff wick which lasts nearly forever. If mine ever dries out, i just cover the air hole and suck like i'm trying to make some money, and it's back on!

That said, it's certainly not the most versatile setup, and there's only so many ways you can build on it. But it's reliable and soooooo easy to work with.


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Did you get hem from Fasttech? If not, what's an inexpensive local source? And you *are* still using RxW, right? How often do you need to re-wick?
I got my first ones from FT, yes. But the Taifun eventually shorted out. I just got an EHPro Taifun which seems really solid. I got it at Vape Play Ground - the price was right and the shipping was fast.

Yeah, i do use the RxW exclusively - but today i did sheepishly purchase a big box of that damned cellucotton crap everybody won't shut up about. I'll try it out in the next couple of days. As for re-wicking... maybe once a month or less. Usually i just torch it and it comes out white as snow and like new... but it is fiber, after all, so it does wear and tear over time. But in general i use the same wick and just re-wrap a new coil over top of it with one of these Master Ecig Repair Tools threaded through the length of it (for stiffness and to puff it out a little so i can wrap it nice and tight but not have it choke the wick - once i pull it out it's a little looser).

The thing about that wick though - the really, really, REALLY great thing, IMHO - is that it barely colors your juice's flavor at all. I always hated other media because even if it's not running a little dry you can still taste the wick. But RxW is super clean-tasting! I've heard that supposedly some vendors changed their recipes because they tasted so much purer. Although it does sound apocryphal (i'm an eternal skeptic), i could easily imagine that actually being the case, given a juice maker who also happens to be a RxW fan.
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Just to add because I haven't seen this mentioned - cheap out on the hardware if you want (I certainly do, all of my mechs/RBAs/RDAs are from slowtech), but spend the money to get good batteries and a good charger. Get a good ohm checker and multimeter, learn to use both. Don't sub-ohm until you've successfully built a few coils in the 1.2+ range. Check your batteries every couple dozen vapes until you learn by feel what a drained (less than 3.7v) battery feels like.

That's about it for the important buzzkill safety warnings - as long as you do that, go out and have a blast! Answering your original question, I like my Nemesis and Caravela clone mods, and I'm partial to dual coil builds on RDAs with dual center posts, like the Igo-M and Plume Veil...super easy to learn on
Can I just use my regulated boxes to check ohms, or do I really need a dedicated ohm checker? Same with the multimeter - for the battery? Wouldn't a more *advanced* charger give me the same information? Thanks for your input! Now where's your suggestions...? :)


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I got my first ones from FT, yes. But the Taifun eventually shorted out. I just got an EHPro Taifun which seems really solid. I got it at Vape Play Ground - the price was right and the shipping was fast.

Yeah, i do use the RxW exclusively - but today i did sheepishly purchase a big box of that damned cellucotton crap everybody won't shut up about. I'll try it out in the next couple of days. As for re-wicking... maybe once a month or less. Usually i just torch it and it comes out white as snow and like new... but it is fiber, after all, so it does wear and tear over time. But in general i use the same wick and just re-wrap a new coil over top of it with one of these Master Ecig Repair Tools threaded through the length of it (for stiffness and to puff it out a little so i can wrap it nice and tight but not have it choke the wick - once i pull it out it's a little looser).

The thing about that wick though - the really, really, REALLY great thing, IMHO - is that it barely colors your juice's flavor at all. I always hated other media because even if it's not running a little dry you can still taste the wick. But RxW is super clean-tasting! I've heard that supposedly some vendors changed their recipes because they tasted so much purer. Although it does sound apocryphal (i'm an eternal skeptic), i could easily imagine that actually being the case, given a juice maker who also happens to be a RxW fan.
Got some pics of your Taifun builds you can share? That looks like a good option. And thank you for your comments as well!


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For everyone else, the search is still on! Show me what you got. or send me a PM - thanks!


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Got some pics of your Taifun builds you can share? That looks like a good option. And thank you for your comments as well!
I don't actually, but they're all the same pretty much. They'll basically just look like this, but with various wicking media.


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I don't actually, but they're all the same pretty much. They'll basically just look like this, but with various wicking media.
<image snipped>
And what media would this one be? Is this RxW or cotton? So you keep the deck open instead of *draping* wicking there?


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And what media would this one be? Is this RxW or cotton? So you keep the deck open instead of *draping* wicking there?
That looks like regular cotton to me. (It also happens to have ribbon wire.) I'm not sure what you mean by open and draping. There's a metal cap which screws on top of that whole cylinder encircling the deck, and the transparent tank shell which goes over the whole thing is actually awfully close to the deck stack, maybe 2mm, so it's mostly too tight to drape much wick out (and RxW is too stiff to even imagine it), but you don't need to anyway. The juice will initially come up far past that level in the tank, so it wicks like a beast until you get almost to the end.


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Can I just use my regulated boxes to check ohms, or do I really need a dedicated ohm checker? Same with the multimeter - for the battery? Wouldn't a more *advanced* charger give me the same information? Thanks for your input! Now where's your suggestions...? :)
I have a couple Vamos as my only regulated devices, and there's definitely some variance when calculating resistance with attys (and they don't do too well with low-ohm checking) - battery wattage is better. You can get a decent digital multimeter from Harbor Freight (not good, but decent) for like $10 (mine was free during a promo they ran a while back), so we're not talking huge investment here. And to me, it was easier to pull the battery and tap the ends with the multimeter than pull it from one mod, pop into another, check power, remove, re-install in first...better reliability and a minute saved every check, plus another tool (I really like tools) for $10 or less was a no-brainer.

That said, if you've got full confidence in the test capabilities of your existing devices, go ahead and use them - just make sure you're using something. Like I said, within a week or two of using mechanicals you should develop a feel for when your battery's approaching that 3.7v dropoff in production...


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Also, I'm not taking into account the digital readouts on the newer high-end chargers...I have an old-style Nitecore, which is working fine for now, though all it gives me is three charge indicator lights per bay. I'll eventually PIF it to one of the folks I've converted to Egos and get a digi myself, but when I got going that wasn't where the technology was, so I'm a step behind.

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