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WTF Happened in the Westworld Finale?


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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Vape Media
This review contains spoilers for the Westworld Season 2 finale, "The Passenger." Check out the video above as we try (perhaps unsuccessfully) to explain the ending.

However you felt about Westworld's Season 1 finale and how predictable it may or may not have been (depending on how far down the Reddit rabbit hole you fell over the course of last season), it was clear that showrunners Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy had carefully laid out the breadcrumbs to explain every reveal, making sure that the show always adhered to its own internal logic.

I have no doubt that Season 2 was just as meticulously plotted, but this season's insistence on maintaining a nonlinear narrative - plus several more dueling timelines - resulted in a story that seemed unnecessarily complicated, if not purposefully incomprehensible, in places - and that was especially true of "The Passenger."

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