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robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
YeeHaw my brutha, YeefuckinHaw.... I think you done fingered it out....
Just have fun! If you're not, run away!
Ex-fuckin-actly. If you're not enjoying playing music, then why bother? Just because you aren't successful doesn't mean you can't still be passionate. If you are neither, then you're just sad... ...and probably very tired. You don't do it for just fame or recognition - just to say that you are an artist. That's setting yourself up for disappointment.

If you make it, then that's fuckin' awesome and you probably deserve it! You get to subsist off of what you love. But if not, that doesn't mean it's over. What do you do then, stop making music? If you really love it, then it's just business as usual... ...which is having fun doing what you love. To be able to wake up every day and do what you love is living the dream. Everything else is the bonus round.

And besides, in order to make music that people will relate to and allow into their headscapes, it has to mean something to you. Everything else is a waste of time. Assume that nobody gives a fuck about what you do. The real question to ask yourself at that point is "Do I?"

I sometimes wonder if the best artists who've ever lived are not known by more than a handful of people... they're just regular people who really love what they do and devote themselves to it completely. I dunno, it would make sense to me that the best artists do it purely for the love of their craft. I could see there being some badass motherfuckers out there who'd rather not let the pursuit of recognition take them away from their art.

But then, maybe it's the ones who most put their noses to the grindstone and do things they don't like for the sake of things they do who have the most passion. They take their passion and use it as a means to surpass themselves as individuals. That is pretty amazing in its own right... ...the sacrifices people will make for their love are incredible.

Who's to say who's better off? Personally, I'd say that they've both made it out just fine.

I think that the golden rule for all artists... ...the ultimate endgame... to create a space where you can live and freely make exactly the art that you envision. That's what its all about: getting as close to your art as possible... ...and through that, getting closer to what is most important to you.

There are many ways to go about making that a reality. A failed artist is simply one who either hasn't found their happy place as an artist or perhaps forgot to look for it. All of the recognition in the world can't save you from being miserable if your heart isn't in it. That's when you have to really ask yourself "Why? Why am I doing this? What made me want to start doing this?" You go from there and see where it takes you. It's all just part of the journey.

Found this super-weird shit the other day and it blew my fuckin' mind. What this guy understands very, very intimately are sounds and textures. All of his mixes are so detailed and perfectly spread out. They are simultaneously dense and spacious - just pristinely vibrant. I think he's brilliant in the way that he seamlessly blends all of these crazy and exotic elements together in dynamic, living and breathing atmospheres. He makes it so that you are constantly uncovering new things on top of new things. It's got this enveloping sort of feel to it, like the music itself is a space for you to inhabit.

This album sucked me right in and took me on a ride right from the get go. Best headphone listening experience I've had in a good while. By the time it was over, I didn't even feel like the same person anymore. There was something spiritual about it. Definitely one of those "headphones-on, eyes-closed." type of deals. It's more than just a bunch of nice sounds to me - it has something that the purely nice-sounding stuff doesn't. Most is interesting, but not good. This, OTOH has juju... ...mojo.

I dunno, it's just bananas to me. Highly recommend that anybody who's up for something really strange and different go listen to Vapor on his bandcamp.
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Hey RZ!
Not everything that is "weird" is as "weird" as you think....
Ya know, you don't have to be out of touch....
A crazee bass-player friend turned me on to this:

Weird? not really. Good? maybe.


robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hey RZ!
Not everything that is "weird" is as "weird" as you think....
Ya know, you don't have to be out of touch....
A crazee bass-player friend turned me on to this:

Weird? not really. Good? maybe.

I think weird is good, though I personally don't think it's weird at all. It's just that it's very different from what I assume most people are familiar with. Depending on what you've been exposed to and what your mindset is, it might be a bit difficult to access. It's kind of obscure and definitely not for everyone.

I figured you and a few others wouldn't be thrown-off, but OTOH, I know a lot of people who think that most experimental music is the weirdest shit they've heard. I'm usually surprised when I show a person something obscure and they actually take to it. Doesn't happen often. So by default, I assume that my taste in music is weird to most people. A lot of shit that's weird to others is pretty tame to me.

BTW, Steven Wilson is great. I enjoy many of his projects quite a lot. When he's at his best, it's really something special. And at his worst, he's just boring... ...he has some really slow-burners scattered across his career. He's not a mind-blower... ...just a really good all-rounder.

You'll hear him at his best when he's with his band, Porcupine Tree. I think they have some material that you'd appreciate. In Absentia is very good.

@mach1ne '_'


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I think weird is good, though I personally don't think it's weird at all. It's just that it's very different from what I assume most people are familiar with. Depending on what you've been exposed to and what your mindset is, it might be a bit difficult to access. It's kind of obscure and definitely not for everyone.

I figured you and a few others wouldn't be thrown-off, but OTOH, I know a lot of people who think that most experimental music is the weirdest shit they've heard. I'm usually surprised when I show a person something obscure and they actually take to it. Doesn't happen often. So by default, I assume that my taste in music is weird to most people. A lot of shit that's weird to others is pretty tame to me.

BTW, Steven Wilson is great. I enjoy many of his projects quite a lot. When he's at his best, it's really something special. And at his worst, he's just boring... ...he has some really slow-burners scattered across his career. He's not a mind-blower... ...just a really good all-rounder.

You'll hear him at his best when he's with his band, Porcupine Tree. I think they have some material that you'd appreciate. In Absentia is very good.

@mach1ne '_'
Yeah, I know about the Porcupines. Ain't quite the Hypno cup 'o tea, nor is this.
But it don't suck.
Not suck is good...


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
@robot zombie yeah man i saw that in the related videos while i was trying to find that igorrr/algorithm track. its pretty good too. i dont really follow the genre or artists too closely, but ruby my dear is a good find. this music really hits the spot for me sometimes, but for some reason today its not working. im having one of those days where nothing is smooth. i couldnt even make claptons using a spool tamer (which virtually does it for you) :(

got to take a couple deep breaths and listen to something a bit calmer i think...but still with a bit of an edge on it lol. i think i have posted tracks from both of these here before, so sorry for the repeats. to make up for it, here are the full albums lol



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I think weird is good, though I personally don't think it's weird at all. It's just that it's very different from what I assume most people are familiar with. Depending on what you've been exposed to and what your mindset is, it might be a bit difficult to access. It's kind of obscure and definitely not for everyone.

I figured you and a few others wouldn't be thrown-off, but OTOH, I know a lot of people who think that most experimental music is the weirdest shit they've heard. I'm usually surprised when I show a person something obscure and they actually take to it. Doesn't happen often. So by default, I assume that my taste in music is weird to most people. A lot of shit that's weird to others is pretty tame to me.

BTW, Steven Wilson is great. I enjoy many of his projects quite a lot. When he's at his best, it's really something special. And at his worst, he's just boring... ...he has some really slow-burners scattered across his career. He's not a mind-blower... ...just a really good all-rounder.

You'll hear him at his best when he's with his band, Porcupine Tree. I think they have some material that you'd appreciate. In Absentia is very good.

@mach1ne '_'
Yeah, I hear ya brutha! Sometimes the good stuff is in your face!

robot zombie

Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah, I know about the Porcupines. Ain't quite the Hypno cup 'o tea, nor is this.
But it don't suck.
Not suck is good...
Haha, fair 'nuff.

Right up your alley, RZ.
Listen. Hard.
Yes. Now that is weird! Very interesting. Really not sure what to think. I'll definitely be coming back to that one when I'm in a different frame of mind.

Also, fuck yeah LTE! The whole project consisted of a buncha talented fuckers just cutting loose on every track. Crazy shit.

@robot zombie yeah man i saw that in the related videos while i was trying to find that igorrr/algorithm track. its pretty good too. i dont really follow the genre or artists too closely, but ruby my dear is a good find. this music really hits the spot for me sometimes, but for some reason today its not working.
That's me most days. I don't usually listen to stuff like that at all. Can't stand Venetian Snares. It was just something I randomly jumped to on youtube one day.

I prefer Ruby My Dear most out of the three. More ambient. The others tend to make me feel like there's too much going on at once. It's super fatiguing to listen to. Makes me feel like I've got meningitis. :p



Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
@robot zombie yeah man its tiring for sure. igorrr was my intro to the genre and i really like what he does with the piano and contrast...but the more i delve into it, the more i realize they are all doing the same thing and that there are only a few bands that you can tell apart from the people just following the directions on the box. there is a bit of range from djenty/grindcore to a more mellow ambient feel, but they all kinda still sound the same. i have a feeling its mostly software. the same thing happens in graphics. a fancy plugin will come out for photoshop or after effects, and for the next year every commercial looks the same (using the first preset usually lol).

anyway heres something a bit different....the very first time i ever heard a track from these guys i could tell where they were from. the music feels exactly the same as it does out in the woods here in the pacific northwest rain-forest. its uncanny.


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@robot zombie yeah man i saw that in the related videos while i was trying to find that igorrr/algorithm track. its pretty good too. i dont really follow the genre or artists too closely, but ruby my dear is a good find. this music really hits the spot for me sometimes, but for some reason today its not working. im having one of those days where nothing is smooth. i couldnt even make claptons using a spool tamer (which virtually does it for you) :(

got to take a couple deep breaths and listen to something a bit calmer i think...but still with a bit of an edge on it lol. i think i have posted tracks from both of these here before, so sorry for the repeats. to make up for it, here are the full albums lol

Hey there mach!ne,
Not bad. Electronicalness for sure. I'll be checkin' it out when time allows.


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Ok Then.

No PeeCees. No Macs. No Video.

You "normal" folks may consider this to be weird.
You would be correct.
I dare you to make it all the way through.....

RZ, this is for you!



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Member For 4 Years
@Hypnophone yeah they are both worth a good listen imo. that blackfilm album is a little too much to just chill out to, but its great for late night drive/walk/rides. the darkjazz is a bit easier to sit and listen to, and does well under close examination (if you are the type to sit and just listen to a whole album closely instead of having it in the background). those guys have another project. i think its more improv, but the same style. it tends to be a bit more ambient and sound-effecty, maybe a bit more sinister...


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Have you ever wondered what fucked-up shit for jesus sounded like?

Some of you will figure this stuff out. Others, well, won't.



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This is for musical education. NOT religiousness.

OK kids. this is fuckin' hardcore for 1969.

NOT an easy listen:



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Whew! Goddamn that was fuckin' crazy!

This is a little easier on the ear.....

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Free is when you don't have to pay for nothing or do nothing.....

Frank zappa (lead guitar, vocals)
Ike willis (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Ray white (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Bob harris (boy soprano, trumpet)
Steve vai (guitar)
Tommy mars (keyboards)
Arthur barrow (bass)
Ed mann (percussion)
David ocker (clarinet, bass clarinet)
Motorhead sherwood (tenor saxophone, vocals)
Denny walley (slide guitar, vocals)
David logeman (drums)
Craig steward (harmonica)
Jimmy carl black (vocals)
Ahmet zappa (vocals)
Moon zappa (vocals)

It's a miserable friday night
I'm so lonely
And nobody'll give me a ride
To the grateful dead concert...oh rats!

I got to be free
Free as the wind
Free is the way
I got to be

Maybe I'm lost
Maybe I sinned
I got to be
Totally free

Our parents don't love us
Our teachers they say
Things that are boring
So we're running away
And we will be free
And people will see
That when we are free
That's the way we should be

Nothing left to do but get out the 'ol
(sniff it good now...)

Our parents don't love us
Our teachers they say
Things that are boring
So we're running away

And we will be free
And people will see
That when we are free
That's the way we should be
(we must be free!)
The glue! the glue! I can't find the glue!
(we must be free as the wind)
If I was at the concert now, I'd be ripped!
(we were free when we were born)
I could tighten my headband for an extra rush
During jerry's guitar solo
Then I could go to a midnite show of 200 motels!
(we were born free, but, now we are not free anymore!)
"opal, you hot little bitch!"
"you can take this pin n' hang it in yer ass!"
"you ain't the devil!"
"where's my waitress? "
But we wanna be free
An' were gonna be free

Yes, we want to be free and we're gonna be free
... did you know that
Free is when you don't have to
Pay for nothing
Or do nothing
We want to be free
Free as the wind

Free is when you don't have to
Pay for nothing
Or do nothing
We want to be free
Free as the wind

Free is when you don't have to
Pay for nothing
Or do nothing
We want to be free
Free as the wind

Free is when you don't have to
Pay for nothing
Or do nothing
We want to be free
Free as the wind
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
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This one is a little light. You may need to bump your level up a few db.
IF yer skeered of pianee and hammond, sympathizers, DRUMS, and BASS, then piss off!
Goddamn, this is what you/they/we/I/ wanted.
You may want to bump the lows a bit.


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