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@VapeOn86 I try to get all the sleep I can but my lil mowhawked 4 year old don't let me :( lol

Yeah I have that problem with my 6 year old daughter. Why do the small people get to run everything!?!? Lol If she has anything she's looking forward to on a particular day(even if it's not until the afternoon), she wakes up before 5 and starts yelling at me to get It's really not funny at the time though...


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Ok folks. I'm finally feeling 100% again! It took some time before I could lung inhale again but I was on the mend after 2 days of feeling like pooooo and after 4 days I'm now just fine. Thanks for all the get-well wishes and kind words.

The Mellow Melange release went very well and has mostly sold at this point. For those of you who didn't get a chance to order, we be restocked as soon as possible. Unfortunately, beyond being seasonal, it's a very involved recipe and it takes some time to mix, so it may be a month or so.

Hope you feel better soon! In lieu of boiling Monster and since it tastes like hot apple juice anyway, why not just go for hot apple cider? Powdered ginger works wonders if you have them - sore throat, cough, cold... all gone.

Didn't have any Apple Cider.........but Monster was pretty good!

Ugh if this shit that watch is going through... UGH>
Got a tickle in my throat coughing fit and went to bed,,, woke up feeling like a bag of smashed assholes. Feverish cruddy lungs and cruddy feeling throat.
Been up 4 times since 6 am just long enough to tea, a bite to eat or asprin.

Yup.....that sounds like the feeling. Try hot Monster! Worked for me! lol (please don't.......that was only because I had nothing else....I'm sure Tea is MUCH better! lol Hope you feel better! If it's like mine, a day or two will make you feel a little better and 4 or 5 days will put you right.

I swear, I hate when people come onto my work and see me vaping and try to tell me "do you know how bad vaping is for you" .

Reply, "Do you know saying stupid shit like that to me is bad for you?" I don't mind so much when people ask "isn't that bad for you?" but when then ASSume they know what they're saying but they don't, yea....that bugs the hell outta me too.

Can't buy anymore watches @VaporWatch ? Too bad I got this pink my little pony watch sitting here just collecting dust and was willing to part with :(

No worries. I already have that one!

Haven't checked local laws, but assuming it's legal - perhaps, you can throw in a little Everclear with my next order, friend. :)

I'd love to but I can't buy it here either, so I had to have a friend ship it! I dunno if it's legal but I consider it "cleaning solution" so I don't think of it is "alcohol" problems shipping cleaning solution!

Dang..I'll never stick out from the crowd if I don't get me some flags under my picha. Hey Watch... you givin away any flags sailor?

Ummmm......if I knew how, I'd be happy to! lol

It's going to take me a week to read through this thread. :p

I SO empathize!

I think all of of them gunk up coils quite a bit - must be all that rich flavor! :)

Speaking of, I was able to get some Everclear (finally!). Can I dump several (10?) coils in a jar and make sure they're submerged, or is it strictly a one coil per jar thing?

All at once is fine.....just let em soak a little longer.


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@VaporWatch Glad too hear you're back at 100%:)

I don't get sick often (knock on wood) but next time I do I'm gonna give the hot Monster a try.
I'm a Monster junkie!


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I got my credit and ordered three. I cant wait to try them

Same here. My credit arrived yesterday and I placed my order today. Of course I ordered more Bledan Lotus. Also ordered some Katana, KillrY4 based on Fishee's review and of course Mellow Melange. Was surprised there was still some left. :)

Still haven't tried the Teflon Don from my last order so I will have 4 new juices to try. If for some reason, one or more of these flavors aren't my cup of tea, I will PIF them through this thread to whomever wants to try them (all 20mg).


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@KREAM what is the Teflon Don? Which ones did u not like?

Teflon Don is one of the Wacky Vapes juices with a flavor profile of caramel and butterscotch. I got it and Bledan Lotus in my last order. The 15ml BL bottle is empty but I have only smelled the TD...haven't vaped any of it yet. I just placed the other order today so I don't know yet if they suit me. The 2 juices that I have already tried from VW are Pluid and Bledan Lotus, both of which I do like. :)


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@KREAM TD sounds pretty good. Not sure about the BL from what I read. Lol. I ordered some WTF and Hand check. For my first order.


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@KREAM you can always pif Teflon don at any nic level that some really good juice

Yeah, it is some really great juice. I knew I liked it, but didn't think of it as my favorite. But apparently it's the one I use the most! I just looked at all my VW juices and Teflon Don is the one that's least full. It's funny how ADVs are like that. Not usually the ones that stand out the most, but they are the ones you keep coming back to. :)
So....what is your #1 All Day Vape, or Every Day Vape from Not your favorite necessarily, but the one you use the most? Anyone? :)


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I've been enjoying the KillRy4 so much that I haven't hardly touched the Porch Rocker.
I need to focus on the Porch Rocker for a couple days so I can give an honest review for it.
I really like it.
But damn that KillRy4 is just amazing. And it just keeps getting better. I've been vaping it all morning lol


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My fav is 12:50 but my budget just does not allow I went down to the b&m yesterday spent $20 and got almost 120 ml of juice discount basket they are getting rid of some cosmic fog and my wife really likes it then I ran into a local guy and he gave me 10 ml of his all organic that he makes 90% vg strawberry and cream zero nic but it's really good


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I've been enjoying the KillRy4 so much that I haven't hardly touched the Porch Rocker.
I need to focus on the Porch Rocker for a couple days so I can give an honest review for it.
I really like it.
But damn that KillRy4 is just amazing. And it just keeps getting better. I've been vaping it all morning lol
So should I put KillRy4 or Porch Rocker? Lol


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I find thinking positive isn't so easy when karma is kicking your butt. Ah well, still a bit fuzzy so please forgive if I seem to ramble a bit.

I will stick to my new motto: "Porch Rocker, and it does!" St. James is very good but Porch Rocker wins all the way.

oh, crap, forgot what I...Oh, yeah, I got my Jazz Carto Pipe. The 18500 batteries should arrive today so I have been using an 18350 with spacer. God, NETs with a pipe. It just doesn't get any better. The pipe is the one that you just screw an atty on, 510, and go. I put on one of Artemus' kayfun v3, at 1.5 ohm, 30gauge. Works perfectly, battery life is a bit short. But the flavor of these two tobacco flavors makes it worth swapping batteries every couple of hours.

Am very glad most folks are feeling better. Nothing like the power of prayer and 'well wishes' to aid in recovery.

I'm starting to see double, I'll try to check back later.


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Finally got some cough syrup stuff to help break up the chest congestion and aide in the coughing fits that were leaving me on the floor. Still been vapeless, even second hand vape is causing a massive coughing fit.
Got veg stock going with tons of Oregano and rosemary.. just needs more reduction.


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pg 6. Mean cat video.

pg 7. lots of interest in WTF???. So what the fuck, I'm going to have to get some.

pg 8. A couple of sick people posting. Now I'm sick. Page eight sucks. LOL. No really, I seem to have caught a bug today and feel,,,,,,,,icky.


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Same here. My credit arrived yesterday and I placed my order today. Of course I ordered more Bledan Lotus. Also ordered some Katana, KillrY4 based on Fishee's review and of course Mellow Melange. Was surprised there was still some left. :)

I added the last of what we had in reserve in 15ml bottles because demand was so high. When it's out......there's not gonna be any more for about a least

@KREAM TD sounds pretty good. Not sure about the BL from what I read. Lol. I ordered some WTF and Hand check. For my first order.

One thing I always recommend when it comes to these "boutique" juices, or juices that don't really fall into a "fruit, bakery, tobacco, savory" profile. If it's in your means to purchase some for a trial, give it a shot....even if it's something you don't think you'll like. If someone had told me Pluid had a strong black licorice taste, I never would have ordered it and I would have missed the vape I've been on for nearly 3 years now. With "boutique" flavors, the profile isn't really what stands out. What people tend to enjoy most with these is the complexity and subtle nuances

Let's start an ADV list-

1. Vapeon86- Teflon Don
2. BigGunn- Bledan Lotus
3. Fisheye- KillRY4
4. Bystander- 12:50
5. Thayer- 12:50

Watch- Um.........PLUID!

I'm a noob to the site. Started reading the thread from pg 1. Just a meaningless update on my progress.

It's not meaningless. It's just proof that what we've written in the past is still useful in the present! Present? Did someone say something about a present? OH YEA! You're the latest winner on this thread! You've just won a $50 credit to! Make sure you have an account on the site and shoot me an email from the address attached to your account to [email protected] and I'll apply the credit. Congrats!


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I added the last of what we had in reserve in 15ml bottles because demand was so high. When it's out......there's not gonna be any more for about a least

One thing I always recommend when it comes to these "boutique" juices, or juices that don't really fall into a "fruit, bakery, tobacco, savory" profile. If it's in your means to purchase some for a trial, give it a shot....even if it's something you don't think you'll like. If someone had told me Pluid had a strong black licorice taste, I never would have ordered it and I would have missed the vape I've been on for nearly 3 years now. With "boutique" flavors, the profile isn't really what stands out. What people tend to enjoy most with these is the complexity and subtle nuances

Watch- Um.........PLUID!

It's not meaningless. It's just proof that what we've written in the past is still useful in the present! Present? Did someone say something about a present? OH YEA! You're the latest winner on this thread! You've just won a $50 credit to! Make sure you have an account on the site and shoot me an email from the address attached to your account to [email protected] and I'll apply the credit. Congrats!
Well now that i kinda know what the flavor is I think I might like to try it.
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