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do you vape above .8 ohms or below 18 watts.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
if you do tell us why,what is it about that type of vape you enjoy, and what your prefered set up is......
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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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A Provari 2.5, 1.5 Ohm Microcoil in an Expromizer v1.1


Diamond Contributor
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my go to vape is a Pulse G genesis that i'll vape .8 to .9, but recently I got a BMG22 genny which has an extremly small chamber and airhole and vapes best at 1 ohm or above,,,it's kind of new for me as I prefer a warmer vape....but I've only had it a week and I'm still finding my way around it.
I refuse to use the term tootlepuffer as it seems to me to be a term some knuckledragging hobbit covered in ink with a neckbeard came up with...I like vaping at this level because it is relaxing and slow and I can lesuirely enjoy the flavor of my vape and it is more like smoking than sub ohming.


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2.3 ohms, 4.8 watts at the present instant on a stock coil on a Kanger T3s. My rebuilds tend more toward 1.6 to 1.8 ohms, 5.2 watts.

I actually don't feel I do poorly with the cloud thing at that level, either, and flavor is stellar.


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95% of the time I'm .5 ohms or less (typically .25).

There's just something satiating about taking a lung full of tasty vapor and expelling a big cloud. It replicates hookah smoking for me, which I love. If I had unlimited time and lived in a more temperate climate I'd sit outside and smoke hookah. Also when I was still smoking cigarettes and I'd smoke a pipe or cigar I'd want a cigarette immediately afterward (like, that was fun playing at smoking and now I want a real one). When I smoked a bowl of shisha I (usually) never had that happen. A bowl of shisha gives a similar buzz and clouds, which makes me gravitate toward sub-ohm vaping.

That being said I do grab a vape on my wife's (my old) ego or evod with a mini Protank 3 or Aspire Et-s. I've found that if I really want to wake those tanks up I'll slap a 510-ego convertor onto my mod and vape them at between 12-13w. It's putting out a similar amount of voltage as the pen batteries do, but it just wakes them up from their ego coma and I get damn good vapor and clouds from them with a 1.8 ohm in the mini and a 1.6 in the Aspire.

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I'm currently @ 17.4 watts on a .4 Clapton

Reason being, that's where it's producing the best vape for me. Warm with good flavor.

I rarely go below 16, or higher than 25, unless I'm in TC. Then it really doesn't matter.


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1.5Ω in an Eleaf GS-Tank or 1.6Ω in a Protank 3 Mini. 70/30 juices. 14W on a Joyetech eVic-VTC Mini in the former, 11.5W on an iTaste VV4 in the latter. Why? Change in routine. Something different. Need or want less vapour.


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Kayfun w/ Bellcap drilled out @ 1.2-1.8 oHm on a KSS or Nemesis.

Looking for Stingray X clone to give the Kayfun a permanent home lol.

I like to MTL with coffee in the morning. Also lends to making vape tricks easier for some reason.


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1.6 or 1.8 ohms. 9-11watts.

I use a Nautilus on a MVP2 that's fairly well beat up now for my 8mg all day vape and a Nautilus mini on a MVP 20watt for my morning and before bed 12mg tobacco vape.

Why? Because it's easy, reliable, simple, cheap and doesn't take up much time. I fill tanks once a day. Change coils once in a while as needed and vape. I have a couple RDA's. I built one coil. The benifits of dripping weren't worth the time put into into it.

I almost decided to get a genny as the concept appeals to me. Maybe later.


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Member For 5 Years
I like to MTL with coffee in the morning.
Me too.

I use a large diameter 2.25ohm, 28g coil at 17w in my kayfun.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
1.6 or 1.8 ohms. 9-11watts.

I use a Nautilus on a MVP2 that's fairly well beat up now for my 8mg all day vape and a Nautilus mini on a MVP 20watt for my morning and before bed 12mg tobacco vape.

Why? Because it's easy, reliable, simple, cheap and doesn't take up much time. I fill tanks once a day. Change coils once in a while as needed and vape. I have a couple RDA's. I built one coil. The benifits of dripping weren't worth the time put into into it.

I almost decided to get a genny as the concept appeals to me. Maybe later.
whar do you men ALMOST.....DO IT!


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MCR303 @ 1.2 ohm w/ Provari 2.5 Mini at around 3.9 volts; I'm guessing that's around 12-13 watts.

Tootlepuffing? LOL, if that's what what smoking cigarettes was, or is being called, then yeah, tootlepuffing it is then. I just like vaping the same way I used to smoke; I don't have respiratory problems, or hope to ever get it, so I don't feel the need to want to simulate sucking on an asthma inhaler when I vape ;)


Diamond Contributor
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MCR303 @ 1.2 ohm w/ Provari 2.5 Mini at around 3.9 volts; I'm guessing that's around 12-13 watts.

Tootlepuffing? LOL, if that's what what smoking cigarettes was, or is being called, then yeah, tootlepuffing it is then. I just like vaping the same way I used to smoke; I don't have respiratory problems, or hope to ever get it, so I don't feel the need to want to simulate sucking on an asthma inhaler when I vape ;)
What? you don't like to kick back with a nice cup of tea and grab your mod for relaxing bit of hyperventalating.


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Provair P3 = 1.6 Ohms at 10 watts, Itaste 134 = 1.8 Ohms at 10 watts.taste good to me.


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95% of the time I'm .5 ohms or less (typically .25).

There's just something satiating about taking a lung full of tasty vapor and expelling a big cloud. It replicates hookah smoking for me, which I love. If I had unlimited time and lived in a more temperate climate I'd sit outside and smoke hookah. Also when I was still smoking cigarettes and I'd smoke a pipe or cigar I'd want a cigarette immediately afterward (like, that was fun playing at smoking and now I want a real one). When I smoked a bowl of shisha I (usually) never had that happen. A bowl of shisha gives a similar buzz and clouds, which makes me gravitate toward sub-ohm vaping.

That being said I do grab a vape on my wife's (my old) ego or evod with a mini Protank 3 or Aspire Et-s. I've found that if I really want to wake those tanks up I'll slap a 510-ego convertor onto my mod and vape them at between 12-13w. It's putting out a similar amount of voltage as the pen batteries do, but it just wakes them up from their ego coma and I get damn good vapor and clouds from them with a 1.8 ohm in the mini and a 1.6 in the Aspire.

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The whole "hookah" thing is how I feel. I started vaping and quit chewing (thank god). Anywho, I always loved taking massive rips off of a hookah (clouds, smoke tricks etc). Thats why I vape the way I do lol

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My current coils are
4/5 wraps on a 2.5 diameter
On my RX 200 it's reading .11ohms
Hitting it at 90 watts (SWEET SPOT)
I build my coils according to my juice profile..
I'm vaping MAY MAN by one hit wonder, if you don't know this juice profile, it's 80/20pg super sweet and thick and the nicotine is a little bit harsh...
For me to enjoy this juice, I drip it on CLAPTON COILS and high wattage.
The ramp up time on this coils is slow,steady and need juice that is capable of handling this heat to vaporize the right way and produce the flavor profile...
I don't get satisfaction vaping above
.2 ohms I found it to be too cold and bland IMO!!
Been vaping since 2011
I have tried them all
MTL HITS high pg 12 mg used to be my ADV until i started dripping there's no looking back,
I'm not impressed with all the SOT in the market right now,although I tried some of them, and recently bought the SMOK MINI KIT out of curiosity, currently using the RBA option, I VAPEd on it while driving to the casino and I can say it a NO! It's for sale now!!
Im still in search of the RDA killer, so far NONE OF THE CURRENT tanks out there will get me off dripping...
I have my eye on the SERPENT RTA AND THE GRIFFIN...
With that being said be safe and

Maybe you didn't read the title of the thread....I'm sure there are like 200 other threads that would find this impressive.


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Why is it a bandwagon?? Why is it not just preference??

A lot of people refuse to experiment with different builds. Just like some people refuse to DIY their own juice.

To me, the band wagon equals those who refuse to get OUT of the wagon. For fear of falling. ;)

I bounce between the 2, subohm and no. But it's all about the flavor to me. :)


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fad (noun) -
an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived and without basis in the object's qualities; a craze.

Saying sub ohm tanks are a fad is in my opinion speculating their popularity will decline. I tend to agree. I don't see how that opinion could be considered offensive. Kayfuns ended up being a bit of a fad as the popularity of them has fallen off greatly. But who cares? I still use one. Use what makes you happy. Nothing wrong with expressing opinions concerning the future direction of the market. There is something wrong with criticizing someone's preferences.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
A lot of people refuse to experiment with different builds. Just like some people refuse to DIY their own juice.

To me, the band wagon equals those who refuse to get OUT of the wagon. For fear of falling. ;)

I bounce between the 2, subohm and no. But it's all about the flavor to me. :)
I think most experinced vapers went through a cloud chasing faze, tried dripping tried bottom fed tanks, tried squonking, tried carto tanks,tried fnacy builds tried simple builds tried lots a stuff it's just everything trends and fades.


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Pushing the envelope drives innovation. I like innovation. Go live in a mud hut if you want. I bet you won't. I bet you do like the rest of us non cloud chasers and continue to enjoy the innovation brought to vaping by the cloud chasers. I don't drive a race car, but I sure as hell appreciate the performance and safety improvements of passenger cars that was a result of knowledge gained in racing. I hear and understand what you guys are saying, but there's more than one way to look at things. Just a thought.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Pushing the envelope drives innovation. I like innovation. Go live in a mud hut if you want. I bet you won't. I bet you do like the rest of us non cloud chasers and continue to enjoy the innovation brought to vaping by the cloud chasers. I don't drive a race car, but I sure as hell appreciate the performance and safety improvements of passenger cars that was a result of knowledge gained in racing. I hear and understand what you guys are saying, but there's more than one way to look at things. Just a thought.
do you understand the go on this forum and there are 200 threads devoted to some newbie that has gone out and bought a 100 watt device and a Mc nugget tank....this is a thread for the people that don't do that....this is another way of looking at things that isn't the dominate meme....this isn't a matter of innovation you can vape a 100 watt device at 20 watts...this is about prefrences...


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Just my input. I do both. Run a .5 ohm subtank and a .3 to .8 ohm dripper during the day to get as much nic as posible quickly at work usually on my ipv4 evic vtc mini or cloupor mini. In the morning with my coffee or while lounging and vaping regularly at night before bed i run a nautilus mini 1.5 ohm or 1.8 ohm i believe, on a vamo v5 at 12 or 13 watts. For me its not chucking clouds it more of my nic fix. Unfortunately we have some strong polarized people who say you need to do one or the other but i like my vape style its mine and no one else and everyone should feel the same way as long as you arent smoking tobacco its the right way.

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There is a fine line between the extreme bringing forth new innovation and that innovation being rehashed with a different wrapper ;)

In any event, this thread is as the title says, "do you vape above .8 ohms or below 18 watts?"
If you vape 50 different atomizers and devices at various ranges, great, but we are actually interested in what you have that is above .8 ohms or below 18 watts.


Bronze Contributor
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There is a fine line between the extreme bringing forth new innovation and that innovation being rehashed with a different wrapper ;)

In any event, this thread is as the title says, "do you vape above .8 ohms or below 18 watts?"
If you vape 50 different atomizers and devices at various ranges, great, but we are actually interested in what you have that is above .8 ohms or below 18 watts.
Have i offended you with explaining how i vape? I wad merely explaining what keeps me off cigarettes and encouraging those who may feel ashamed because they don't "sub-ohm." If my post was in anyway offensive due to this i apologize.

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