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I know, I know, but honestly I don't have the space to do it, and I still feel bad using a drill. I'm one of those suckers that if I had one I'd use a hand crank drill to bore holes, and I'll use a screwdriver over a drill if I can. I like technology, I use technology, but if I can avoid it and get the job done, I find the satisfaction all that much sweeter.

I've made some perfect fused claptons, I'm getting better every time, it's just not a certainty in the slightest and a little jump here and there doesn't seem to be the end of the world, but also why I want to try some of yours or chef's. But, that'll wait till I'm done playing around and find what I like best that I can make myself then compare that to what ya'll do.

Funny thing is my claptons actually come out better at full speed, so I jump that thing up as soon as possible, then just squeeze my fingers and relax my forearm and let it go. I'm at the point that for a single coil (what I use mostly) it takes me about as long to straiten the sucker (undoing the twists of the fused clapton) as it does to clapton the thing.

Drilling that screw into my desk was a nice change though, straitening out a length of 40g and using it was a pain (tie to the doorknob and go across the room and pull till it breaks, then hope it doesn't kink as I use it, arg).
I dont even untwist mine...When I wrap mine on to the driver bit I wrap in the direction of the twist, this makes it so the twist actually helps with wrapping the coil and then theres no marks from making the coil


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Yours look good too bro! And you didnt waste as much time as i did building those

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My frames want fucky when I tried one man. Took me almost an hour and a half to get it lined up perfectly and then my frames slid around on me.

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It's gorgeous - damn near perfect!
Thanks! I had to pull it bc i originally went 7 wraps but it did not fit. May have gotten a little jenkey positioning it too but, damn, this sucker is toasty warm and the flavor is pretty nice

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I dont even untwist mine...When I wrap mine on to the driver bit I wrap in the direction of the twist, this makes it so the twist actually helps with wrapping the coil and then theres no marks from making the coil
Yup, that screw post allowed me to do that, I was straitening because I didn't have a swivel and hand't thought of just securing the spool until a few days ago. Now it's smooth sailing. Pretty sure a swivel would still be better, especially if I wanted to set up a few coils worth of wire at a time as if I go too long the ends of the cores start swinging around in the drill and cause problems. But I just wrap a half foot or so at a time now and it's been solid, still getting an eye for just the amount I need for the coil I want.


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My frames want fucky when I tried one man. Took me almost an hour and a half to get it lined up perfectly and then my frames slid around on me.

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I use three binding sliders on mine. One around the frames right ahead of the wrap, one around just the ribbon slightly ahead of the 1st slider and one more around the frames equidistant from the center slider to the 1st slider. It keeps everything from shifting and i wrap full speed

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I use three binding sliders on mine. One around the frames right ahead of the wrap, one around just the ribbon slightly ahead of the 1st slider and one more around the frames equidistant from the center slider to the 1st slider. It keeps everything from shifting and i wrap full speed

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I did one for the frames and one for the cores. But only had 32 to use so it sucked lol

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I did one for the frames and one for the cores. But only had 32 to use so it sucked lol

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Oh right, i remember that. Did you try pinching them flat just ever so slightly? Ive used 33 and it worked alright

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Oh right, i remember that. Did you try pinching them flat just ever so slightly? Ive used 33 and it worked alright

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Damnit no! Lol. I'll remember that next time thank you man

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Oooo another new word I learned! Equidistant :D Now I get to go flaunt it inappropriately like I did with Inundated :rolleyes:
The benefits of honors/ap classes, I know a lot of words, but by far my favorite in omphaloskepsis. Even my spell correct says it's not a word, but it is, and it's great. :D


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The benefits of honors/ap classes, I know a lot of words, but by far my favorite in omphaloskepsis. Even my spell correct says it's not a word, but it is, and it's great. :D
Yea I didnt care to learn until I stopped Drugs/Drinking...Then started Tech Classes and started raising kids and grew up a bit..not too much though :cool:


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New griffin and stuff, Ill post the new build tomorrow as my phone died so I cant tank anymore pics but here's the new supplies for now...still waiting for the second black Griffin, the Avocado, the Baal V3 and Diablo RTA to arrive...

Get my Taxes back Wednesday so I can really go shopping, enough of this put-put shit!


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Yea I didnt care to learn until I stopped Drugs/Drinking...Then started Tech Classes and started raising kids and grew up a bit..not too much though :cool:
Don't get me wrong, I was that C average student with a 3.0, Yay weighted GPA's! I like kids, but what I like best about them is they're not mine :p.

Anyways to get back on topic, I have some days off coming up. What would you all say is the next stage up from fused/staging? Looking for something to work on. I got a full spool of 1000ft of 40gK, and a full gambit of 22-26g SS/K and 28gK as well as some 32gK left. Any suggestions? (and my Griffin should be here tomorrow or Wednesday!).


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New griffin and stuff, Ill post the new build tomorrow as my phone died so I cant tank anymore pics but here's the new supplies for now...still waiting for the second black Griffin, the Avocado, the Baal V3 and Diablo RTA to arrive...
View attachment 40735

Get my Taxes back Wednesday so I can really go shopping, enough of this put-put shit!
Get ready to play with that Avocado, it's a temperamental bastard. It works pretty decently in dual coil setup though, but just heats up incredibly fast, handful of puffs then set it down and enjoy something else for a while. Flavor is great though. I got that 22g fused clapton in there right now and it's treating me quite well, until it heats up and I jump back to my Haze for a while.


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Don't get me wrong, I was that C average student with a 3.0, Yay weighted GPA's! I like kids, but what I like best about them is they're not mine :p.

Anyways to get back on topic, I have some days off coming up. What would you all say is the next stage up from fused/staging? Looking for something to work on. I got a full spool of 1000ft of 40gK, and a full gambit of 22-26g SS/K and 28gK as well as some 32gK left. Any suggestions? (and my Griffin should be here tomorrow or Wednesday!).
Try some Staggerd builds or Framed Fused Claptons/Twisted Inner Core builds. Use your imagination, thats what got most of us here in the first place!

I would say Staple would be the way to go (Get Some Ribbon Wire, .5x1 and .3x1), be VERY CAREFUL WITH RIBBON WIRE! Think of it as Razor wire that hangs above prison gates, yea its that sharp when it wants to get you. These provide the best flavor experience from any build, the rest are for more appeal and bragging rights or art. I may make a Staple Build if I can get the resistance high enough for use on the'll take some trial and error though.

I never had a voice whether I had kids or not, but I have them now and I wouldnt give them up for anything now that I am raising them. I was the person who "never wanted kids" and without even a heads up I became a father. I have custody and I am no longer that same person, a lot of people gained respect for me afterwards and I feel I got some of my own self respect back. There's nothing like the feeling of people actually depending on you to live, it makes you feel pretty important...thats the something I was missing before.


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be VERY CAREFUL WITh RIBBON WIRE! Think of it as Razor wire that hangs above prison gates, yea its that sharp when it wants to get you.

Reminds me of the orientation I had in D.O.C as a juvenile dumbshit and the pics they show of people who got caught in that nasty shit everytime I see a flat ribbon battle wound!

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Try some Staggerd builds or Framed Fused Claptons/Twisted Inner Core builds. Use your imagination, thats what got most of us here in the first place!

I would say Staple would be the way to go (Get Some Ribbon Wire, .5x1 and .3x1), be VERY CAREFUL WITH RIBBON WIRE! Think of it as Razor wire that hangs above prison gates, yea its that sharp when it wants to get you. These provide the best flavor experience from any build, the rest are for more appeal and bragging rights or art. I may make a Staple Build if I can get the resistance high enough for use on the'll take some trial and error though.

I never had a voice whether I had kids or not, but I have them now and I wouldnt give them up for anything now that I am raising them. I was the person who "never wanted kids" and without even a heads up I became a father. I have custody and I am no longer that same person, a lot of people gained respect for me afterwards and I feel I got some of my own self respect back. There's nothing like the feeling of people actually depending on you to live, it makes you feel pretty important...thats the something I was missing before.
First, nothing bad meant towards kids, you know I just like to make bad jokes :p. It's actually a scientific fact (studies done on it) that your brain chemistry changes when you have them, crazy stuff, but yeah, kids are cool, just in that boat of never intending to have any of my own.

I do have a few ideas, just looking for more. No ribbon wire and I don't intend to for some time (largely due to what you say and the fact that I like to use my hands and fingers). What I was thinking was claptoning some chain link wire, maybe fused. I figured more gaps in your coil the better, just more space for juice. Not sure how well it'd work but that was my first on the list to try.

And yeah Schmucko, my Junior year of H.S. we were required to have a vocabulary test every week, but being in the classes I was we knew the standard words so our teacher made us all find new words. Omphaloskepsis was my favorite followed by Hippopotomonstrosesquipidiliophobia which happens to be the cruelest word I've ever learned.


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CrazyChef said: ↑

shiny new corded grill. With balls. :D

You mean something like this?
Freudian slip... :D

Although I'm pretty much a charcoal and wood guy, myself. I actually used to have my own BBQ business. That's where the name "CrazyChef" came from.
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Freudian slip... :D

Although I'm pretty much a charcoal and wood guy, myself. I actually used to have my own BBQ business. That's where the name "CrazyChef" came from.
Send me some roasted pig ass?

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Omphaloskepsis was my favorite followed by Hippopotomonstrosesquipidiliophobia which happens to be the cruelest word I've ever learned.

ROFL Ok I had to go look the word up. I then had to find a pronunciation for it. I do not have a fear of long words, but I do have a fear of having to spell or pronounce that one.


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ROFL Ok I had to go look the word up. I then had to find a pronunciation for it. I do not have a fear of long words, but I do have a fear of having to spell or pronounce that one.
Took me about a week of practicing to be able to say it. Replaced antidisestablishmentarianism for my "if you can't say this you're drunk! now give me the keys" word:D


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That's the only way I use it now. More efficient. Same flavor and vapor in the 40s with verticals compared to horizontal coils at high power.


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Tried a stitched alien last night and it almost came out well. One thing is for sure, tomorrow I will be stopping by the store. I need to get on the swivel train!!

After watching M.Terk and OhmBoyOC's tut on stitched aliens I need to move to swivels.

My only question, to those who use swivels already -- how and what do you anchor your swivels to?

I build on a nicer desk.. Nothing like a work bench but I may consider dropping a screw in it if need be.



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That's the only way I use it now. More efficient. Same flavor and vapor in the 40s with verticals compared to horizontal coils at high power.
Ill have to actually try it when one of the clones come in...I need more Griffins, I have 3 already and 2 more coming in and it still doesnt seem like I have enough of them to build on...good thing they are cheap and fucking AWESOME!


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Tried a stitched alien last night and it almost came out well. One thing is for sure, tomorrow I will be stopping by the store. I need to get on the swivel train!!

After watching M.Terk and OhmBoyOC's tut on stitched aliens I need to move to swivels.

My only question, to those who use swivels already -- how and what do you anchor your swivels to?

I build on a nicer desk.. Nothing like a work bench but I may consider dropping a screw in it if need be.

Grimmgreen or however you spell it had a guide on claptons where he used a neat little thing. Just a board with a screw on it plus a clamp. No need to ruin your desk/bench as you can just clamp that block of wood to the desk when you need it, then put it away when you don't. I drilled right in because I felt more clutter would be more of a pain than a hole in my makeshift desk.


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Grimmgreen or however you spell it had a guide on claptons where he used a neat little thing. Just a board with a screw on it plus a clamp. No need to ruin your desk/bench as you can just clamp that block of wood to the desk when you need it, then put it away when you don't. I drilled right in because I felt more clutter would be more of a pain than a hole in my makeshift desk.
You mean this?


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There ya go. Seems like a great idea.


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How do you guys wrap micro claptons? I'm thinking about doing something, but I'll need about 3ft of 36g claptoned for it...

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i havent posted or even been on in a couple weeks. been busy. but did build a few new coils. mostly trying some variations on common ones. today i built the smallest stapled helix ive ever done. it has a few imperfections but its vaping great. 6 wraps on a 2.3mm ID. 3x0.4k ribbon framed with twisted 30k and wrapped with 40k. dual coil came out to 0.166 ohms. see what you think.


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How do you guys wrap micro claptons? I'm thinking about doing something, but I'll need about 3ft of 36g claptoned for it...

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Same way as normal just using thinner cores and outer wire. Try some 2 x 30g/40g+ Fused Claptons.


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Same way as normal just using thinner cores and outer wire. Try some 2 x 30g/40g+ Fused Claptons.
I'm actually going to be doing 36g/40g for a wrap on a bigger wire since 40g I'd the highest I have

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I'm actually going to be doing 36g/40g for a wrap on a bigger wire since 40g I'd the highest I have

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On a Bigger Wire? You mean you have a choice of those as the outer wraps or is that the setup your using for the assembly?
2 x 36g/40g or 2 x _/36g or 40g?


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On a Bigger Wire? You mean you have a choice of those as the outer wraps or is that the setup your using for the assembly?
2 x 36g/40g or 2 x _/36g or 40g?
No something like a clapception deal, the 36/40 will be Clapton for something else

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No something like a clapception deal, the 36/40 will be Clapton for something else

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OooOOoo Gotcha...You know I never saw anything like that before I posted mine and since then I see them everywhere and now in stores. I did hear that word Claptonception when I posted it though and I highly doubt I inspired anything but I found it weird like it happened almost all at once directly after I cobbled mine together out of my own ideas...


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You know I never saw anything like that before
Go through some of my older pics - I posted one a few months ago. The thing is, the vape they give is nowhere near the work involved in making them.


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OooOOoo Gotcha...You know I never saw anything like that before I posted mine and since then I see them everywhere and now in stores. I did hear that word Claptonception when I posted it though and I highly doubt I inspired anything but I found it weird like it happened almost all at once directly after I cobbled mine together out of my own ideas...
Lol I'm going to attempt it with a framed helix so I need the wire as small and tight as possible, I've always liked the concept but it seems like a huge pain with non spaced Clapton wraps.

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Go through some of my older pics - I posted one a few months ago. The thing is, the vape they give is nowhere near the work involved in making them.
Yea that single coil I made took awhile and I really didnt enjoy it much at all, plus it took waaay more power then what I was giving it, even maxed out the Snow Wolf (150w without pulse)and it still wasnt enough...Ill look back through...I didnt join the thread until page 37 I believe so Ill look from there on back.
Lol I'm going to attempt it with a framed helix so I need the wire as small and tight as possible, I've always liked the concept but it seems like a huge pain with non spaced Clapton wraps.

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Mine was not a small coil at all:
Fused Clapton 22g Core and Claptoned with 32g and 34g 42g Clapton .jpg


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I found it. It was from last Christmas. I forgot, I did it as a staple variation. The outer wrap was actually a fused Clapton. DEFINITELY wasn't worth the effort. But - it was interesting to make. Which is half the fun sometimes.

2015-12-25 22.26.15.jpg
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Any benefit to building the micro fused clapton coils?

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Tried a stitched alien last night and it almost came out well. One thing is for sure, tomorrow I will be stopping by the store. I need to get on the swivel train!!

After watching M.Terk and OhmBoyOC's tut on stitched aliens I need to move to swivels.

My only question, to those who use swivels already -- how and what do you anchor your swivels to?

I build on a nicer desk.. Nothing like a work bench but I may consider dropping a screw in it if need be.


I use a small block of wood 2x2" and 3" tall. My swivels are attached to the top of the block. I use a rubber clamp to hold the block to the edge of whatever I am claptoning at. I like this setup because its is small and portable so I can move it around or even take it with me to the vape shop.


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I found it. It was from last Christmas. I forgot, I did it as a staple variation. The outer wrap was actually a fused Clapton. DEFINITELY wasn't worth the effort. But - it was interesting to make. Which is half the fun sometimes.

View attachment 40793
That's the point of this build lol, I don't have high hopes for the vape but it'll be something to cross off the list.

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I use a small block of wood 2x2" and 3" tall. My swivels are attached to the top of the block. I use a rubber clamp to hold the block to the edge of whatever I am claptoning at. I like this setup because its is small and portable so I can move it around or even take it with me to the vape shop.
2x4, vise grip and a teacup hook

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I appreciate the input. However my desk lacks the edge needed to put a vice grip or anything like that on the end of it to hold down a 2x4 or anything....

So.... I might end up just drilling a screw in.. Not really the end of the world. One small hole isn't bad.


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