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ijust 2

  1. 7

    ijust s charging problem

    Hello, I have recently bought a ijust s and tried to charge it. When I plug it in the red light turns on and a white light flashes. Then after around 10 mins the red light just shuts off. I'll unplug it then plug it back in and then it does the same red light on and white flashes. I am using a...
  2. Mostafa

    i am having a problem with my ijust2

    i bought an ijust2 a month ago probably and it's my first vape and i liked it at first but a week ago or so it started acting weird like blinking three time and not working i thought it needed charging so i did that it still doesn't work properly but it was okay till one time it does nothing but...
  3. L

    Question about buying e-cigs

    Hi, so I'm new vaper in this forum and I want to ask u something. Where I can get replicas, fake mods, e-cigs on the best prices? Like iJust 2 kits RX200S and etc... Sorry for my writing mistakes, English is not my main speach
  4. R

    iJust 2 Issues

    Hi, I purchased an iJust 2 from one of my local vape shops and I loved it for the first couple day that I had it. However, a couple of things have been happening to/with it that have been concerning me. And though I know I'm probably going to receive some flak for this I'm questioning the...
  5. RekleSage

    Ijust 2

    Hi everyone, How long should a iJust2 battery last for? I've had it for around a month or 2 and I'm not a HEAVY vaper.
  6. tmart09

    Aw no no

    I'm a new vapor and just made a rookie mistake. Bought my first iJust 2 last Friday (Oct 2nd). I absolutely love it so this was my first bad experience with it, or just the coil. I was told the coil would last 10 - 14 days. This thing didn't last a week. I haven't been going through 5...
  7. tmart09

    Piña Colada

    Hi everybody. I'm a new vapor. Been looking around the juices thread but can't find any piña colada recommendations. I'd love to try one with a 50/50 to 70/30 PG/VG blend preferably. I'm vaping with an ijust 2 which I absolutely love. So far I've tried an apple pie and vanilla combo and a...
  8. K

    ijust 2 gurgling

    I've replaced my coil in my ijust 2 and when i vape it gurgles and i get some juice in my mouth too. somehow the juice get in the center of the tank. I've switched back to my old coils and everything is fine. Can i get some help please?
  9. vincent1966

    Need Direction

    I've got a Ego One (.5 coil) and an iJust2 (.3 coil) kit. Love them both but I get more flavor out of the iJust2. I am trying to determine what I want to get next. Priority is as follows: 1. Flavor 2. Cool Vape 3. Vapor Cloud 4. Price 5. Flexibility The choices are as follows: 1. Go with an...

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