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A flavor from the past


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I was rummaging through my box of miscellaneous vape junk when I found an unopened piece of vape mail at the bottom of the box - a small padded envelope obviously containing several 10 ml juice bottles. I opened the envelope and found 4 bottles of Tervaleijona-flavored juice inside, that I totally forgot I ordered years ago.

Ecigwizard in the UK discontinued this juice 2 1/2 years ago. It's such a strange flavor it probably didn't sell all that well, but I loved the hell out of it. I didn't think I'd ever get to enjoy it again, much to my regret. But but... here I am with 40 ml of the stuff. Yessss!

I just cracked open one of the bottles, dripped some into a fresh atomizer, and... what a joy it is to taste this juice once more. I'll have to set aside one of the bottles to try and reverse-engineer the flavor before I run out again.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Lucky find! If you like it that much and it's discontinued, definitely save a bit to try and copy it.

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