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Can't stand people on government assistance


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Nationalism is almost dead. Globalism is winning. Is it too late? Who knows.
Greed and lust for power aren't new, the only thing that is new is the sheer volume of it.
Political correctness is a tool to censor peoples thoughts. How the hell are you going to solve a problem if it isn't correct to even talk about the problem.
Both the Republican and the Democrat parties are dysfunctional to the point that they no longer stand for what they used to.
Education system is brainwashing our kids. Thanks for teaching our kids to hate America.
Social media sells you a load of crap that it makes people more connected. Bullshit.
There are a lot of things I just don't know, but I know how to love and care for those around me. I know how to hunt and fish to provide basic sustenance.
Crap, I might be a conservative. Trump for President.
I could go on but I need to let my blood pressure get back down to normal for a bit.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Nationalism is almost dead. Globalism is winning. Is it too late? Who knows.
Greed and lust for power aren't new, the only thing that is new is the sheer volume of it.
Political correctness is a tool to censor peoples thoughts. How the hell are you going to solve a problem if it isn't correct to even talk about the problem.
Both the Republican and the Democrat parties are dysfunctional to the point that they no longer stand for what they used to.
Education system is brainwashing our kids. Thanks for teaching our kids to hate America.
Social media sells you a load of crap that it makes people more connected. Bullshit.
There are a lot of things I just don't know, but I know how to love and care for those around me. I know how to hunt and fish to provide basic sustenance.
Crap, I might be a conservative. Trump for President.
I could go on but I need to let my blood pressure get back down to normal for a bit.

It may be too late. Recent events have me disgusted at the Repubes. I've never seen such a group of weak, piss their pants, panty wearing fucks. The Republican color should be officially changed to yellow.

When a group of Bernie socialist supporters, black lives matter types, and people literally waving the mexican flag shut down free speech by force, Cruz/Kasich/Rubio blame the conservatives(Trump and supporters) rather than stand up against a mob. How are those fucks going to stop terrorism or deal with other nations when they lay down for thugs in our own streets? They are afraid of offending thugs. They let the left run rough shod over them.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
This convo I intended to do nothing with color. African Americans, Hispanics whites every party do what they want. They all take advantage of the welfare system. Obama got in because he was African American. People who never voted before voted because of his skin color. I'm goin to keep it real on this even tho I believe this countries problems were here before he took office. Trump is being supported by the rich who want this country to be dominated whites again. Now again I never intended and don't want this thread to be about color. Every class of people use the welfare system because they rather stay home and watch tv and do drugs

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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This convo I intended to do nothing with color. African Americans, Hispanics whites every party do what they want. They all take advantage of the welfare system. Obama got in because he was African American. People who never voted before voted because of his skin color. I'm goin to keep it real on this even tho I believe this countries problems were here before he took office. Trump is being supported by the rich who want this country to be dominated whites again. Now again I never intended and don't want this thread to be about color. Every class of people use the welfare system because they rather stay home and watch tv and do drugs

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It has nothing to do with color. I don't believe anyone has said anything about color. And no, Trump is not being supported by the rich. There are not millions of rich people, the ones that have voted for him already. He doesn't have a super pac like Hitlery, Cruz, Rubio, Kasich. He funds himself. I suppose you could say he is supported by ONE rich person, himself. I'm certainly not rich. The vast majority of the thousands of people at his rallies are not rich. No rich people are funding his campain. Rich people are funding the others.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Trump is being supported by the rich who want this country to be dominated whites again.

Just an addition to this. I'm afraid all the rich political supporters are spending millions fighting Trump, not supporting him. The proof is in actual funding disclosures.

I'm not sure where you get your information but it's not correct. All the other candidates are supported by the rich.

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