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ECF Refugee Thread All welcome


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My elderly mother just got a 2020 Kia Sportage and I love the car but it has some interference I don’t care for, it’s equivalent to someone grabbing the wheel while you’re driving. If you don’t put turn signal on before switching lanes it fights with you trying to prevent you from changing lanes. You can turn it off though but you can also turn it up which would be terrible. I leave it on normal because it’s her car and she doesn’t mind it. I only use it a couple times a week when she needs a ride to the store or at night. She don’t drive at night and she likes being dropped at the front door and picked up on errands or groceries. Plus she likes to have her groceries unloaded from cart and unloaded from car to house. I’m happy to oblige, after all she is my mother and has always treated me right plus my dad asked me to look after her before he passed so being a good son I do as I was told.
Whoa sorry for the life story point was the car freaks me out when the wheel don’t do as its told. I will use my signals in traffic but sometimes it isn’t necessary when No ones around so I’d appreciate it if the car left the driving to me. But like I said it can be disabled fairly easily so not a huge deal more of an annoyance and a displeasure I could do without. Sorry I feel like I’m rambling so I’m gonna end it, my little helpers I use for sleep are kicking in and this is the result. Meandering post that goes this way and that as thoughts pop in my head and I type them in without any discipline in keeping to a point. Good night and I hope no one is still reading this.

Yes, this is the exact thing that my dad said bothered him so much!

Rooster Cogburn

Memento Mori
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As long as you aren't driving now!
Driving on sleeping pills while texting, lol. That would not end well.
I drove once after taking a sleeping pill and it was kinda scary. I was ready for bed and took one. Just about to drift off and the phone rings. It’s my twenty-one year old niece who I’ve told if she needed a ride because she was drinking and in a jam to call me no questions asked. Well I forgot I had taken a pill and left to pick her up. She was 20 miles away so 40 miles round trip but I picked her up and took her home which left me with about 15 miles to drive home by myself on rural roads. Kinda felt dreamlike and while wondering why I felt so strange and relaxed like I could just kick back and let the car do the driving it dawned on me that I was feeling the effects of the ambien. The realization that I was on ambien shook me up and made me nervous as hell which was probably for the best because it was enough to get me home safe. Anyway we both got home safe and I was happy she took me up on my offer because her younger brother seeing that I was happy to help her and didn’t gnark her out to my brother and SIL called me a few months later needing a ride from a house party where he got in a fight and got kicked out but didn’t want to drive home drunk. I wasn’t on ambien that night so no problems and it’s the only time I’ve been called so I’m happy they’re responsible young people and aren’t turning into complete drunks needing rides all the time. Well there I go again telling my life story and since it isn’t political (thread title says all is fine but political) it’s not a thread jack, I like to keep my posts on point.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Driving on sleeping pills while texting, lol. That would not end well.
I drove once after taking a sleeping pill and it was kinda scary. I was ready for bed and took one. Just about to drift off and the phone rings. It’s my twenty-one year old niece who I’ve told if she needed a ride because she was drinking and in a jam to call me no questions asked. Well I forgot I had taken a pill and left to pick her up. She was 20 miles away so 40 miles round trip but I picked her up and took her home which left me with about 15 miles to drive home by myself on rural roads. Kinda felt dreamlike and while wondering why I felt so strange and relaxed like I could just kick back and let the car do the driving it dawned on me that I was feeling the effects of the ambien. The realization that I was on ambien shook me up and made me nervous as hell which was probably for the best because it was enough to get me home safe. Anyway we both got home safe and I was happy she took me up on my offer because her younger brother seeing that I was happy to help her and didn’t gnark her out to my brother and SIL called me a few months later needing a ride from a house party where he got in a fight and got kicked out but didn’t want to drive home drunk. I wasn’t on ambien that night so no problems and it’s the only time I’ve been called so I’m happy they’re responsible young people and aren’t turning into complete drunks needing rides all the time. Well there I go again telling my life story and since it isn’t political (thread title says all is fine but political) it’s not a thread jack, I like to keep my posts on point.

This thread is for all types of blather :)


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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Drivers licenses don't seem to improve regular drivers....
IMHO everyone should have to retake drivers licence written and driving tests every 10 years.
to be sure they remain knowledgeable about driving law changes and can see properly and drive adequately.
also to curb DUI the licence is suspended and the car also impounded. Not their car you should not have loaned it to a drunk driver.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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My elderly mother just got a 2020 Kia Sportage and I love the car but it has some interference I don’t care for, it’s equivalent to someone grabbing the wheel while you’re driving. If you don’t put turn signal on before switching lanes it fights with you trying to prevent you from changing lanes. You can turn it off though but you can also turn it up which would be terrible. I leave it on normal because it’s her car and she doesn’t mind it. I only use it a couple times a week when she needs a ride to the store or at night. She don’t drive at night and she likes being dropped at the front door and picked up on errands or groceries. Plus she likes to have her groceries unloaded from cart and unloaded from car to house. I’m happy to oblige, after all she is my mother and has always treated me right plus my dad asked me to look after her before he passed so being a good son I do as I was told.
Whoa sorry for the life story point was the car freaks me out when the wheel don’t do as its told. I will use my signals in traffic but sometimes it isn’t necessary when No ones around so I’d appreciate it if the car left the driving to me. But like I said it can be disabled fairly easily so not a huge deal more of an annoyance and a displeasure I could do without. Sorry I feel like I’m rambling so I’m gonna end it, my little helpers I use for sleep are kicking in and this is the result. Meandering post that goes this way and that as thoughts pop in my head and I type them in without any discipline in keeping to a point. Good night and I hope no one is still reading this.

If you don't use your turn signal before switching lanes, you need to get a ticket! That's called improper lane change, and causes a LOT of accidents! People can't read your mind!



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I've spent the last goddamn week fighting the motherfucking flu. Because my son decided not to get a flu shot THOUGH HE HAD INSURANCE BACK IN THE FALL, so he got the flu... then I caught it too. DUMB ASS.

And all these places that advertise "free flu shots"? That's only if you have insurance! If you don't.. THEY COST GODDAMN $50!!!!!! Doesn't it stand to reason that if you don't have insurance because YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT, that you CAN'T GODDAMN AFFORD A $50 FLU SHOT?!?!?!?!?!??!

Goddamn thieves!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, I'll be back, gotta go cough on the pharmacist at Kroger.



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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wondered where you were.
Hope you are feeling better .

Yeah I finally figured out to take 2 Alleves at bedtime instead of ibuprofen, which stopped me from waking up with fever and chills at 6am and being unable to go back to sleep. so the last couple nights I actually managed to keep sleeping, and woke up sweat-soaked. today I've been feeling sorta-kinda-almost normal except for 1) still coughing my head off and 2) my tastebuds aren't yet sure WTF is going on; Dr Pepper I drank earlier tasted ok, but the tea I've been drinking this evening, ehh, tastes a bit weird? But I know it's not the tea, it's all me. *sigh*


Rooster Cogburn

Memento Mori
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If you don't use your turn signal before switching lanes, you need to get a ticket! That's called improper lane change, and causes a LOT of accidents! People can't read your mind!

I did say I use them when other cars are around but when I’m the only driver as far as the eye can see, I don’t bother with it. When cars are around, of course I signal.
The other issue I was wondering about is if there is an emergency, and I have to swerve, the car will most likely fight me, because it will think I’m changing lanes without signaling. This is just one of the many issues that need to be properly vetted before implementing them in the cars. Cars are expensive enough, I don’t think I should be beta testing their new avoidance system.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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had the flu 4 years ago.
i' thot i was gonna die.
i'd never skip the shot now.
price doesn't matter.

crom, nice you haven't smoked for 5 years.
not sure wheni quit.

This one hasn't actually been terrible; I first started coughing, feeling the throat tickle, exactly one week ago tonight... and already, ALMOST back to normal other than the godawful cough. Haven't felt any nausea, very little effect on my energy, and not a lot of fever either... I think it's a combo of 1) not being a really awful variant of the flu, and 2) being almost 2 more years smoke-free since the godawful one I had in Feb 2018 -- that one was the killer flu, put me down for a solid 2 wks and then I had to go to the doc for an antibiotic because it led into acute bronchitis.

But it's still a huge pain in the ass. Since I quit smoking, a cold nowadays is "I can't taste/smell anything" for a week... if I even notice that much! But a flu is still at least a couple weeks of sounding like I have TB. Thx to my idiot son not getting a flu shot when he had insurance!



Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I did say I use them when other cars are around but when I’m the only driver as far as the eye can see, I don’t bother with it. When cars are around, of course I signal.
The other issue I was wondering about is if there is an emergency, and I have to swerve, the car will most likely fight me, because it will think I’m changing lanes without signaling. This is just one of the many issues that need to be properly vetted before implementing them in the cars. Cars are expensive enough, I don’t think I should be beta testing their new avoidance system.

I'm just very tetchy about people not using their turn signal, because my mom was VERY sporadic in using it, and it ALWAYS bugged me. i use my signal if I'm the only car for MILES and I'm in an empty parking lot! It's habit, like pushing down on the brake before shifting out of park, looking both ways before crossing the street, etc.

But you're right, the car should NOT fight the driver, NO MATTER WHAT -- it can make all the dings and dongs and alarms it wants, but the control should belong SOLELY to the driver!


The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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I'm just very tetchy about people not using their turn signal, because my mom was VERY sporadic in using it, and it ALWAYS bugged me. i use my signal if I'm the only car for MILES and I'm in an empty parking lot! It's habit, like pushing down on the brake before shifting out of park, looking both ways before crossing the street, etc.

But you're right, the car should NOT fight the driver, NO MATTER WHAT -- it can make all the dings and dongs and alarms it wants, but the control should belong SOLELY to the driver!

I have no desire to have a vehicle with the electric steering.
I do like hydraulic power steering though.


Silver Contributor
Member For 2 Years
Driving on sleeping pills while texting, lol. That would not end well.
I drove once after taking a sleeping pill and it was kinda scary. I was ready for bed and took one. Just about to drift off and the phone rings. It’s my twenty-one year old niece who I’ve told if she needed a ride because she was drinking and in a jam to call me no questions asked. Well I forgot I had taken a pill and left to pick her up. She was 20 miles away so 40 miles round trip but I picked her up and took her home which left me with about 15 miles to drive home by myself on rural roads. Kinda felt dreamlike and while wondering why I felt so strange and relaxed like I could just kick back and let the car do the driving it dawned on me that I was feeling the effects of the ambien. The realization that I was on ambien shook me up and made me nervous as hell which was probably for the best because it was enough to get me home safe. Anyway we both got home safe and I was happy she took me up on my offer because her younger brother seeing that I was happy to help her and didn’t gnark her out to my brother and SIL called me a few months later needing a ride from a house party where he got in a fight and got kicked out but didn’t want to drive home drunk. I wasn’t on ambien that night so no problems and it’s the only time I’ve been called so I’m happy they’re responsible young people and aren’t turning into complete drunks needing rides all the time. Well there I go again telling my life story and since it isn’t political (thread title says all is fine but political) it’s not a thread jack, I like to keep my posts on point.
My family was not nearly that cool. If I was caught drinking at all, it would have been the end of it for me.. so I drove home -and I did get caught because my headlight was out.

Live and learn. I always have to do it the hard way. But at least no one else got hurt!


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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My family was not nearly that cool. If I was caught drinking at all, it would have been the end of it for me.. so I drove home -and I did get caught because my headlight was out.

Live and learn. I always have to do it the hard way. But at least no one else got hurt!

That's terrible! We always told our son, if you've had more than ONE beer or drink (he's 5'10" and weighed about 160# at the time) and you can't get a ride with someone else, CALL US, DO NOT DRIVE! He did that once too, and even though it was 1:30am on a weeknight, we could only praise him for being intelligent enough to realize we'd far rather lose a little sleep, than our son!

Though he rarely drank then, and really not at all now. Growing up with recovering alkies and hearing all our tales and experiencing our long-lived poverty had quite an impression on him! We often call him "doofus" but truly he's very intelligent -- the dumbest smart person I know... other than myself of course!

And I think I'm finally over that motherfucking flu. I spoke too soon last Friday, and had a terrible weekend, but I seem to be pretty well on the mend now. But the flu helpd me finish out my weight loss... now at 127#. :)


ETA: Actually I went for a regular asthma checkup today, and discovered that my OFFICIAL weight is 130 lbs... I knew our scale wasn't as accurate as the doc's, but didn't realize it was off by 3 lbs! So I reset our scale here to match the doc's. So, I've lost exactly 11 lbs; still would like to lose a couple nore, to bring it OFFICIALLY to 128. Shouldn't be too hard; I've been eating such small portions for about 6 months now, and losing 11 lbs seems to have brought back somewhat of my youthful metabolism... YAY! I never had a very small waist; I'm just not built that way and never have been... always had slim hips and comparatively, a fairly large waist... but now you can SEE that I do have a waist. :)
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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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:finger: How ya been Andria :hug:

Fuggin great. About to go shopping for a brand new super-giant refrigerator, and move the old one to the garage, because my husband is also getting his shed in the backyard, at long last. Just went tonight and ordered the shed, got the Home Depot credit card, and I told him I;ll be moving $3k from savings to checking, mid-August, so when the Labor Day sales hit, I can pounce at once. :D We already started shopping online for the one we want, but we knew that once we xferred the $ from the savings acct to checking, the 4th of July sales would be over... so we're aiming for Labor Day; he should have his shed up by then, so that most of his yard tools can go out there, to make room for the old fridge in the garage. He'll probably also go ahead and cut the hole in the garage to permanently mount one of our old window unit ACs out there, which should make it more comfy for our garage kitty, Tommy. ?

My son's back to work, has been since mid-June, but the way the numbers are going back up, who knows how long the bars may be able to stay open. No idea when or if any schools will be opening, so his degree is on hold. *sigh*



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Holy cow, it's Paul - how they hanging buddy?
Doing alright, Lucy! Been quite busy, and now dealing with this mess our country and our state is in. Luckily, been able to keep working. Forced to wear face masks, not go out too much, deal with lack of certain items. Been a very strange year. Wife and myself, plus my daughter who moved in with us all tested negative. They are just waiting for results of second test and will go back to work. Hope all is well with you!


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It’s really cool to see the original ECF refugees here! I guess I’m second or third generation refugee, but you guys made VU a great place to come to from the other forum.

Thanks! <3<3
It was a blast when we started over here. I guess it's my fault I slowed down, then before I knew it, a couple of years passed. I did glance through from time to time and everyone I knew here and the other place were not around much. Plus, been busy at work and other hobbies have taken up what little time I had available. Keep up and carry the torch for when we can't make it here very often.


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ECF Refugee
It was a blast when we started over here. I guess it's my fault I slowed down, then before I knew it, a couple of years passed. I did glance through from time to time and everyone I knew here and the other place were not around much. Plus, been busy at work and other hobbies have taken up what little time I had available. Keep up and carry the torch for when we can't make it here very often.

At least you’re here now! And I’m glad I met you. Even Vapor Joe doesn’t really hang out here anymore, but life happens to everyone!

My post count was just pointed out to me by a member and I was fairly stunned! Talking Heads come to mind. How did I write that? :giggle:

But the torch has been accepted by a lot of us who went to ECF first and came here and felt relieved and welcomed!

Stay safe and healthy, Paul. :hug:


Cranky Old Fart
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ECF was my vape forum home for around a year and a half. I joined VU in Sep. 2014, but didn't really do anything here until March or April of 2015 when I started DIY. I came here because all the cool kids of mixing were here.:giggle:

I remember @pwheeler from the REO forum on ECF. Those were the good old days before the mods really started thinking they were gods.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Member For 5 Years
Doing alright, Lucy! Been quite busy, and now dealing with this mess our country and our state is in. Luckily, been able to keep working. Forced to wear face masks, not go out too much, deal with lack of certain items. Been a very strange year. Wife and myself, plus my daughter who moved in with us all tested negative. They are just waiting for results of second test and will go back to work. Hope all is well with you!

Glad to hear you are still kicking!

We are good, FINALLY made the move to Hawaii, last September

Not a bad place to be if you have to ride out a pandemic, lol


VU Donator
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ECF Refugee
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ECF was my vape forum home for around a year and a half. I joined VU in Sep. 2014, but didn't really do anything here until March or April of 2015 when I started DIY. I came here because all the cool kids of mixing were here.:giggle:

I remember @pwheeler from the REO forum on ECF. Those were the good old days before the mods really started thinking they were gods.
Those were some good times hanging out in the Reo lounge. Everything changed after Rob sold the store. And then the moderators and admins....they sure did get high and mighty. I don't even know who's over there anymore.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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ECF Refugee
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Member For 5 Years
Those were some good times hanging out in the Reo lounge. Everything changed after Rob sold the store. And then the moderators and admins....they sure did get high and mighty. I don't even know who's over there anymore.

Same BS - and REO is closed for good :(

The Golden Age of vaping has passed *sigh*


Diamond Contributor
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ECF Refugee
Those were some good times hanging out in the Reo lounge. Everything changed after Rob sold the store. And then the moderators and admins....they sure did get high and mighty. I don't even know who's over there anymore.

When I was there, it seemed to be just Un-Classy. But she took the time to delete posts, all on her lonesome. Yep, mine included. Lol

Right before I left, one guy got pissed off enough to post a bunch of frontal lower porn, in several threads. Possibly it started over a vid (not porn) in the Outside. Assy left it up for almost two days!!!

@AndriaD. I edited it just for you!!
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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
When I was there, it seemed to be just Classy. But she took the time to delete posts, all on her lonesome. Yep, mine included. Lol

Right before I left, one guy got pissed off enough to post a bunch of frontal lower porn, in several threads. Possibly it started over a vid (not porn) in the Outside. Classy left it up for almost two days!!!

There ain't NOTHIN' classy about that broad! She's ASSWIFE! As if anyone would marry such a bitch!


The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Just trying to remember some of the good people on ECF that did not migrate over here....
Some of which are dual users, which is ok with me.
I hold no grudge against ECF just no desire to go back.
Kinda like stepping in a cow pie. aggravating at the time but after you get your boot cleaned off just something you want to avoid doing again :)

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