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In Celebration of Mediocrity


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Some people never dive into DIY juice because they're afraid of mistakes or failure.

Same goes with any DIY. Starting sucks. There's a learning curve and the projects you do before you get over the hump are not going to be something to brag about.

Things like coil building and sanitizing require an attention to detail. But there are times when half-ass is fine.

Jig Stand.jpg

Keeping jig pieces from falling to the floor didn't require perfection. It required a few holes in a scrap piece of wood.

Routing, sanding, staining and sealing? Nope. Concern over tear-out? Hell no. Level drill depth? Forget it.

Not caring is awesome.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Ive been planning (or at least thinking about) on building a nice vape stand for a while. A huge one with tons of slots for juice, female 510 connectors mounted in for RDAs/tanks, custom fit and felt lined mod slots, built in wire dispensers, a velcro connected battery charger bay or 2, a 521 Tab build deck space, and coil jig and tool holders. Made from or at least veneered in quality quilt or flame maple and painted and lacquered. Gonna be much more work than itll cost, but shit, even for a smaller, lesser quality, and less holding slot spaced prebuilt one on the market your gonna spend $200+ for anything even half decent. Screw that.

But hell, realizing how hard thats gonna be has me thinking maybe drilling a few holes in scrap wood would be a much better alternative lol.


Silver Contributor
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Member For 3 Years
NICE ..... but you do lose points for using layout
But I used a speed square. Is that manly enough to cancel out the shameful extra effort?

realizing how hard thats gonna be has me thinking maybe drilling a few holes in scrap wood would be a much better alternative

How long do you think it would take you to do an easy version of your idea? Without the felt, veneer, paint and lacquer? I ask because I'm a hack woodworker, so everything I do requires a test piece. So if I wanted to make a really nice jig/batt holder, I'd end up making that POS version in the pic anyway.

Just inherited a router and it's making my brain hurt. I'd probably have a much easier time building a more comprehensive vape stand when that thing's up and running.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Im not a pro woodworker or anything. Really I only started doing woodwork because I wanted to build a guitar, and that was only a year ago and Ive only done it very spairingly. But hell, with full effort I could probably knock it out in a day (just the woodwork). Ive really been wating a nice stand so I dont have bottles of juice and rdas strewn all across the room constantly, but I refuse to spend $200+ on one when its basically just a hunk of wood with some holes cut into it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
But I used a speed square. Is that manly enough to cancel out the shameful extra effort?

How long do you think it would take you to do an easy version of your idea? Without the felt, veneer, paint and lacquer? I ask because I'm a hack woodworker, so everything I do requires a test piece. So if I wanted to make a really nice jig/batt holder, I'd end up making that POS version in the pic anyway.

Just inherited a router and it's making my brain hurt. I'd probably have a much easier time building a more comprehensive vape stand when that thing's up and running.
ha...speed squares....what a hack.....anything more than a skillsaw and a crayon is just plain gay.


Silver Contributor
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Member For 3 Years
Ha. I actually added that blue screwdriver hole as a goof. So I can see it occasionally and remind myself how worthless they are.

And as you know, a majority of that $200+ is the prettifying of the wood/holes. I started getting hired for refinishing work last year, and the labor is insane. That's not counting the hours upon hours of reading about the chemicals. Simply touching a can of polyurethane instantly forces you to consider joining a woodworking forum.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The first time or 2 I got one of those blue screwdrivers I was like "Oh cool, it comes with its own tool, sweet!". Now Im like "God damn it, not another one!"


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Ha. I actually added that blue screwdriver hole as a goof. So I can see it occasionally and remind myself how worthless they are.

And as you know, a majority of that $200+ is the prettifying of the wood/holes. I started getting hired for refinishing work last year, and the labor is insane. That's not counting the hours upon hours of reading about the chemicals. Simply touching a can of polyurethane instantly forces you to consider joining a woodworking forum.

Yea I know, its a labor intensive process if its done by hand. But thats pretty well all youre paying for, otherwise its just a lump of wood with some holes in it, and I cant justify spending $200+ on a piece of wood with holes in it when I could spend $20 for the wood, another $30 for a edging bit and then $150+ on beer for the fun project ahead.


Gold Contributor
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I actually found a use for one of my little blue Philips ones. It's the same size as the ID of my coils so I use it as a ream when I clean my coils.

I always thought of the little blue screwdriver as sort of a prize, like I used to get in cracker jacks long ago....

The rest of the them have gone the way of the cracker jacks prize....lost and forgotten.

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