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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Yes i use some off and on, I use a defusser and put a drop or two on my tongue

I wonder what “pure”oils are? Sigh, I’ll just look for Tea Tree oils. I used to use it every winter, even just to put on my nostrils, but I forgot to get it this winter!!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cura.te has specifically formulated a 65% alcohol hand sanitizer and is giving away hand soap with some orders. (No, we are not receiving any kickbacks from the sale of this sanitizer. They are a great company that support our mission.)
  • Of course, Centers for Disease Control has provided good guidelines that you can review here.
Don't panic and do what I've seen some other parents in the news doing -- spraying Lysol all over their kids and living space. Read those ingredients!!


Use This Instead:
Diffuse Frankincense, Thieves Oil and Lavender
You can make a homemade disinfectant with those oils and colloidal silver. Vinegar is great also...just smells bad for a little while.


**If my family is feeling run down, we use the frankincense several times a day...on our feet and our solar plexus (right under the breast bone). True story: When my oldest son got typhoid fever in Peru, he was VERY sick. We were able to get him home, dousing him with frankincense every 3 hours and within a couple of days, he was well. He had many rounds of antibiotics in Peru, but when we got him home, we did good ole' Frankincense. Boswellia is well-known effective anti-viral agent.

What to Eat and Drink?
Cut your sugar, dairy, and processed foods. Eat a healthy plant-centered diet. When you do that, you reduce the energy needed to digest meats...instead, focus on eating nutrient dense whole-foods. Processed foods include additives our body doesn't even recognize as real food and adds to the toxic burden on our bodies. Eat real food.

Genesis 1:29, NIV: "Then God said, 'I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." ... I have given you every seed-bearing plant throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food."

Drinking warm water or tea is effective for all viruses. So, stay away from ice cold drinks. Instead have a cup of white tea (highest concentration of antioxidants), or drink green tea, rooibus tea, or a citrus tea....all high in antioxidants. Note: If you don't have access to organic vegetables or fruit....wash them really well. Just juice.

Elderberry tea is delicious! Boil the dried elderberries, let steep, add little cinnamon and a spoonful of manuka honey and some lemon and you have a super drink that is also anti-viral.


Juicing is your friend! Juice those fresh vegetables and herbs that are high in anti-viral properties. Juices are high in antioxidants and life-giving plants that provide super concentrated nutrients when you juice them. My favorite: 3 carrots, a thumbnail of turmeric, 1/3 lemon and 1 green apple, with added spinach, kale, or swiss chard greens for extra nutrient power!

Other items we keep around our house:
Colloidal Silver (our family takes a tablespoon a day for prevention and we take that every 4 hours if we are not well.)
Peppermint Oil
Vitamin C Powder (I use high doses of 5,000-10,000 mg a day)

The Cromwell

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But in other articles, he said the only real way to stop corona from spreading is to initiate medical quarantine ie: medical martial law. Lockdown for a month or so on travel etc so that spreading is stopped.
I don’t like the idea of “martial law” either, but I’m not sure what else we can do at this point. Scary.
But the headline declared that we are under medical martial law. Not even sure there is such a thing.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
  • Laughter - You have to! It truly is “good medicine”. Proverbs 17:22 -- "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." While you are at home because your trip has been cancelled, or the kids are home from school, find some good, clean comedy to brighten your day and put a smile on your face. (look up Dry Bar Comedy on YouTube for some clean laughs)
  • Positive news - Turn off the TV news and read or watch things that are encouraging and uplifting. If there is anything bad going on that you need to know, someone will surely tell you! You may also want to stay off of social media if you tend to be frustrated or discouraged by what you see there. Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.
  • Music - Young David, the shepherd boy, would play his harp to soothe the troubled soul of King Saul. In the same way, music can lift us up and bring joy and encouragement to our troubled souls and ailing bodies. Choose to put on some beautiful music that makes you happy or causes you to focus on the goodness and power of God. Ephesians 5:19 “Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart," If you are feeling blue, put on some music that you can dance to and dance your blues away! Play some soothing instrumental music when you feel anxious or stressed or while you pray. (You can listen and watch DappyTKeys on YouTube)
  • Nature - Take a walk or just go outside. Nature is very soothing to our souls. Fresh air and sunshine benefit us physically, but the smells and sounds of nature can promote calm and peaceful feelings. Psalms 96: 11-12 Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.
  • Scripture - Listen to Scripture online or record your own voice reading sections of Scripture that are meaningful to you. You can also record the Affirmations for each day. Your body responds positively to the sound of your own voice. That is why we recommend reading the Affirmations aloud. Fill your mind with what is good and wholesome and praiseworthy. (Audio of healing Scriptures.)
  • Practice gratitude - Instead of focusing on the chaos in the world around you or people you don't agree with....write things down that you are thankful for. 1 Thess 5:16-18 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Grab a journal, and daily in the morning and the evening, record your gratitude. SAY IT OUT LOUD! And for those who oppose how you feel about what's going on in the world, BLESS THEM. Don't curse them. You can't change people. Speaking encouraging words to others helps you and them with perspective.
  • Find a HealingStrong Group, or Start a Group! People need hope and they need to understand truth filtered through His Word. We will help you educate others. God will open doors for you to educate others when the opportunity arises....and, if you are interested in becoming a HealingStrong Group Leader and help your community live with hope...well then, sign up! We need more groups!
  • Sleep - Get good quality sleep. This is not only important to you physically, but we all know that our emotional health suffers when we do not get good sleep. Sleep is also important for your immune system. If you aren't sleeping well, consider changing your routine before bedtime, eliminate caffeine, take melatonin and for me-- I rub sesame oil and lavender on my feet at night.
  • Future - Make plans for your future like planning a trip or organizing a reunion.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
But the headline declared that we are under medical martial law. Not even sure there is such a thing.

I think you’d have to read his stuff. I only heard about him through this thread and much of the stuff he’s written has turned out to be straight up. I’m not sure there is such as medical martial law either. I took it to mean quarantine to stop community spread.

Although, in NY the mayor has called in the Guard to “protect people from the virus”. Armed protectors against the virus? Not sure how that works. Stopping people coughing on each other, or shaking hands? Not wearing masks? A lot of room there for bad to happen!!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
  • Laughter - You have to! It truly is “good medicine”. Proverbs 17:22 -- "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." While you are at home because your trip has been cancelled, or the kids are home from school, find some good, clean comedy to brighten your day and put a smile on your face. (look up Dry Bar Comedy on YouTube for some clean laughs)
  • Positive news - Turn off the TV news and read or watch things that are encouraging and uplifting. If there is anything bad going on that you need to know, someone will surely tell you! You may also want to stay off of social media if you tend to be frustrated or discouraged by what you see there. Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.
  • Music - Young David, the shepherd boy, would play his harp to soothe the troubled soul of King Saul. In the same way, music can lift us up and bring joy and encouragement to our troubled souls and ailing bodies. Choose to put on some beautiful music that makes you happy or causes you to focus on the goodness and power of God. Ephesians 5:19 “Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart," If you are feeling blue, put on some music that you can dance to and dance your blues away! Play some soothing instrumental music when you feel anxious or stressed or while you pray. (You can listen and watch DappyTKeys on YouTube)
  • Nature - Take a walk or just go outside. Nature is very soothing to our souls. Fresh air and sunshine benefit us physically, but the smells and sounds of nature can promote calm and peaceful feelings. Psalms 96: 11-12 Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.
  • Scripture - Listen to Scripture online or record your own voice reading sections of Scripture that are meaningful to you. You can also record the Affirmations for each day. Your body responds positively to the sound of your own voice. That is why we recommend reading the Affirmations aloud. Fill your mind with what is good and wholesome and praiseworthy. (Audio of healing Scriptures.)
  • Practice gratitude - Instead of focusing on the chaos in the world around you or people you don't agree with....write things down that you are thankful for. 1 Thess 5:16-18 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Grab a journal, and daily in the morning and the evening, record your gratitude. SAY IT OUT LOUD! And for those who oppose how you feel about what's going on in the world, BLESS THEM. Don't curse them. You can't change people. Speaking encouraging words to others helps you and them with perspective.
  • Find a HealingStrong Group, or Start a Group! People need hope and they need to understand truth filtered through His Word. We will help you educate others. God will open doors for you to educate others when the opportunity arises....and, if you are interested in becoming a HealingStrong Group Leader and help your community live with hope...well then, sign up! We need more groups!
  • Sleep - Get good quality sleep. This is not only important to you physically, but we all know that our emotional health suffers when we do not get good sleep. Sleep is also important for your immune system. If you aren't sleeping well, consider changing your routine before bedtime, eliminate caffeine, take melatonin and for me-- I rub sesame oil and lavender on my feet at night.
  • Future - Make plans for your future like planning a trip or organizing a reunion.

I’m not a practicing Christian now, but this should help people who are. They’re very positive. Is this from the Bollingers? :hug:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Dirty Truth: 5 Reasons to Sink to the Soil

Hyper-hygiene in 2020 has plenty of Americans living in fear of getting dirty.

Not everyone, certainly. People living in rural areas are much more likely to commune with dirt, and the dirt they come in contact with is likely to be of higher quality than urban dirt.

The reason for that is simple — there’s more pollution in urban areas, and whatever’s in the air and the water eventually makes it way to dirt. You see, dirt is really just… tiny rocks, clay, sand, and organic matter (leaves, seeds, decaying animals, bones, etc.)

And despite the Western obsession with sanitization (not without reason — unchecked germs have been the cause of disease spread and development for millenia), dirt has an intense and rippling effect on the world we live in.

Healthy soil is necessary to grow our food, obviously. But the real boone in soil is its microbes — that’s what makes soil so beneficial.

Microbes: Any living thing too small to be seen without a microscope, including bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes (protists.)

In soil, you’ll find tons of bacteria and fungi, algae, protists, and archaea. Without them, soil wouldn’t have the life-giving properties that it has. They protect plants against diseases, help plants extract nitrogen from the air, which later becomes part of amino acids and proteins within the plants. They decompose organic matter in soil, which allows plants to feast on their nutrients.

And as it turns out, microbes themselves are really beneficial for human life.

Here are the four biggest ways they impact you positively…

Improved Digestion

The gut is a microbiome — an ecosystem, a hive of bacteria. So is dirt! And both thrive on diversity.

In fact, research suggests that there are commonalities between the microbiota of the gut and the roots of plants.

Many common gut issues can be traced back to bacterial imbalances — from using antibacterial soaps or antibiotics, from not getting enough nutrients through our food, even just from being stressed out.

Coming into contact with soil can help replenish depleted healthy bacteria in the gut. You’re getting those microbes under your nails, into your lungs, onto your skin, and ultimately into your body.

Prevent allergies

In 2012, the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology published a study on Amish children. The findings were shocking, because they confirmed something known as the “Farm Effect”.

What the study determined was that children living on farms were 50% less likely to develop asthma, allergies, and gut disorders than urban children growing up in “hygienic” and sterilized worlds.

Here’s the reasoning: humans developed alongside the bacteria in soil for millions of years. Through exposure, the immune system was able to judge certain bacteria, like pollen, as harmless.

Without that exposure, when children encounter pollen later in life, the body reacts like the foreign bacteria is a threat, and has no context for defending itself.

Thus, an allergy is born.

Detoxification of your Skin

Most of the skincare products advertised in commercials on the shelves of your supermarket are hyper focused on making sure that skin is clean and clear. But they go about it by sterilizing, removing oil, using alcohol to kill bacteria, and so on.

Here’s the thing: your skin needs bacteria, specifically Nitrosomonas, which are killed off by sterilizing skincare chemicals. It also needs ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, found in abundance in dirt. Those bacteria eat the yucky parts in sweat and turn them into healthy bacteria.

Even acne, an inflammatory disorder, can be linked to changes in the bacterial population in the skin — diversifying and restoring skin microbiota just by rubbing dirt on your hands can help!

Antidepressant microbes

You may have heard that dirt is the new Prozac — well, there’s something to that.

There is the main factor at work here: Mycobacterium vaccae, which imitates the effects of Prozac in that it may lead to serotonin production.

You see, that bacteria raises cytokine (a bodily substance that advances the production of other cells), which in turn spurs serotonin.

When serotonin production is higher, so is cognitive function and concentration, and the stress is lowered.

So when people connect nature, gardening, and getting dirty with feeling happier, freer, and less agitated, it’s literally a chemical reaction.

The most important thing to understand is that there is a difference between clean and sterile.

It’s good to be clean. It’s good to wash your hands with simple soap and water. It’s good to wash your clothes when you’ve worn them a few times.

What’s never good is severing the connection that your body’s microbiome has to microbiomes in the natural world.

They’ve been around longer than we have.

Plus, they raised us. We owe them our evolution. Don’t leave them alone for too long…


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Wal mart is gonna become a Corona Virus magnet...
Then I'm goin somewhere else:eek::eek:. I had to go do blood today, felt like i needed a full body rubber, never seen so many people there, there was at least 75 waiting to just do blood work:eek:

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yep I already emailed corporate and told them I would be taking my business elsewhere if they did that. And asked about moving my prescriptions to another pharmacy and not CVS because they were going to do it there too. They are tied in with CVS somehow in the pharmacy end of it.

Crissakes there are hospitals and such with parking lots.

Well we just got tested lets go in and pick up a few things while we are here...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yep I already emailed corporate and told them I would be taking my business elsewhere if they did that. And asked about moving my prescriptions to another pharmacy and not CVS because they were going to do it there too. They are tied in with CVS somehow in the pharmacy end of it.

Crissakes there are hospitals and such with parking lots.

Well we just got tested lets go in and pick up a few things while we are here...
You know if they are given a prescription they will go right in there and fill it or if they just happen to need something from the store do you think they are gonna think twice about just running in and getting it? They sure don't haveta worry about catching the corona's.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
One Article Two Posts

When Courage Is A Health Issue

Most of you know, I think, that Vivien and I had a Christmas with family in England (first time in 17 years!) In the heartland of beautiful Cumbria, the British "Lake District", where I lived before moving to the USA, I was very surprised to find they had, at long last recovered the body of Donald Campbell, the speed ace.

He was killed at the age of only 45, in a world water speed record attempt in 1967. But his body was only recovered in 2001. It had lain at the bottom of Lake Coniston (Coniston Water) for nearly 4 decades. Campbell was finally laid to rest in a quiet churchyard in Coniston village. Vivien and I were moved to find his grave and it stirred mighty thoughts!


The bluebird symbol was in honor of his speedboats, which had been successively named Bluebird, up to K7, which was his last. K7 was powered by an aircraft jet engine!

Donald Malcolm Campbell, broke eight absolute world speed records on water and on land in the 1950s and 1960s. He remains the only person to set both world land and water speed records in the same year. One of his records was set on Lake Mead, Nevada, just down the road from where I live in Las Vegas!

His final, fatal attempt was to break the 300 mph. barrier (480 km/h). His first run reached a blistering 297.6 mph (478.9 km/h). But on the second run, the boat lifted, spun over and broke up. He was presumed dead instantly. Hitting the water at around 300 mph is like landing on concrete. Later evidence suggested he was likely decapitated. [Wikipedia]

Here comes the spooky part:

On the night before his death, while playing cards, he had drawn the ace and queen of spades. Reflecting upon the fact that Mary, Queen of Scots, had drawn the same two cards the night before she was beheaded, Campbell told his mechanics, who were playing cards with him, that he had a fearful premonition that he was going to “get the chop”.

On salvage, the boat still contained fuel in the engine fuel lines, discounting a fuel-starvation theory. The wreckage all evidenced an impact from left to right, wiping the whole front of the boat off in that direction. Campbell's lower harness mounts had failed and were found to be effectively useless.

The remains of Campbell's craft was recovered by the Bluebird Project. The project began when diver Bill Smith was inspired to look for the wreck after hearing the Marillion song "Out of this World" (from the album Afraid of Sunlight), which was written about Campbell and Bluebird. Campbell's body was finally located and recovered from the lake on 28 May 2001, still wearing his signature blue nylon overalls.

DNA testing proved the identification was correct.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Part Two

So, why am I telling you this?
First, I was profoundly moved, standing at the man's graveside. I was a little choked, to be honest. It seemed to make the seasonal guzzling and partying a little shallow and silly.

I also tried to imagine strapping myself into a jet-propelled craft, with a heavy premonition of death, knowing that the least slip would be fatal, and I had to admit to myself that I could not have done it.

I have faced death a few times in my career, such as dragging victims from a burning car, disarming a murderous psychopath, tending a crash victim with cars hurtling past mere inches away and being on the wrong end of a gun. But these were instant, unthinking reactions; nothing like the cold-blooded courage that Campbell must have manifest that day.

It started me wondering about courage as a quality. I hope after reading this missive that you may perhaps resolve to do better. We live lives of such unimaginable convenience and comfort that there is sometimes little motivation to do something, just because we would be a better person to do it.

And no, I don't mean taking risks, whether unnecessary or calculated. I'm talking about things like honoring others, resolving conflict, surrendering our sovereignty when someone needs help and doing what we can to save our environment.

Behaving well towards others does require courage. You have to believe the result will be worth it, if you admit "I was wrong, sorry."

Being charitable does require the courage to trust that you will regain what you lost—or at least that you will survive without whatever it was.

It requires courage to be the best we can be, whatever the circumstances. Some people are scared of flying; some make themselves do it anyway; others can't face it…

But what's the alternative? If you don't measure up, you know you have failed. You are less of a person than you might have been. It can be hard to feel good about yourself after that. What do you suppose would have happened to Donald Campbell, if he'd announced, "I don't think I can do this," and called off the attempt?

He'd probably have ended up a drunk.

An alcoholic is often a person who has failed the courage test, lost his or her self-respect, and taken to drink to hide the misery. There are many other "solutions" that seemed to me, that morning, were simply ways to duck an action that required more courage than the person was willing to invest.

Because that's how I see it: like an investment balance sheet. How much are you willing to risk on the plus side, to avoid a miserably negative side outcome? It's a trade off we all make. So much of this and so much of that. But how often is it the mediocrity of compromise?

Don't go there.

I urge you to remember the wonderful words of Stephen Spender and his poem which starts: I think continually of those who were truly great.

Even if you are not much into poetry, you must surely see that these lines about men and women like Donald Campbell, who should inspire us to have the courage to be the best we can be (English spellings throughout):

Near the snow, near the sun, in the highest fields,
See how these names are fêted by the waving grass
And by the streamers of white cloud
And whispers of wind in the listening sky.
The names of those who in their lives fought for life,
Who wore at their hearts the fire’s centre.
Born of the sun, they travelled a short while toward the sun
And left the vivid air signed with their honour.

Stephen Spender, “The Truly Great” from Collected Poems 1928-1953. Copyright © 1955 by Stephen Spender. Reprinted by permission of Ed Victor Ltd.


Campbell's last words were: "I can't see anything. I've got the bows out. I'm going..."

OK, I hope you'll forgive this seasonal musing, at a seasonal time, and don't find it preachy. Happy (and Courageous) New Year!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Good podcast.
Can we survive the pandemic of stupid?

I thought you’d like him if you listened. Did you listen to the one he did about the globalists and corona? Jimi posted the link. It was a really good one, imho.
Edit: the link is in my comment there. ^^^^^^^^^ above this reply.

The Cromwell

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Member For 4 Years
I thought you’d like him if you listened. Did you listen to the one he did about the globalists and corona? Jimi posted the link. It was a really good one, imho.
Edit: the link is in my comment there. ^^^^^^^^^ above this reply.
naah avoid such things for the most part and a big reason why I like the Med Cram series on corona, no politics just facts and good advise.

As a general rule I would prefer to keep stubbing my toe bad than listen to talking heads types, regardless of political persuasion, etc.
I do like a good teacher type though. Just the facts Maam as Joe Friday used to say :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
naah avoid such things for the most part and a big reason why I like the Med Cram series on corona, no politics just facts and good advise.

As a general rule I would prefer to keep stubbing my toe bad than listen to talking heads types, regardless of political persuasion, etc.
I do like a good teacher type though. Just the facts Maam as Joe Friday used to say :)

I’m not sure it’s political really. He just talked about what’s happening to the earth with pollution, plastics, etc. But if you don’t want to, don’t. I thought he did well. He’s a smart guy with foresight, imho.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Member For 4 Years
I’m not sure it’s political really. He just talked about what’s happening to the earth with pollution, plastics, etc. But if you don’t want to, don’t. I thought he did well. He’s a smart guy with foresight, imho.

Ohh I have seen enough of all that about how self destructive and short sighted the human race is.
I am firmly convinced that it is the goal of the human race to exterminate themselves.

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